This comes after the People’s Coalition for Civil Action (PCCA), a protest group established earlier this month, said in a letter to the ministry of interior earlier this week that it intends to conduct anti-government protests on August 30 asking the ministry of interior to provide protection for the citizens during the protest.
When contacted by Sudans Post, Acting Press Secretary in the Office of the First Vice President and SPLM-IO Director of Information and Public Relations, Puok Both Baluang, stressed the important for protection of individual rights to protest, but warned that the ongoing calls for uprising may return the country to a square one.
“The only way for South Sudan to recover is through the implementation of the peace agreement. Any uprising will only stabilize the country and therefore we believe that the [Revitalized Agreement for Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan] has the remedy to all problems that South Sudan is facing,” he told Sudans Post on Thursday from the capital Juba.
“So we urge this group to step forward and come along for the call for the full implementation of the Revitalized Agreement for Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan in letter and spirit because it is the only and less costly way to attain peace in our country,” the First Vice President’s aide further added.
“Machar’s office warns protests may destabilize country amid calls for uprising”
That is what your community is best known for, creating mess after mess as they go along and then blame others later. In Nuer community, facts and truths don’t exist. Our Nuers ke nyantoc community lawlessness is not something new, it is in their etched in their DNAs.
When you ask those so-called civil society activities or anarchists as to what is that they wanted to achieve with their presumed protest? They have none whatsoever. A low life or a flunky in South Sudan, can create ‘a what App, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook et al, account and called him/herself’ an activist, society or a journalist’ Here we go. There is nothing wrong to be an activate for a cause, but creating anarchy on the guise ‘civil society or human rights activism’. Isn’t always a good idea.
And that is why South Sudan been in a mess for last ten (10) years. Most of our lowly informed including our fake so-called PhD doctors of Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Aduok Nyabe, Majak Agoot and others, don’t even know democracy is ‘a subjection’. In fact here in South Sudan is where people are 100% democratic and egalitarian. I gave an example a few week that the countries which have something closer to democracies are Germany, Scandinavian countries, France (in France though, they respect and guard their own Republic like an eye). They still keep their guillotines in their Museum to remind their leaders, that if you mess around with French Republic, then you know, what would happen.
In Germany though, no Germans with his/her right mind would want to be reminded and the ‘Stasi [secret police)]excesses’. Young Germans who were born after 1989, are just carefree young people. They don’t know anything about Stasi, but their parents or older siblings know the dirty games that was played on their people. Some South Sudanese with remember things, know a few years ago, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and the Germany people welcome a huge number of Syria refugees into their country.
Some other people from Middle East, Ghareb (west) African countries of Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco went to Germany as refugees. Some of them are not integrating into Germany communities, they even want to kill German people who welcomed into their country with open arms.
Germany is not the one that causes refugee around the World, Canada is not the one that causes refugees around the world, Scandinavian countries are not the ones that cause refugees around the world, Australia is not the one that causes refugees around the world, Italy is not the ones that causes refugees around the world.
The countries that cause refugees around the world, don’t even want refugees in their countries: The US, their gulf Arab financiers terrorist outfits of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar and their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog and the UK.
The Al Qada, El Shabab, our Riek Machar so-called SPLM-IO, EL Shabab, Boko Haram, so-called ISIS-Mozambique, another so-called ADF allegedly linked to ISIS in DR Congo of which the US of all is alledged welcomed to fight the terrorist group:
ISIS/L, Jesh El islam, Jesh El Nuestra, Talibans, Society of Jesuits, CIA, Mi6, Mosad and all. Are just plain terrorists.
But tell our lowly informed South Sudanese idiots, that their so-called allies or uncles are not their damn allies, but their existential enemies. Then they will look at look at you threateningly and scream at ‘you Jaangs/Muonyjaangs/Jenges/Dinkas’ and say they want more.
The low lives don’t know the level of ‘HATRED and RACISM’ the low lives have caused in our country and among our people. With their believe in their Ngungdeng Buong fantasies and magics, and their Riek Machar piece of trash has gone too far and they must pay for their child-like-politicking.
Where is their damned Riek Machar? He died long time ago in Juba. If the low lives are real fighters, then let not be cowering behind the Jaangs/Muonyjaangs/Dinkas. They are just provoking the Jaangs/Muonyjaangs/Dinkas and they are making their absurd claim about *kitwkang or Magenis* Simply because, their usual child-like-intrigue and lies have caught up with them. And so they want the MuonyJanags/Jaangs/Dinkas to join into their ‘lowly planned’ and then South Sudan would be taken advantage by enemies again.
