The senior opposition official who refused not to be named said the fear by the two opposition commanders to return to Juba is evidenced in several attempts by President Salva Kiir Mayardit to assassinate them, saying Kiir himself had directed an attempt to kill General Johnson Olony in 2015 before defecting to Machar the a few month later.
“What I am sure of is that 1st Lt. Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual and Lt. Gen. Johnson Olony Thabo will not return to Juba in the near future even if they reach a compromise agreement with the regime of Salva Kiir Mayardit to end the conflict in the country because of their security,” the official told Sudans Post from the Sudanese capital Khartoum.
“One of the reasons is that the regime has attempted to take the lives of the two generals at several occasions. General Olony was about to be killed in 2015 when he fled to join the SPLM-IO which was led back then by Dr. Riek Machar, because when his deputy was killed, he was about to be killed,” the official said.
The rebel official said the regime in Juba had also tried to kill General Simon Gatwech Dual in December 2013 following his release from detention saying he was released because they don’t want him to be killed while in the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) custody.
“General Gatwech fled Juba because he was about to be killed. He was in jail and he was released so that he can be targeted outside the government custody. In August, the regime of Salva Kiir conspired with Riek Machar and attacked out base in Magenis with the purpose of killing the two generals,” he said.
“So, these people they are not joking, they have proven beyond doubt that they are real killers and no one can go to them to be killed. Gen. Gatwech and Gen. Olony are citizens of South Sudan who want to serve the people of South Sudan and save them from the dictatorial regime of President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar, the first vice president,” the official added.
The problem of south Sudan will not be solve by the leadership depend on whoever’s determine how much capability filtration system is at hand because no alternative choice to free the country from devastated steps.
“Gatwech, Olony won’t go to Juba even if they sign peace deal with Kiir over security concerns – aide”
So the good old generals want to fight while they are scared of their own shadows at the same times? South Sudanese people have already made their minds, they are sick of all these bullshits. All what South Sudanese people are after is implement the current deal, however useless it is. and vote both Mr. Salva Kiir and Riek Machar comes the elections. But all these changing of factions to and fro, just keep the status quo to continue.
If Mr. Riek Machar had waited for elections to be held in 2015. And new system would have been in place by now. Thousands of innocent South Sudanese would not have died, South Sudan social fabric would not have been frayed and destruction of properties would not had happened.
But as the saying goes, ‘it is easy [cheap] to destroy things [systems], but it is very expensive and harder to repair things [systems]’
And this is precisely it has becomes South Sudan and the South Sudanese people biggest nightmare, to repair their sociable fabric and our country’s back. because our power hungry Riek Machar and his goons who are addicted to coups and aimless armed rebellions, think it always a good idea to do so.
Thousands of miles away from South Sudan. The world trade towers where brought down by planes exactly 20 years ago today, in New York, US, which innocent over 3,000 innocent civilians lost lost their lives. The US and her allies invaded Afghanistan to go and hunted Mr. Osama Bin Laden. Thousands of US and her allies’ troops went and died in Afghanistan and many more thousands of innocent Afghan civilians died. And more of them displaced. And the Talibans got enraged more and of course, the US, her allies and Talibans have gone full circle where they were 20 years ago.
The ruthless Taliban have taken back their Afghanistan and the US and their allies have gone back home. For those people with brains and humans, would quietly asked themselves, who are the really winners in all these messes?. Not the innocents Afghan civilians or innocent American civilians, the US army generals and their army suppliers, are the winners.
Talibans were not a threat to the US, they are just bunch of illiterate, like some of our South Sudan so-called generals or commanders.
But it is a human nature, invade some one else space, blow up his his/her grandma, wife, sons or daughters. He/she will fight back, it is plain as day and night.
Every South Sudanese knows all this, When the Ottomans (Turks), the British and their current remnants (our cloned so-called of Arabs of North Sudan). Wanted to bring their long nosed into our villages. Ever South Sudanese just South Sudanese, just rolled over from villages, cattle camps and schools, and joined the Anya Nya [one] and the Sudanese People Liberation Army/movement (SPLM/A) en-masse.
Our mighty SPLA would have ‘marched to our Kiirtoum/Khartoum and beyond in 1990 to early 1993′. But Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Aduok Nyabe, Joseph Oduho and others, speared the SPLM/A on the back. And now South Sudanese people are now back to full circle, fighting each others like hungry dogs over a meatless bone.
Our Nuers ke nyantoc, Shilluks (chollos) and others treachery is a disease, They have hold down South Sudan and the South Sudanese people progress.
They like to stir up a beehive and when their child-like-lifestyles is later on very seriously, then they will cry babies, that they are being unfairly targeted by the Muonyjaangs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas. Their fake PhD doctors, Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Aduok Nyabe and their grand imitator, Mr. Pagan Amuom who is being held hostage by his American low lives.
Our Jonglei and Upper Nile states, Nuers ke Nyantoc and Shilluks (Chollos) have nothing to do with these low lives. Malakal has nothing with our Nuers ke nyantoc and Shilluks (Chollos), It is Padang Ngok Muonyjaangs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas.
Yeah, South Sudan must be reverted ’10 states’ from 32 states, so that these foreign criminals can still called themselves parts of Upper Nile and Jonglei states. Fellows, there are some limits. Good luck with that, trying is not a crime. Let Ms. Rebecca Nyandeng, Mr. Majak Agoot, her ugly son, Mabior John Garang, Pagan Amuom, Aduok Nyabe, Thomas Cirillo, Uyai Deng Ajak and other bunch of traitors, foreign puppets/stooges, thieves and secret societies’ criminals’ bring it on again. If they really damn can and get away with it.
Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. Here in my state of Jonglei, any piece of trash, who would dare bring any *evil white American, white English people, a cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, some of their Bantuses, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states financiers, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their UN of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and some of their criminals in between who have attached themselves to our and over our people like ‘leeches/ticks’, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Or if any piece of trash would ever dare brings *the Roman Catholicism, Islamism, Anglicanism, Judaism, Presbyterianism, Voodooism, Hinduism, Jesuitism (a roman catholic sect), Shamanism, into our country and over our people et al*—-on the guise or pretext of their so-called *Humanitarian aid, donations, peacekeeping, human rights [white people people don’t rights low lives], their so-called UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS or their so-called AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION propagated by secret societies and lowly educated fools Mr. former South African piece of trash, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, A bantus piece low low life who was even here to South Sudan by his secret societies handlers; to come and convince South Sudanese to lives side by side with *the Bantuses, Dutch, English people, white Americans,Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and all, since they let their country and their people taken over these low lives*.
Mr. Nelson Mandela, was a low life. Jacob Zuma, at least has some shred of fighting enemies, but he let himself being intrigued by *the Indian Gupta criminals family*.
That is what you get when you rely on evil. Mr. Jacob Zuma, was corrupt, but not the extent White people and Indians in South Africa. Read this link, I used carry this while fighting our enemies in backpack, my munition and machine gun here in South Sudan. It a very good read:
Bantuses are not in the slightest equal with us here in South Sudan and the South Sudanese people. Ms. Xuma (not Jacab Zuma of course), people were ‘goaded’ into *Bantustan by the Apartheid (the Dutch, English, their Asians or Indians)*. White people were their called the upper class, Asians and Arabs were called second class and Bantuses, were called *under class or shit-holes*.
We are ancient Egyptian fools. We don’t marry Bantuses, Indians or Arabs, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, reaosns, pure HATRED and RACISM.