JUBA – A senior National Salvation Front (NAS) commander has denied that he has been kill saying he is still alive.
In an interview with al-Manara, a online Arabic newspaper, and seen by Sudans Post, General Khalid Ono Loki, the deputy chief of staff for logistics of the Cirilo-led movement denied that he and his three bodyguards have been kill.
Gen. Ono confirmed that he is well and performing his revolutionary tasks assigned to him with all energy and vitality.
The National Salvation Front (NAS) commander called upon the people of South Sudan not to be drifting behind this cheap propaganda that has been launched from time to time by the anti-National Salvation Front enemies which are the real goal behind this rumor.
‘Brutal regime’
On the other hand, the senior National Salvation Front member Gen. Ono reiterated his call to the people of South Sudan to rise up against this brutal and oppressive regime that is based on corruption, nepotism and favoritism.
‘Revolutionary organization’
In this regards, he appreciates the role of the leadership of the National Salvation Front as a revolutionary organization that has a great role in changing the political situation in our country through its clear political stances towards addressing the root causes of the conflict in the County.
On May /12/2020 an unknown source had published a rumor that the body of Gen. Khalid Ono Loki and his three bodyguards had been recovered in the Uror County Jonglei State.