JUBA – South Sudan’s capital Juba has received the country’s first batch of locally refined oil from the oil-rich Unity state’s Bentiu Oil Refinery.
Three trucks loaded with locally refined oil arrived in Juba from Bentiu on Saturday and were received by the Managing Director of the Nile Petroleum Corporation Bol Ring Mourwel.
Speaking to the state-ran South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) following the arrival of the trucks from Bentiu, James Lotika, vice-president for Nile Petroleum Group said the Bentiu refinery is currently producing 3000 barrels of refined oil a day and that number is expected to increase to 10,000 barrels a day.
“Currently we are producing 3000 barrels a day of refined products. basically, diesel is account for 30 percent of the products,” Lotika said.
“In the next two to three months, we will expand it to be 10,000 barrels a day,” he added.
The senior government official further said the government is also planning to construct another four refineries across the country with one in Paloch and Tharjiath.
“We have plans for five refineries across South Sudan in Paloch and now Bentiu is working we also have plan to put one in Tharjiath which is block 5A,” he added.
“Juba receives first locally refined oil from Bentiu refinery”
There is no damn refinery shipping to Juba from Bentiu. There is no damn oil in Bentiu do you low lives know this? Oil is here in Upper Nile and Jonglei. And in Dinkas/Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges villages, even the oil fields are in the Dinkas/Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges villages. A one or two oil fields in former unity state are in our nuers ke nyantoc villages. The low lives have long since destroyed them in 2014.
So do these low lives claim to own? in oil fields. It is the usual Nuers ke nyantoc love of other people’s things when they don’t know the owners are pretty much sick of their lawlessness. Their so-called Ngun Deng Buong *left handed, reincarnate Mr. Riek Machar*
A low life went and *study magic in 4th rate university in the devil infested island of England of Bradford, no one consider their certificates here in South Sudan. Some South Sudanese who went and study in the devil infested island of England. always say, the university is an Indian university with no real research done there.
Mr. Riek Machar came and Married English NGOs Worker, Ms. Emma, we killed her on Ngong Road, in down town Nairobi, Kenya in 1997. reasons, pure HARD and RACISM. We don’t consider English people anything, they are not equal with the Dinkas/Mounyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges in every angle.
Mr. Riek Machar and his wife, Ms. Angela Ajany are bunch of low lives. Ms. Angela Ajany has been made a south Sudanese defense minister, simply to appease our Nuers ke nyantoc low lives. But she is unable to manage her Nuer ke nyantoc community.
They just want to be fighting their aimless armed rebellion, and then think, the UN and NGOs and the government of South Sudan would always keep them in five star hotels, bars and brothels. Here In South Sudan, Kenya, Adis Ababa, Khartoum, Kampala, Arusha, and even in hell. And the low lives think, the money grow on trees.
It is the way our lowly informed are ‘conditioned to’ the low lives don’t that the owners have long since taken over their country.
“juba receives first locally refined oil from Bentiu refinery”
South Sudan should have had four (4) refineries over ten years ago. And we should have been selling ‘the dirty oil to our neigbours and make money out of it to raise our people’s standards of living’, but our some of our bunch lowly informed bunch of fools let themselves be intrigues by some criminals who are behind our standards.
To be honest with lowly informed fool. South Sudan oil price cannot be changed from other oil markets, South Sudan government can only subsidize oil and other oil products from going from *refined petrol some our low lives used in their cars to (paraffin,whales) oil by the European or Americans for their oil.
Oil is an hydrocarbon, and oil in our country and we have a lot of cattle here in South Sudan than some of our neighbouring countries. We are part of the climate contributors. However, some of us don’t know. We must bomb our enemies out of our country and over our people once and for all. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.>>>>
That’s of course of course is good news