![A Mundari settlement between Juba and Terekeka in the early evening when the cows have returned from grazing. [Photo by Tariq Zaidi/Zuma Press]](https://i0.wp.com/www.sudanspost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/download-1.jpg?resize=840%2C473&quality=89&ssl=1)
JUBA – At least 2 people have been killed and 3 others injured following a deadly cattle raid on Thursday at Kworijik in Mangalla Payam of Central Equatoria State in South Sudan, a local official said.
The attacks were carried out by suspected Murle armed raiders from the Greater Pibor area, Sebit Lino Malou, Terekeka County Commissioner.
“We came to discover that they are Murle after killing one of them. This is the first time; they have been raiding cattle, goats, and chickens and abducting children,” Malou told Dawn in an interview on Thursday.
Malou disclosed that the armed attackers’ had also raided an undisclosed number of cattle.
“They have raided all the cattle and killed 1 person and 3 others injured. 1 person was also killed from their side during the attack at cattle camp,” Malou said.
“This incident occurred today (Thursday) at Kworijik in Mangalla Payam. The Murle attack and raided cattle and up to now, youth are after them and they have not yet recovered the cattle.”
Malou stressed the need to initiate peace dialogue between communities in order to restore peace and stability.
“We want both local authorities in Central Equatoria and the Greater Pibor Administrative area to sit down and resolve this issue amicably. If this fighting continues like this, it may result in the conflict between the authorities in two states in long run,” he said.
He said expressed fears of another attack as armed Murle raiders are reported to be hiding in the bush.
“The security situation in Terekeka County is normal but in Mangalla and Gemeza, the security situation is very bad because there is a report that armed Murle youth are still in the bush,” he said.
Tuesday, three people were killed in a cattle-related attack in Gemeza area, Terekeka County of Central Equatoria state.
“2 people killed, 3 injured in Terekeka cattle raid”
says who? These low lives are again playing games, but when their bullshits, is later taken head-on, then they will cry babies. What is “=’Kworijik or kuorajith?’ Let me tell you this pieces of shits, during our mighty SPLM/A war with our cloned so-called arab of North Sudan, the Mundaris of ‘division of Intifada (Uprising) were armed to teeth by our mighty SPLM/A and told to bomb ‘the Mundukurus (Arabs) out of their village of Roukon, a few kilometers out of downtown Juba——our Mundaris of all people cowered and surrendered themselves into Roukon in 1991–1992, and let the ‘Jaangs/Jiengs/Jenges/Jongkoths/Muonyjiengs/Dinkas fight it out, with Mundukurus (Arabs), my father was killed in the battle of Roukon in 1992, from ‘battalion of Raat, lightening, division of Koryom, grasshopper/locust’.
The Mundukurus (Arabs) 1995-1996, urged the ‘Mudandaris, to come Bor and settle in Bor, they were told that the Bor is no more’.
They came and made their cheap rituals at ‘Pariak and were about to attack Bor. The boys who were still nursing their wounds and everyone bombed the low lives out of ‘Pariak and Panwel’. Mr. Mundaris were bombed back to their villages.
My own grand grand grand father, was killed in ‘by the English criminals in Mongalla long time long time ago, from Bor. He was a paramount chief, he told the English low lives, not come to his villages without informing elders—–*there was an Spanish flu or pandemic, then, and white people, Arabs and evil juus (so-called israelis) were the ones, who were spreading it onto other people, were warned to not bring their bullshit again, to home village. The English people, didn’t heed the warnings, they came again, they were killed. My grand grand grand father, told the young boys, to ‘let the white take me, but not you and your country’.
The English people took my grand grand grand father to Mongalla and Killed him there. My grand grand grand father was even married to a Mundari woman, from Kebura, Nile West Bank. Fellows, be very careful fellows. The Jaangs/Jiengs/Jenges/Jongkoths/Muonyjiengs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt are 100% well ahead of you pieces of shits. Bring it on. All the cattle on planet earth our cattle. Fellows, The Nile Nile valleys and plains, in Cattle camps, here in Jonglei and Upper Nile, Lakes state and central Equatoria, ‘boys in cattle camps and and even in city and towns, villages, always go and blend in and wrestling—it is always of life’:https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=a8e3ac495c6886bb94c1ddd2fb3e0c5fe631f498d2ca5138b14a0c217cd8ce68JmltdHM9MTY1MzYyNzIxNyZpZ3VpZD0zY2U4NDM2MS1lZmI0LTQ5N2QtODgxZi04MDRiOGZjMmUzYTUmaW5zaWQ9NTE1NQ&ptn=3&fclid=f8239d58-dd78-11ec-a398-31d0be998b4e&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj1PNTV1a011b3docw&ntb=1
Fellows, watch this space.>>>