JUBA – The newly-appointed Chief Administrator of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA), Gola Boyoi Gola, has issued an order prohibiting security personnel, civil servants, and humanitarian workers from participating in age-set fights.
Order No. 07/2024 cites the presidential decree on his appointment and relevant legislation as the basis for the ban.
“In exercise conferred upon me under presidential decree (N0.82/2024) and Republic order No.07/2020 for the establishment of Greater Pibor Administrative Area… read together with Article 162(1)(a)(ii) of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, 2011 amended,” the order states.
The order specifically targets “all security apparatus, civil servant employees, staff of international, national and community-based organizations” and prohibits them from involvement in “age-set fights” within the GPAA.
Those who violate the order, which came into effect on May 3, 2024, will face repercussions.
Gola outlined the penalties, stating, “Any humanitarian worker staff found guilty would be arrested and their work contract immediately terminated.”
Security personnel disregarding the ban will be “nabbed and dismissed from the rank and file of military or organized forces.”
Civil servants face similar consequences, with Gola specifying “arrest and being dismissed from the list of the government civil servant employees.”
Age-set conflicts, described as “simmering youth fights” by Gola, pose a security challenge in the region.
This administrative order aims to prevent individuals employed in security, governance, and humanitarian sectors from contributing to these tensions.