MALAKAL – Fierce fighting has this morning broke out in Upper Nile state’s Maban county after government forces armed with tanks launched an attack on an opposition base in the area, according to the SPLA-IO spokesman, Brigadier-General William Gatjiath Deng.
In a statement, General Gatjiath said: “Heavy fighting has been on since midnight until the morning hours at Maban County, Upper Nile state between the SSPDF Forces and the SPLA (IO).”
Contacted by Sudans Post this evening, General Gatjiath said fighting was still ongoing and that government forces heavily armed with tanks first attacked the opposition forces in an area in Maban.
”The fighting is going on and the government forces supported by local militia have attacked our base with tanks. Since the morning, the fighting has been ongoing,” the opposition officer said.
The senior opposition commander further condemned that attack and said the latest breach of the deal constitutes “a unacceptable violation of the revitalized peace agreement.”
International communities i.e, the East African body, AU and Troika should condemn the violation of the peace agreement and work harder to bring stability. South Sudanese need peace.