JUBA – Two United States Senators have introduced a resolution that would install a revitalized American policy towards South Sudan stressing that South Sudan leaders have failed to uphold their responsibilities towards their citizens.
In the resolution, Senators James Risch and Booker said South Sudan leaders “have consistently failed to uphold their responsibilities to create the conditions for peace and prosperity, have prioritized self-preservation and corruption over the needs of the people they represent, have acted in bad faith in the implementation of cease-fire and peace agreements, and have betrayed the cause of freedom, resulting in the loss of millions of innocent lives.”
They also stressed “South Sudan has not held an election since its independence and the current leaders of South Sudan were appointed or installed through transitional arrangements based on peace agreements”
They called on the “Secretary of State to lead a comprehensive interagency process to develop a revitalized United States policy toward South Sudan that (A) identifies a broader range of South Sudanese political and civilian stakeholders, beyond President Kiir and First Vice President Machar, with whom the United States may work for the promotion of peace, democracy, development, accountability, transparency, and anti-corruption efforts.”
That policy will also “restores United States diplomatic leadership with regard to South Sudan alongside European and African partners, reflects the realities of the conflict and the political context in South Sudan [and] increases diplomatic efforts to urge regional actors, particularly in Kenya and Uganda, to investigate assets of corrupt South Sudanese elites and ensure Kenya and Uganda are no longer havens for conflict- and corruption-related proceeds.”
South Sudan has been in a deadly conflict since December 2013 after a national gathering of the ruling SPLM party turned violence leading to civilian massacres in Juba sparking army mutiny among top army officers commenced one of the most deadly civil wars in the continent that has displaced millions and killed hundreds of thousands.
A peace agreement signed in September 2018 has not been properly implemented owing to lack of will of the South Sudanese leaders.
“American senators introduce resolution seeking ‘revitalized’ US policy on South Sudan”
Thank you US of ole America, go and better go and solves your own mess in the US between American Americans and white people. Or your other messes in Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and your ‘double edged sword’ between so-called Israel attack dog and the Palestinian people.
US has turns out to be unreliable ally, but an absolute monster and a mafia country, own by powerful secret society families, multinational banking cartels and corporations. Probably US and their political elites, are living in parallel universe than even average American citizens.
However US has been plainly told back off of South Sudan and over the South Sudanese people South Sudan a country of angry people. And piece of evil on this planet earth or even God to come and claims to be a new South Sudan and the South Sudanese people emperor, would be plainly told to fuck off.
The US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dogs have taken our country and our people hostage. The evils love affair with our country and our people has gone too far. There evil lowly eucated low lives in Washington who even plainly say South Sudan is a US national security interest. Fellows, the level HATRED and RACISM that had been created among South Sudanese towards the evil white Americans, English people, their cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, their Abesh (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and some of their Bantuses has gone very deep.
When the criminals in the US and their allies, that South Sudanese people, are the most ‘racist people on this planet earth than even even white people’ And South Sudanese people don’t forget and revengeful lots. Do some wrong to a Muonyjieng/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka boy or girl, he/she she will revenge. That is how it is.
The US, the UK, their lackeys here in the IGAD, the Africa Union (the AU), their UN, their shifty and some creeps like UNMISS and their Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Rwandans, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, thought; they can occupy or colonize our country and our people through the disguised of the of damned so-called UN AGDEDA 21 or through their so-called UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION or through the disguise of the so-called humanitarian aid, donations, peacekeeping or their damned so-called human rights scams.
Though coercion, blackmails and threats. Really, what does the US and her allies really think, they are to South Sudan and the South Sudanese people? That South Sudan and the South Sudanese people would always be used as a apologetically chess game or football, by some low lives educated criminals in Worthington, London, Tel Aviv, Rome, Adis Ababa, New York or London to achieve dirty secret society and sinister project.
Yes, there are some of lowly informed and elders, fake PhD doctors and foreign puppets/stooges and traitors of Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Aduok Nyabe, Majak Agoot, Mr. Pagan Amum, Thomas Cirillo, Rebecca Nyandeng and her son, who have sold themselves and their souls to foreign interest groups and secret societies criminals. And they thought, they can also sell South Sudan and the South Sudanese people to their masters.
Before South Sudan independence in 2011, I myself and with South Sudanese young informed elders, never to renew then United Nation Mission Sudan (UNMIS), we were sternly rebuked that “you are just bunch of young boys with some very bad attitudes towards white people” There was no need current United nations mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). And because the so-called UN peacekeeping missions around the world are guise evil projects by secret societies criminals from the US, the UK, France and other creepy long noses to occupy and colonize other people’s countries by ‘stealth——21 century neocolonization in other words’.
Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, Susan Rice (a prostitute and a globalist’, who even married an English piece of of trash, the people we hate to death, a Dutch prostitute, Ms. Hilde Johnson and former head of the UNMISS and a former South Korea, foreign minister and former UNSC, slittey eyed piece shit, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, horrendously lobbied their other secret societies in that damned UNSC in New York, that the UNMIS be transferred to South Sudan and be called “United nations mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)”
And pronto, the secret societies and globalists dirty project was installed into South Sudan and over South Sudanese people. Here in my states of Jonglei, Mr. David Yau Yau and Lou Nuer were immediately supplied arms from Central Kenya towns of *Nanyuki and Laikipia* by *the British army allegedly training for battles on Equator climate conditions with Indians mercenaries*
When the then government of Jonglei tried disarmed the Murles, the UN, the NGOs and some creeps in between screamed at the top of their evil lungs, that the Murles were being targeted by Dinkas government simply because, they were Murles. We even ‘shot down one of Russian Helicopter, in Pibor, because they were asked a number of times, what they were up, they refused to answer, then they were shot down. They were later turned out to be Indians,Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. The UN later went and made a lot of noise noise about it mercenaries, being shot down in that devil infested building in New York. But who gives a damn about the UN and its evil and dirty project about other people and countries, who know better than what the damn UN is?
When Riek Machar and his bunch of foreign puppets/stooges and traitors, brazenly staged a coup d’tet on 15/12/2013 in Juba on the directives of their foreign masters and secret societies. The Nuers here in Bor, in the so-called UN compounds, came were allowed to get out of UN by the Indians guards. And killed innocent Bor Dinkas/jaangs and when the Jaangs/Dinkas, later found out, the UNMISS and the UN is the fighting us, bombed our Nuers ke nyantoc pretty badly of out Bor town right up Ayod, Nuers heartland, Balliet, Atar and Malakal.
Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth was even highly enraough in 2014 here in Bor, we just wanted to Bomb the damned UNMISS here in Bor to zero, but were advised to durst removed the Nuers low lives out of villages and the UN project, would legally removed here in Jonglei and Upper Nile.
The UN was ‘caught red handed ferrying weapons and munitions’ in Rumbek on UN resisted trucks to then Unity state. The UN flatly denied that ‘the weapons and munitions’ don’t belong to UN and had knowledge of those weapons’
Mr. Salva Kiir himself even came of his cocoon and screamed that the UN wants to rule South Sudan. That friends and I were telling our elders. That US, the UK, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their cloned so-called North Sudan, their Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some Bantuses, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their UN of Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Rwandans, Sri Lankans, Catholicism, Anglicanism, Islamism, voodooism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Judaism and other piece of creeps who are going to BE WIPED OUT OF THIS PLANET EARTH. Reasons, HATRED and RACISM.
Even us who have telling our lowly informed elders, to let just *round up everything that is US, the UK, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their cloned so-called North Sudan, their Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some Bantuses, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their UN of Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Rwandans, Sri Lankans, Catholicism (Roman catholics of Mr. Pope Francis, a former Ageranina poece of trash, Anglicanism (queen Elizabeth of the devil infested island Englanda), Islamism (Muslims) Saudi Arabia Arabia and their gulf Arab (Terrorists) and Mullahs, voodooism (Nigerians and Bantuses) of Boko Haram, Hinduism of Indians, Shamanism (UN and NGOs), Judaism of Jewish North East Turkey and Caucuses of Eastern Europe.
Fellows, the reasons, as to why the Germans didn’t *exterminate the Jewish was up to them*, but their be no *Mighty US, the UK, their trace of their existent* on this planet earth. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM There will be no white evils in South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe (our Bantus best allies), *their so-called white farmers*, Zambia, Malawi* their Bantuses in Tanzania, Burundi, Rwandan, Central Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, will be hanged* All the evil juus (so-called businesses), of *Kobil and Kenol* would be *WIPED OUT MAP*.
The vermins/parasites/viruses thought South Sudan, was their *Next Somalia and that Kenya is a middle income country??!!!! Oh really really? What do the *vermins/parasites/viruses have?!!* Just living over the backs of other people and their counties, like *chakoros (street children). There are people, in Kenya, Turkana, who have been bullied and made a sacrificed evils who are to be bombed Zero/zilch/nought/nothing, reason, pure HATRED and RACISM: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjso5q0tqTzAhVBX30KHUtIBP4QFnoECAUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnation.africa%2Fkenya%2Fcounties%2Fturkana%2Fstarvation-haunts-turkana-residents-as-drought-rages-3564880&usg=AOvVaw28RVv12yMQ-Tc0tVGXsVUJ
*Where is the Middle income Kenya in Turkana?*
Kenyans are just piece of scroungers, they make a living over the backs of other people, Turkana is not Kenya. There is nothing called *mathenge tree inTurkana county*—‘bengu tree is ubiquitous here in some of parts of Eastern Equatoria, every where in Turkana county, Karamonja, Uganda, some parts of Pokot and here in South Sudan, some parts Eastern Equatoria, ‘bengu tree fruits’ are eastern by goats and sheep. And Turkanas, Pokots, Karomanja and Taposas, Marakwets, Samburus; don’t eat bengu trees’.
