Press statement
It is particularly disconcerting to note that the NCP, have not only established their base in South Sudan, but have permeated and continue to infiltrate the upper echelons of the Government. Their disciples are the so-called Nuer Citizens who have members of SPLM-IO, and NCP South Sudan, as part of its rank and file.
The NCP South Sudan has been working tirelessly to create divisions within the SPLM in South Sudan, and once the in-fighting becomes too much, they will use the vacuum to implement their vision of returning South Sudan under the Republic of Sudan.
Gen. Taban Deng Gai’s made a selfless and resolute stance saying no to war, and this was the saving grace which prevented our great country from the brink of total collapse, through UN Trusteeship. This saved countless of South Sudanese lives from different ethnic groups. This stance was fueled by Gen. Taban Deng Gai’s patriotism, and desire for a peaceful South Sudan.
It is well known that the modus operandi of the NCP is killing, creating division within the SPLM leadership, destruction, and many have subscribed to this devastating ideology. Even in peacetime, they are still on a warpath against H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit and his loyalists, by creating false narratives and divisive messages, which are aimed at destroying the unity that H.E President Salva Kiir has created with his followers, and ultimately to remove him from power.
H.E. Gen. Taban Deng Gai, has never aspired to become 1ST Vice President, but this position was thrust upon him after Dr. Riek Machar left Juba in 2016. Since H.E.Gen. Taban Deng Gai was sworn into office, he took his oath serious and worked tirelessly to bring peace back to our beloved country. He successfully integrated all his forces into SSPDF and all other organized forces in the country. Any person with ambition of becoming President can’t handover his forces to government which they intend to overthrow.
What the so-called Nuer Citizens are insinuating, is an ill calculated move orchestrated by NCP to cause rifts within the Government. Such a move is an exercise in futility.
H: E Vice President Gen. Taban Deng Gai never hired any firm or working with any lobby groups to persuade Americans in dropping sanctions. The sanctions which were against H.E. Gen Taban Deng Gai, were a tactical move with the specific aim of regime change.
It is known fact that SPLM-IO and NCP South Sudan doctored all the information leading to sanctioning of Gen. Taban Deng Gai and other Senior government officials fueling false hopes that government will fall.
Why would Vice President waste his time lobbying the government which is targeting his government? H.E Taban Deng Gai knows very well that he is innocent and the whole thing is a political scheme targeting the regime.
H.E Gen. Taban Deng Gai’s comradeship has been with the liberators started since dark days. They were liberating us from oppressive Arab regimes in Khartoum. The continued rapport he has with his comrades has wrongly been misconstrued as presidential ambition by National Congress Party (NCP) and their apologists. Never blame them as their mission currently is to loot and throw our country into dustbin.
NCP South Sudan is a key player of destruction, entertaining this dangerous group. This desperate move by the NCP to see the right-hand man of President lock-horns with his boss will be met with equivalent forces and defeat as usual will be in NCP South Sudan House soonest. This is again evidence of their well-crafted, coordinated approach, which is similar to colonial policy of divide and rule.
The NCP South Sudan and SPLM-IO are the ones who are trying to divide the SPLM and the Incumbent Transitional Government of National Unity (ITGONU). Their ill thought out plan is uncovered and will never succeed. We call on the intellectuals of our nation to open their eyes to this blatant disregard for peace & unity and continue calling out the NCP for their evil tactics.
As Nuer Community in Diaspora, we strongly recommend to H:E Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic to immediately fire NCP Tut Kew Gatluak, because his mission is to collide President with his diehards and liberators.