JUBA – South Sudan religious leader Abraham Cho Maketh who was sentenced to at least 31 months in jail this afternoon for “insulting” President Salva Kiir Mayardit has said that he will continue to work for change because “our [currently” president is tired and we need a young president.”
The leader of the Cush International Church was arrested in July last year after stating in one of his prophecies that President Salva Kiir Mayardit and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny won’t be in their positions by July 9th 2021 during the country’s 10th independence anniversary and that a new leader will take over the country.
This morning, a special court in Juba accused the controversial pastor of violations and found him guilty under sections 72 and 202 of the South Sudan Penal Code Act of 2008 and sentenced him to at least 31 months in jail beginning from the day he was arrested.
The court also fined Chol at least 500,000 South Sudanese Pounds (around $800).
Failure to pay this amount will land Chol an extra three-months jail term.
In statements to journalists after the verdict and as he headed to prison, Chol vowed to continued the fight against democracy and change and said that President Salva Kiir, who he said has done his part, is tired and a new, younger and energetic president should take over.
“I will continue to seek change. I am now working for change and a new life will come for the country. A young president is a major need for this time,” he said.
“We need a young president. Our president has done his work and is tired and so he need to rest and sit back,” he added.
Prophesy will come to pass
December 15/2022.
Greetings from pastor Karlo Kolong Okoy
My greatest heartfelt friends in Christ are pastor Paul Deng and prophet Abraham Chol, I know Paul Deng from Nairobi since long 1995, he used to preach in borrowed tent within Uhura park, my children Like Tanga used to attend this tent even me under rebuilding ministry. It was early 2010 when Abraham Chol prophesied about the war of 2013 and my vision that brought the CPA of 2005 also prophesied about the fate of Juba parliament, January 5/210, a letter addressed to James Wani Iga, speaker of the national parliament. read my book “we are not an island in the Sudan” page 107 to 119, the third volume from Kampala. A member of Cush International church came to me and found me under my local congregation, noisy and chaotic group drinking tea at custom bus pack under “nima tree” some can give me free tea while others ignored me, this is where I preach to them while they are drinking tea or chai leben. some were attentive and some were reluctant, thinking this pastor is wasting time, when things got fullfeed in December 15/2013, they left the tea place to unknown places, because Sudanese don’t hear with their ears, but they hear with their eyes. Read Mathew 13:14-38, “they have eyes but cannot see, they have ears but cannot hear. “This is what God put in my mind January 2010. “Suppose the South Sudan legislative assembly (parliament) has 400 MPs, the national pillars holding the entire nation, but out of these pillars, (MPs) 380 of these are rotten pillars, how can the house stand? such a house will fall down into pieces and people run back to exile refugees” pastor Abraham Chol targeted the “Bilpham military center when his member came to me under Nim tree where I preach and asked me, I quote “Pastor karlo” I said “yes” he said “is Abraham Chol really prophet?” I said “why?” he said “Abraham chol cried in his “Cush international Church” that, ‘I saw blood around BIlpham area and airport areas and cried ‘woe me’ I see blood around Bilpham and airport areas” I told him “ be silent and wait” after December 2013, he did not come back to me. both prophesies fulfilled. If you ask SPLM how they entered Juba, Wau, Khartoum, Malakal in January 2005, they will not tell you anything, it was my Godly vision “we are not an island in the Sudan” that brought them in. nobody liberated anybody.
Ask Dr Riek Machar who implemented my vision of February 2002 in Nairobi. and we took a picture in May 2009 where he said to me “welcome back pastor karlo the father of CPA” see our joined picture, Please find all of these within my 53 books, this does not mean that Dr Riek Machar Is a Christian, but Got told me to give him the vision February 2002 in Nairobi. What I mean out of 400 MPs, 380 are rotten pillars, means 380 are not Christians. Please disseminate this truth to all the two Sudanese nations because these nations have no constitution based on the Ten commandments in Exodus chapter 20, Sudanese leaders confused our people for the last 66 years, no peace because they are disconnected from God, the author of our lives. Read Acts3:15. God gave all church leaders assignment to rescue the nations, read Ezekiel 33 and 34. We should not keep silent when our people are dying daily because of bad leadership.
