“When you look at South Sudanese, they are not black they are blue,” Museveni said.
“You need to look at them carefully they are not black they are blue, so how can you call blue men blacks? You must be sick,” the Ugandan leader said in the speech that has since sparked social media debate against the Ugandan leader.
“If indeed South Sudanese are not ‘black’ but blue as Museveni has reportedly said today, then who else is ‘black’ on this earth?” Nairobi-based journalist Roger Alfred Yoron said in a brief social media post on his Facebook timeline.
It is good to have spacial color as he state it,
We are Black not blue, blue when we wear blue.
How and why are we really blue people?
We are not blue ya Museven Malou
We are black.
But for you Ugandans you are Malouz
Southern Sudanese are the roots of African am proud of ma homeland south sudan
I wonder by what museveni said against us
President of Uganda out of his mind to call South Sudanese a blue men. He getting old. His need to give a leadership to Ugandan people. World do u any body ,agree with what President of Uganda has saying, Regarding calling South Sudanese are blue people. Jesus may come to correct him. he color blind lol.
President of Uganda out of his mind to call South Sudanese a blue men. He getting old. His need to give a leadership to Ugandan people. World, do any body agree with, what President of Uganda has saying, Regarding calling South Sudanese are blue people. Jesus may come to correct him. he color blind lol.