JUBA – The Central Equatoria State Butchers Union on Friday rejected the order of the Minister of Animal Resources, Fisheries and Tourism, Alex Lotiyu Elia, for the dissolution of the union.
On January 25, 2024, Elia issued a ministerial order for the dissolution of the steering committee for Central Equatoria State Butchers’ Union and its sub-offices in Juba markets.
Addressing reporters at a press conference on Friday, Peter Ladu Bero, Central Equatoria State Butchers Union head rejected the minister’s order, saying the ministry doesn’t have a right to dissolve the union which he said is an independent body.
“The order made by the minister is unconstitutional according to the Butchers’ Union Constitution article 7 (a) which says general assembly shall be the highest authority of Central Equatoria State Butchers’ Union and its decision shall be binding and final on all matters relating to union and its members,” he said.
Ladu said the minister was supposed to summon the leadership in case of any problem.
“The minister was acting out of law and order, and we are not going to accept the minister’s order,” he said.
He said the law is unconstitutional and violates Butchers’ Union law.
“We, the Butchers are working with our constitutional affairs and in relationship with local government and specifically under City Council,” he said.
“That is why we rejected the order made by the ministers because it’s unconstitutional according to Butchers’ Union law,” he added.