“This is to inform the public and peace partners that, we the Community of Lou Nuer, do hereby declare our breaking away from SPLA/M-IO of Dr. Riek Machar due to the reasons cited below. We are not against the peace process. We are also ready to negotiate with anybody as an independent entity,” the little known Lou-Nuer members said.
“Dr. Riek, the so-called Chairman, a title that he enjoys so much even when he is asleep, used Lou Nuer Community as his human shield during all his useless, baseless, aimless wars but dumps them after achieving his objective. All Lou Nuer members should recall with tears the loss of their sons in 1991, however, during integration of his forces back to SPLA in 2002 most of them were left out, thanks to Late Paulino Matip Nhial who did full integration in 2005,” they added.
“Under representation of Lou Nuer at state and national level and also in military structures, for example the sidelining of the Chief of Staff and the IGP
“There is no single cantonment site in Lou Area whereas it was the SPLA/M-10 stronghold. All Lou fighters were scattered to various cantonment areas.” They added.
“During the war, SPLA/M-10 incurred loans from Nuer businessmen, however, when peace was signed and the opposition came to Juba, Dr. Riek refunded all the other traders except those who hail from Lou Community.”