JUBA, APRIL 19, 2023 (SUDANS POST) – South Sudan’s ministry of General Education and Instruction on Wednesday released the results of the Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) 2022-2023, declaring oil-rich Unity as the best performing state among other states.
The results were announced by the deputy minister of general education and instruction Martin Tako at the end of the 16th ordinary meeting of the council conducted at Grand Hotel in the capital Juba on Wednesday afternoon.
Martin said that the overall pass percentage is 64.3 with Unity State being the best performing state with at least 78.9 as the pass percentage and following by Jonglei State.
“The overall percentage of those who passed is 64.3%. 95.4 percent are male, 92.9 are female and the total percentage of pass marks is 94.3. On the performance by the states, number one is Unity State 78.9 percent followed by Jonglei State,” Martin said.
The senior government official further said that the best performing subject for the academic year 2022-2023 is social studies, having been mathematic last year and indicated that the overall performance has been affected by natural disasters such as floods.
“On the performance of the various subjects this year the best-performed subject is social studies with 80 percent followed by science with 74.3,” Martin said.
“Last year, we had students who performed very well in mathematics, this year it has dropped and instead it is social studies,” he added.
According to Martin, 34,528 of the registered 60, 831 candidates were males, while 26,303 were females. According to the result, male candidates outperformed female candidates with 95.4 percent compared to 92.9 percent.
Martin said that nearly one thousand male candidates failed over two thousands failed among the female candidates.
Congratulations to all candidate for their effort for achieving the goal of Ministry of General Education and Instructions.
great work