JUBA – South Sudan’s Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) is warning the government in Juba against vowing to external pressure on the establishment of the hybrid court provided for in the revitalized peace agreement reiterating that the agreement was designed to fail.
“This Agreement simply lacks credibility when it comes to building peace at the local level as it has no single clause addressing real grass roots issues such as communal violence and cattle raiding as well as mundane gun criminality. In fact, the Agreement has fractured the country more, starting from the National, states, Counties and Payams levels to the level of communities,” it said in a statement extended to Sudans Post this afternoon.
“Now, although the implementation is hardly moving forward, due to lack of commitment and good will on the part of the Groups signatory to the Agreement, foreign pressure is again imposing the establishment of ‘Hybrid Court’. This Hybrid Court should under no circumstances be accepted to be constituted by all political and military activists,” it said.
“Before the implementation of the ‘Security Arrangements’, particularly the formation of the national Army and subsequent removal of the floating armaments in the hands of unauthorized militias and civil population that use them with impunity for criminal purposes, like cattle raiding, revenge killing etc.
“There are paramount peace building prerequisites that must be enacted or accomplished before accountability and judgment are pronounced. For instance, compensation, Peace and Healing process should precede any accountability and punitive action in order not to prejudice cordial coexistence amongst the communities.
“The premature establishment of the Hybrid Court is certainly and obviously a reasonable ground for those political and military leaders who are already sanctioned and/or indicted or are about to face charges for having committed crimes against humanity but still in full control of their armed militia forces to refrain from engaging in the implementation process.
“How can a sane person who is fully aware of numerous murderous offences he has committed freely relinquish or surrender power and to voluntarily walk into the prison jail? Many leaders: whether in the government or in the opposition have been sanctioned; charged of corruption; assets freeze; travel ban, money laundering, etc. It’s therefore advisable to delay the process of constituting the Hybrid Court.”
“Jieng Council of Elders urges gov’t to reject establishment of hybrid court”
Jieng council of Elders (JCEs) worry less, Just let us bomb our enemies out of our country and over our people once and for all. There is no country or a clan on this planet earth which doesn’t has elders. But, according to our enemies, it is all about ‘grinding the Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Dinkas down’ and the vermins/parasites/traitors and other bunch of nobodies here in the region and the Africa Union (the AU), who have attached themselves to our country and over our people like leeches/ticks, with their so-called *AFRICA UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION* Being propagated by * a slew of foreign criminals and secret societies’ low lives of former South African piece of trash, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, current Rwanda president criminal, Mr. Paul Kagame, former Tanzania president, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, Mr. current Kenya’s president, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, his arch rival, Mr. Raila Odinga (who even brags, that he is the only CIA operative in Africa), former Nigeria piece of bullshit, Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo; who even ‘stand two-like report’ that *the Nuers were killed in Juba on 15/12/2013* After their Riek Machar, piece of trash ‘staged a coup to take over the government by force’
Former Abesh (so-called ethiopia) piece of trash, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn, his successor, Mr. Abiy Ahmed a lowly educated piece of trash, who was being used by *his masters in the US, the UK, their creeps here in *the iGAD, the AU, his gulf Arab states financiers, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their UN, their sleazy NGOs and some kind a force to be considered anyone*.
The low lives even called themselves, Ethiopians; Abeshas (so-called ethiopians prostitutes), are going to be bombed back to Yemen, with Djibouti, the US army, the French legions ; with the lands the vermins/parasites are currently on, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Mr. Abiy Ahmed, was given a European so-called *Noble peace prize*, just like Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, who even has some relation with us here in South Sudan*. And who was behind *15/12/2013 foiled coup in Juba, with his then US department and their evil juus piece of trashes, and the UN, their sleazy NGOs, the IGAD, the African Union (the AU), then head of United nation missions in South Sudan (UNMISS), prostitute, Ms. Hilde Johnson, who was also behind the 15/12/2013 foiled.
