This comes a week after an ambush by undefined gunmen resulted in the killing of an aid worker in the country’s restive Jonglei state. Dozens of humanitarian workers have also been killed throughout the year without any single perpetrator being apprehended.
In his annual Christmas message, Kiir called for an end to violence against aid workers and promised accountability for victims of the crimes against the humanitarian community saying none of those behind the killing will be able to hide.
“The uncalled-for violence against humanitarian workers must cease immediately. Those who are committing these crimes will not hide from the long arms of our law indefinitely. They will be caught no matter how long this will take and they will pay for their crimes,” he said.
“As we struggle to find our footings after the senseless war, we cannot afford to tolerate this contemptible culture that promotes the killing of the innocents,” added the South Sudanese President.
The head of state further urged citizens to support peace as the parties struggle to implement the revitalized peace agreement which ended the country’s devastating seven-year-old conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions.
“As a people emerging from the conflict situation, we all need to support peace by shunning violence in all its forms and by choosing peaceful means to address our grievances whenever they arise,” he said.
“We ought to demonstrate care towards those who serve in our communities, especially in remote locations, whether they are government administrators or humanitarian workers,” Kiir further added in the Christmas message.
President Salva Kiir Mayardit is not even talking about 3 people who were killed in Gumbo area by Secretary forces. There are too many people lost their lives because of lawless in South Sudan. How come the governor of Central Equatoria State was not arrested if there was a law in South Sudan. The innocent people are dying while, the criminals are being protected by government. God need to help South Sudanese people.
“Kiir vows to punish killers of aid workers ‘no matter how long this will take”
Mr. Aduol Liet,
Mr. Kiir didn’t say this. It is on a Sudans post made story. If Mr. Salva Kiir is a not able to punish to criminals Mr. Riek Machar who has kill a lot of South Sudan and has caused a friction in South Sudan and South Sudanese communities since 1991to date, then who would listen his hollow warnings. In fact these so-called aid workers and the UNIMISS mercenaries of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lanakans, Rwandans are the big existential problem to South Sudan and South Sudanese people. They are here in precisely to come and implement the so-called UN AGENDA 21, it has recently been shifted to UN AGENDA 30, UN WORLD GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS THROUGH HUMANITARIAN AID, DONATIONS, PEACEKEEPING AND SO-CALLED HUMAN RIGHTS PIECE OF NONSENSE.
There are boneheads who don’t listen. Before South Sudan independence, my and other South Sudanese in know advised these empty headed elders. To never again renewed the United nation mission Sudan (UNMIS) beacuse there was no need for it and because the UN peacekeeping mission around the world has nothing to do with peacekeeping. It is just a secret societies or cabals guise way of occupation or neocolonialism of the third world countries, specially the resources’ rich countries. We were curtly rebuked that we were bunch of young boys with some bad attitudes towards people. And then South Korean slitty-eyed piece of shit, Mr. Ban Ki Moon and then Barack Hussein Obama, national security advisor, Ms. Susan Rice and Ms. Hilde Johnson relentlessly coerced our foolish elders to sign for United mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). And Korean mercenaries were brought here to Jonglei. Because Jonglei is considered to be like the UN dirty occupation and colonization will be challenged in. And quickly armed David Yau Yau and Lou through the British army in central Kenya towns of Nanyuki and Laikipia through Indian mercenaries in UNMISS. When the then government state government Jonglei want to disarmed the Murles. The then head of UNIMISS, Ms. Hilde Johnson prostitute and a slew of NGOs screamed at the to their evil lungs that the Murles are being targeted simply because they are Murles.
And when steal other people babies and cattle, the UN and NGOs kept quiet. And Mr. Riek Machar brazenly the 15/12/2013 in Juba with the help of UNMISS Hilde Johnson, then US ambassador to South Sudan, Ms. Susan Paige and came straight away to Bor and came raised a Ngundeng Buong flag and called Bor Town, His Ngundeng Buong city. The whole 15/12/2013 was being directed inside UNMISS compound in Juba, Nairobi and the US army base in Djibouti through South Sudan. The UN was even caught red-handed ferrying weapons in Rumbek on the way Unity states. The UN brazenly try to deny as who put the weapons in UN truck .