And the Refugees would be hauled to *UN filthy projection sites (UN POCs), our Gambella region, North Sudan, Kenya and all, and they will go and be used as begging bowls around the world and then what is begged in the name of the hungry South Sudanese by the UN, the NGOs, the IGAD, the African Union (the AU) and their proponent of the so-called UN NEW WORLD ODER, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS or their so-called AFRICA UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION (Secret societies) criminals former South African president, a Bantus piece of trash, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, current president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, a lowly educated piece trash, was the one who helped killed a lot Tutsis in people in 1994..
But he is a secret society criminal, he had been allowed to get away with crimes, that is how the secret societies do things by the way, *especial Arab inspired Bantuses, or Roman Catholic of Jesuits society’s criminals, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Anglicans, Muslims, Indians, Pakistanies, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Voodoos, Jujus, Shamans and French criminals are not welcomed into our country. They will bombed to kingdom come, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Mr. Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda is allegedly to have gone try to ‘fight terrorism in Mozambique, Oh Really? He is also allegedly to have came and fight terrorists in Central Africa Republic (C.A.R)?! *His Rwandans so-called peacekeepers of the United Nation missions in South Sudan (UNMISS) are here in Upper Nile, trying to bring peace through mercenaries guise in the clothes of the so-called *blue Helmets to the heretics* My Arse! First of all, Rwanda is not direct enemy. Rwanda shouldn’t have army at all. Because they no consider them anything, except their Belgium Congo, masters. Germany even colonized them, Burundi, Tanzania, Namibia, Southern Cameroon and Togo in West Africa during the Berlin conference.
Our Lake Victoria, Tanganika, Lake Albert, Turkana, Naivasha, Lake Nakuru, *Lake Naseer*, cannot share it with our white people, Bantuses, Abeshes (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes and some of their creeps in between who think living over the backs of people and their countries who don’t consider anything is not a good idea. Follow South and the Sudanese people, and get away with it you really think, you can. We are the Ancient idiots.
Before a sign this page out out—-read the great game:
The US and allies went and bombed Afghanistan in 2001 simply because they went and look for ‘heroin (drugs)’, nothing to do with fighting war on terror’. People of Afghanistan are very honest, but some of them are not. There is an Australian-Afghan woman, Ms. Yalda Hakim, she was brought to South Sudan reporting for SBS, it a public media with ABC and other media, they are subsidized by the Australian tax payers. Yalda Hakim work for the BBC, Talibans are playing games with your women/girls. Take your babies to schools and kicked out the evil white Americans/English people/Pakistanis/Indians/Bangladeshis/Nepalese/Sri Lankans—–Drug addicts in Afghanistan are not Afghan women, but Afghans men are the drug addicts
Women around the world, think, they have been bullied by boys for a long time and they are fighting backs, no can blame them. The Taliban have too be very careful.
The terrorists who down the world trade center in 2001 were from our Next door, Saudi Arabia and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs. But vermins/parasites/viruses went and bombed a wrong country and lie through their evil teeth. I would be damned if the Saudi Arabia, King Fahd international airport isn’t going to be a *parking lot, Bole international airport of Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute isn’t going to be a parking lot, Jomo Kenyatta international airport is not going to be a parking lot, Ben-Goren international airport isn’t going to be parking lot and Eastern Jerusalem airport—-reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.>>>>
The Talibans have too be very careful. The terrorists who down the world trade center in 2001 were from our Next door, Saudi Arabia and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs. But the vermins/parasites/viruses went and bombed a wrong country and lie through their evil teeth. I would be damned if the Saudi Arabia, King Fahd international airport isn’t going to be a *parking lot, Bole international airport of Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute isn’t going to be a parking lot, Jomo Kenyatta international airport is not going to be a parking lot, Ben-Goren international airport isn’t going to be parking lot and Eastern Jerusalem airport—-reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. We are the Ancient Egyptian low lives, Suez Canal and Panama Canal have already been closed.
USA, USA, USA, USA—-Ujamaa villages (together villages in Tanzania) collective farms In Tanzania. Tanzania is a sucesss history for communism or socialism.>>>
Here in South Sudan, there are some people who don’t want to live with white people no matter what may. The Mounjangs/ Jiengs/Dinkas/Jaang/Jenges are backs with a lot revenges. Tanganyika + Zanzibar = Tanzania. And Dar El Salam (so-called place of Islam) is their country, Oh really? Dar Fur (a place of Fur), next be careful), And South Sudanese would be re-united with their North Sudan just like their East Germany and West Germany during their so-called COLD WAR and with their cloned so-called *Arabs of North Sudan and then go and screamed, Western civilizations has prevailed. Oh really?*>>>