South Sudanese people who know the games would do as theyalways do, to help their Turkana cousins. It is another begging cycle. Turkana, South Sudan, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, Tigray Region, North Sudan, Kakuma refugee came, Northern refugee camp, AFRICA UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION. GOOD LUCK FELLOWS. I will be be damned if there will Kenya ever ever again, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
i studied at your Nakuru high school, and I am one of the boys who will again help BOMBED THE EVIL WHITE AMERICANS, white English people, their cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, their Abeshas (ethiopians) prostitutes, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, some of their Bantuses, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their UNIMISS of Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans; Guru Nanak, in Nairobi would be destroyed, in Nakuru, it would be destroyed. Pure HATRED and RACISM.>>>
Mzungu a ende Ulaya, Muafrica apate Uhuru (white man go home, Africans get independence/Muhindi/ Indians (Maize/corn) carriers on their arses, go home, MuAfrica, apate Uhuru—–that is the meaning of MAU MAU for Bantus’s god sake.
Bantuses are not our equals, they worship, Arabs, Indians and their evil juus (so-called israelis) and rubbish in between. There is our elders, Mr. William Deng Nhial, was advised by Uhuru Kenyatta to come and fight our cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan inside South Sudan. Deng Nhial heed Kenyatta advised, little did he kned, Mr. Kenyatta, was just another Bantu lowly once of trash. Mr. William was came be ‘ambushed by our so-called arabs North Sudan on his way his home of Tonj to Wau our Acholdit and killed.
All the chiefs were rounded here in Bor to day’s/ Jonglei/Upper Nile our cloned our so-called of North Sudan and hanged them. Fellows, we are the ancient Egyptians. Follow us if you really can.
Pure HATRED and RACISM here. Countries like Kenya and other piece of rubbishes have been allowed to play games with humans for along times, but are there some limits.
My own self,
Sudans posts, re-editing and replace some words or and even remove a comma doesn’t make anything. You only try to ‘project your own bias that you may better at English than the writer of post’. There is what is called artificial intelligent (AI). It is used these days around the world. But artificial are human who their own ‘biases’. I am a civil engineer, I know programming than even lowly educated white criminals. I studied civil engineering at McGill, Montreal, Canada Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, as an exchange student and the University of NSW, Australia.
Note ‘Germans teach their undergraduates boys/girls in German. Even Europeans who don’t have a good ‘commend’ of Germans, they don’t admit them to their universities because, they would not go and understand anything, but with postgraduates, the Germans’ universities and colleges teach the boys/girls in other languages including German.
There are some low lives, who follow other, people and that I was telling, ‘never re-edit someone post’. Simply to ‘insert’ a letter or a comma. simply to make the one posts comment seem like he/she don’t understand English, is pretty much very dangerous. Most English people are lowly educated piece of trashes.
Probably though, the vermins/parasites/viruses think, I am one of their usual fake PhD doctors of Mr. Riek machar, Lam Akol and others. They have been stalking me 24/7, my family, my friends and some my acquaintances. Their artificial intelligence (AI) is *trained/projected* onto this post I am. It would go and be analyzed, re-edited.
South Sudan and the South Sudanese people are where the evils *in the US, the UK, their cloned so-called Arabs of North, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some of their Bantuses, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab paymasters, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their UN so-called Agenda 21, UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL REGIONAL INTEGRATION. Being touted about foreign secret societies and their humanitarian aid, donations, peacekeeping and their human rights scam.
White Americans, White English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dog, cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Bantuses, Abeshas ( so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Irish people, Italians, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, sri Lankans don’t have lives.
I am one of the boys who is again going to help bomb these vermins/parasites/viruses out our country and over our people, once and for all. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. And South Sudan Sudanese who will ever again try to bring
White Americans, White English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dog, cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Bantuses, Abeshas ( so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Irish people, Italians, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, sri Lankans into our lives ever ever again in name of ‘rebuilding South Sudan’ like in 2005. would be as good as dead. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
There are some South Sudan, who think, other South Sudan would always fight them. Some it works, but there are some limits. Be informed fools, WWIII is going here in South Sudan and their will be no damned US bullshit in our country and over our ever ever again. White people can dare challenged us are ‘Germans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese and some people we respect. But the US, the UK, France and their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog, are going to bombed. Nil/zero/nought/nothing——reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. I am one who is bombed Eastern Jerusalem to zero and gives it to Palestinian people, Islam is not a religion, never has and will never ever will.
*Bole International airport in Abesh (so-called ethiopia airport, would be a parking lot, Jomo Kenyatta international airport in Kenya, would be a parking lot. King Fahd international in Saudi Arbia, would parking lot, Ben-guron international airport in the evil juus (so-called attack dog) would be parking lot, reason, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Let the vermins/parasites/viruse, move to Poland/New York and Western Australia. We are going there anyway. whether they like it or not. We are the masters of longshot warfares. Fellows, the Nile is not control by low lives, it is control by the owners—-us.