Martin Tako Moyi, the Deputy Minister for General Education and Instruction said the male candidates have performed better than their girls’ counterparts in the long awaited examination results.
Out of the 29,173 males who set for examination, 26,508 pass the examination with an overall pass rate of 90.1 percent.
Out of 20,389 males who set for examinations, 17,707 passed with an overall 96.8 percent.
In last year’s exams, girls outshined their boys’ counterparts.
Female candidates have performed with a passing percentage of 97.4% compared to the male at 97.3%.
Girls improved in their performance in 2020 posting 97.5 percent unlike in 2019 where they had 93.2 percent.
This was an increment of 4.3 percent in the year 2020.
Flood-affected areas of Unity state have been ranked as the best-performing state with 87.5 percent followed by Jonglei state with 83.3 percent and Pibor administrative area with a performance index of 77.8 percent.
The best candidates are John Deng with 479 from Alpha Junior Academy and Nicodemus Abuk with 479 from St. Andrew Nursery and primary school in Jonglei state.
The English language is the worst performed subject, followed by mathematics while Christian Religious Education was best-performed subject followed by social studies.