The reasons some South Sudanese in the know are pretty much angry is because, some of our elders think, others will always be heavy lifters and then then later take credit, they don’t deserve. Mr. Salva Kiir even acknowledge through his empty head and says “The UN and NGOs want to be the rulers of South Sudan & South Sudanese people” of course that ultimate aim. But to be honest, let any South Sudanese piece of shit of on this planet earth ever ever again try to bring. And thing that is *connected our to cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes, Bantuses, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states terrorist and financiers, the evil white Americans, evil English people, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their UNMISS mercenaries of Indians, Irish, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lanakans, Rwandans, Ghanians. Nigerian and other piece other piece sewers into our country and over our people on pretext the so-called UN AGENDA 21 or UN AGENDA 30, UN WORLD GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS THROUGH HUMANITARIAN AID, DONATIONS, PEACEKEEPING AND SO-CALLED HUMAN RIGHTS PIECE OF NONSENSE to come and rebuild of South Sudan like in 2005. And that South Sudanese piece shit will be killed, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Mr. Aduol Liet chap, Our country and our people have inherently been assumed to be a *Roman catholic (society of Jesuits) sects or occult*:
By the evils who always try to attach themselves to other people and their countries. Romans are not equals, never have and will never ever will under the sun or even in million years, Mr. Pope Francis, former Argentinian piece of scrounger was a terrorist. queen elizabeth of the devil infested island of England was an evil woman. Romans have never ever ever colonized us and our people. the only people who almost colonized us were the Ottomans——present day’s Turkey. Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Were colonized by the Romans, they used to bring evil long noses into our Upper Egypt and our North Sudan. But were always bloody nosed.
This is still happening to day——war of attrition, put pressure, put pressure, put pressure, put pressure on South Sudan and the South Sudanese people. And then, South Sudan and the South Sudanese will roll and be part of the so-called Commonwealth countries of devil infested island of England or their damned so-called ANGLO-AMERICAN empire or their so-called Western civilization. May their gods help them. Mr. Pope Francis even invited his fools Mr. Salva Kiir and Mr. Riek Machar to Rome and went and knelt down on them as if he were some kind of a god. The gulf Arab states’ terrorists and financiers, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, our cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, [our Riek Machar so-called SPLM/A-IO, NAS of Mr. Thomas Cirillo], IS-Mozambique, IS-ADF—-Democratic republic of Congo (DRC), former Zaire, the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Al Aqada; IS-Magreb (west Africa), ISIS/L, ISIS-K (after US and her allies withdrawal from Afghanistan. CIA, MI6, Mosad, FBI, NSA, NSO, Pegasus, Rothchilds, Rockefeller, Bloombergs, the house of Sauds. The only country here in Africa whose her resources and central has never and will never be ‘acquired by the Rothschilds and their banking cartels subsidiaries is Central bank of South Sudan. And this why the vermins/parasites are fixated to South Sudan and South Sudanese people 24/7. They even thought they use commercial of Kenya, Barclay (the UK)—Kenya, African development Bank and that US Dollars would used to pay foreign NGOs and South Sudanese with local currency Yeah.
In Kenya, where livings over the backs of other people and their countries has been considered a way of lives, even brag that Kenya is a middle income country. Oh really?!!!.
We are not their Somalians. They are going to bombed to nothing ‘abac/nil/nothing/nought/naught—–reasons, pure HATRED and and RACISM’ AFRICAN UNITY And REGIONAL INTEGRATION, being propagated by foreign criminals and secret societies of Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta and his arch rival Mr. Raila Odinga, being Raila, doesn’t mean has anything to do with railways. Ar Port of Mombasa, there is Chinese standard gauged railyway (SGR) to Nairobi. The vermins/parasites/viruses have allowed to p[lay game with other people.
There will be no Kenya. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. This is not COLD WAR. Here in East Africa, Nairoberry—–where the Europeans, Americans, Arabs and their evils juus (so-called istaralis) attack dogs come and *shellacked* their evil selves and get away with it. ‘Shelllacking’ was coined by Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, a secret society and low educated piece of trash when. When there was a lot snow in US. Then he prodded by handlers to say ‘shelllacking’ to sell their news papers and and make them relevant they are anything. I am not journalist by profession, I am 100% racists. The Nile, is not control by low lives, it is control by the owners the Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jengs/Jaangs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt.
Fellow, you are wasting your damn times and South Sudanese people times. you are not equal with us, not in the slightest. Watch this space.>>>>
Fellows read