Addressing journalists at a press conference on Friday in Bor town, Daniel Deng, director of Twic East County Hospital, said the new cases recorded include 88 males, 24 females, and 3 infants.
“From date thirteen of this month, that was the day we started admitting the patients in the hospital, and from that date up to today [Friday], we have admitted one hundred and twenty-five patients.” Said Deng.
Deng noted that although the county hospital has been crowded with an influx of new cases, they have discharged 24 patients in recent days.
“The situation is very hard, and as our commissioner of the county has come to the area, we appreciate his coming, and he has seen the situation where our people are living,” he said.
He appealed to the government and the partners to rescue the situation.
“We are calling for help from the national ministry of health, the state ministry of health, our implementing partners (IPs), and whoever wishes to help us in this situation. Most of the people do not reach the hospital from where they are transported from the swampy areas.”
For his part, Juach Arok Juach, Twic East County Commissioner, said the devastating floods in the county have hindered patients from accessing health facilities.
“Some people never reached the hospital, and others passed away on the way, and it also worries us because there is no mean of transport from the various places to the headquarters, and those who missed the location passed on and were buried at different places,” said Arok.
He said the advised residents in different payams of Twic East to adhere to preventive measures to curb the spread of the disease.
“There are no precautions to bury those died of the disease. Twic east health facility is one health facilities that have limited facilities and as it was upgraded this year,” he said.
“There are not enough facilities that accommodate and isolate this affected patient as there are Infants, men and women combine in one place but they are supposed to be isolate as different cases savior, normal cases.” he added.