I will link this article time and time again by Mr. Simon Yel Yel from Western Bank of the Nile: https://paanluelwel.com/2015/08/14/troika-and-igad-the-unholy-alliance-working-to-invade-south-sudan-in-pretext-of-bringing-peace/
Not only this Article, read Ms. Susan Rice:https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiI4vje8rHxAhXF4zgGHaIoDVkQFjADegQIBBAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnyamile.co%2F2015%2F07%2F23%2Flaws-in-white-house-are-not-applicable-everywhere-susan-rice-must-know-this%2F&usg=AOvVaw2yYInWOa7t4acQqDciQv40
Ms. Susan Rice, has some African-American roots, African-Americans thinks, they were ‘shipped to Americas as slaves, that is ‘precisely true, even us here in the Sudan, we had a hand on the ‘slavery of our people’ through Democratic republic of Congo, Congo, Angola, Tanganyika (today’s Tanzania,) and through out Africa’s biggest island of Madagascar on the so-called Indian Ocean. They often complain, that they are being played games by the Mainland, that is precisely true.
We are the ‘Ancient Egyptian fools’. Comoros islands. Being called Indian Ocean doesn’t mean it belongs to India, In Mozambique, there was *a cylcone* There were some *Indian piece of trashes who were trying to *intrigues as if they were the ones helping the people of Mozambique from ‘Cyclone’.
Indians, the Dutch (so-called Afrikaans), Indians, English people and of their rubbish (so-called Rainbow nation) of South Africa, Kenya and here in South Sudan, you are going to be WIPED OUT OF MAP, REASONS, PURE HATRED and RACISM.
Fellows, Mr. Ida Amin Dada, used to be called ‘a buffoon’ or court jester in English, Mr. Idda was ‘a Kakwa from Northern Uganda and Next door, South Sudan’. Mr. Idda Amin Dada went and fought in ‘Korean War as a British mercenary’, And he came and kicked the Indians or their white criminals out of his country, Uganda and got away with it. Mr. Idda Amin was .branded “an ape” in the *US and the UK* For kicking their Indian slaves and them out of our Nilotic plains and valleys.
But Mr Idda Amin Dada, Ignored the low lives and did what he did what was good for Uganda. That is what it is, no one wants White people, Arabs, Indians and their Bantuses piece of trash in our backyards, Not again. reasons, pure HARED and RACISM. There was another superior Ugandan boy, Mr. Milton Obote, from Northern Uganda, like Mr. Idda Amin Dada, but Mr. Milton Obote was from Acholi of Northern Uganda. Mr. Milton Obote, was toppled in *Singapore, during the so-called ‘commonwealth countries meeting’ long time ago.
He told the then criminals of the so-called *the commonwealth of Asians, some Caribbean countries, some Bantuses and Arab former colonial piece of trashes in *Singapore* to get “their hell out of South Africa with their Apartheid bullshits”
The English piece of trash, went and took Micro-phone and belittled Mr. Milton Obote, that “some people are just talking ‘tough here’, but they don’t know where they are going to go to after this conference”
Mr. Jules Nyerere of Tanzania came and welcomed Mr. Milton Obote. We cannot live side by side with white people, some of their Bantuses, Arabs, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Mr. Winston Churchil from the devil infested Island of England, once proposed that *their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs would be *re-settled in Uganda, their alleged (pearl of Africa) or Madagascar. The vermins/parasites would have been WIPED OUT OF MAP*. Take it or leave it.>>>>
“ieng Council of Elders urges gov’t to reject establishment of hybrid court”
I will repeat it again, you have done pretty very good, your boys & girls, just want a whistle to be blown, and our enemies, viruses, parasites, are going to be bombed to Near *oblivion/extinction*, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
There is no country on this planet who which doesn’t her/she elders. Our Jieng council of Elders (JCEs), don’t worry, your babies are here. In fact, you have been the ones, let our country and our people, be bullied by our enemies who are not equal with us and our people.
‘ca nïïm maar Arabs (did you forgot Arabs) ke ne kɔc ɣer (with white people)’. Ciir/Kiir (the Nile River), is going to kill all of us. But for all I care, we are not going share, our Nile River with anyone some of these vermins/parasites/viruses/insects or some of their Bantuses?. Abesh (so-called ethiopia) piece of trash, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda (our ally), Rwanda, our cloned so-called Arab of North Sudan, arch enemy, Northern Nigeria, our Darfur, DJibouti and Saudi Arabia get their damn food from?