Watch me on youtube by Rev Karlo Kolong and in “Merowe tv “ Facebook.
thank you Rev Karlo Kolong Okoy, founder of Evangelical free churches of Sudanese nations, architect of Sudanese peace of 2005, youtube by Rev Karlo Kolong, and merowetv, author of 53 books
Upper Nile region, the center of Isaiah 18
December 11/2022
The most demonic gods of upper Nile region are Nguendeng of Nuer, Nyikang of Shilluk, Dengdid of Bor, Nyandid of Pibor. Isaiah18 started in Upper Nile Region within the town of Bor May 16/1983 and will continue because these false gods have not been removed and replaced by Jesus. John 14:6 Every Biblical chapter that talks about Cush or Ethiopia, Nubia and Sudan mean our country in the Bible. Read footnotes of “New International version” (NIV) of any chapter in the Bible that mention these three names, you will get footnotes down written “that is the Upper Nile region” Nguendeng and Nyikang will continue to fragment SPLM- IO or agwelak and any community in greater Upper Nile Region, no naked political human minds can solve Isiah 18. “God will punish the Sudan” can a criminal correct a criminal?
Every educated Nuer or Shilluk and non-educated, all honor these false gods instead of Jesus the author of life, peace and good economy, read Acts 3:14-15. SPLM- IG or SPLM- IO will continue to fragment beyond human repair because none of them has Jesus inside their parliaments. Bar El Gazelle gods are like “Pan Madhol, Atenydior and more hidden others in every tribe. Greater Equatoria has many idol gods too. Bari has “Pita”a lady that was buried within the Juba airport, that is why planes will continue to be crashed. GBude of Zande where they bury a dead king with 7 living girls and Shilluk bury their king with 4 living girls, election send two sons of the dead king inside the Nile River, whoever comes out first of Nile, will be killed and the late comer will be ordained as a king, this is a deadly election. EES has Loyalala of Latuko, Owira of Magwi county, Ibo of Tennet and Lopit, Lapol of Pari where they donate a foreign person for it in every initiation of new age set, and other hidden gods in every tribe.
There are lots of evil shrines of false gods in the Sudanese countries, the shrine/tomb of Nguendeng is in Uror county and his birth place is “Fangak” that is why Jesus will continue to frustrate such places with flood, famine, wars, many of you cannot understand why many times people visit the shrine of Arabia, people die in hundred or thousand, Jesus hate religious shrines. In EES, people kill rainmakers and kings of birds because they failed to bring rain or protect their farms from birds and monkeys, such kings have stolen the power of Jesus, that is why Jesus will continue to punish our communities. You cannot steal somebody’s and have peace. this is call” “Spiritual blindness” read the parable of Jesus. Mathew 13:1-58.
Sudanese people worship kings’ commanders, tribal chiefs not Jesus the author of life. Sudanese governments will never be “civilian governments” but military commanders. A British politician said “you cannot negotiate with a lion when your hands are in his mouth”
How can Jesus bless a nation that remove his Church? Not many of you know that Juba has dead kings, commanders which are being worshiped daily in the streets like the one in “Midan simba” where they removed the house of Jesus call “Cush International Church” and placed idol god? Freedom squares is full of dead pictures of people who participated in the killing of 3 million Sudanese in 22 years.
Why did God punish Israel? Read these chapters of idol gods, Molech Isaiah37:38, rephan judges 16:23, 1 kings 11:5-53, Baal peor Acts7: 43. God continued to warn Sudanese nations many times, but they cannot see or hear the voice of angry God of the Bible. All of these idol gods oppose the former “Cush Christian kingdom” that existed in Merowe city from 64AD to 1200AD when Muslims invaded Cush Christian black kingdom. If Sudanese nations want Jesus to rescue them, they should move within freedom squares shouting in the name of Jesus to come to Sudan again, conduct national repentance and invite pastors to mobilize major evangelism in every state or town, then Jesu can come down and rescue them and heal our lands and bless our economy and unite Sudan in the name of our former “Cush Christian kingdom” of Acts chapter 8:26-42, that was under queen Candace or Kandaka, read 2 chronicles 7:11-15.
Do you know why we celebrate Christmas/birthday of Jesus every year? Because Jesus is alive, nobody can celebrate the birthdays of dead gods, dead kings, dead presidents.
many of you are behind the truth, the SPLA is full of 22 years of blood and from 2013 to this day blood, this flag is in Isaiah 18: 3 that says a flag will be raised up 2500 years ago. This flag was raised on Boma Mountain 1984, within the present Greater Pibor administrative areas. Sudanese nations need Jesus to stop wars.
Thank You, Rev Karlo Kolong
Founder of Evangelical Free churches of Sudanese nations, architect of Sudanese peace of 2005, author of 53 books YouTube channel by Rev Karlo Kolong , Merowe tv, rejected black Moses