Yesterday, a senior South Sudan government official at the presidency in Juba told Sudans Post that President Kiir and Machar had received invitations from Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to hold talks on the way forward as the two disagree over elections timeline.
In a statement quoted by the Paris-based Sudan Tribune, Presidential Affairs Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin said the invitation has been received by Kiir and Machar for a retreat due to be conducted in Kampala in February to decide on the fate of the pending tasks of the revitalized peace agreement.
“His Excellency President Museveni sent invitation to His Excellency President Salva Kiir Mayardit. The First Vice President has also received an invitation. The invitations are for a retreat which will be in Uganda. Arrangements are being made”, he said, without giving further details.
It remains unclear if the other four vice presidents will also attend the retreat.
Uganda and Sudan are the guarantors of the September 2018 revitalized peace agreement and are constantly seen as the countries with direct knowledge and close contacts with South Sudanese rival leaders to influence talks and persuade them to break deadlocks over critical issues.
Last year, the Ugandan leader and the head of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan convened a high-level meeting at which Kiir and Machar agreed to extend the timeframe earmarked for activities scheduled to have been carried in the pre-transitional period.
The South Sudanese parties have failed to agree over differences arising from power sharing percentage in the formation of the unified command structure. For instance while President Kiir and members of his group are pushing for a 60% share in the overall unified command structure, his deputy is advocating for a 50%-50% split of the military command structure.
The parties have also been unable to organize their forces in a way reflective of a conventional military structure in which a ranking is determined by size of military force under command of a particular officer.
Military experts have, however, advised the South Sudanese parties to organize their forces and ranking along conventional structures of the military.
President Kiir has, in the past, assured the public that the country’s general elections would be held as stipulated in the revitalized peace agreement, despite the fact that the security arrangements are yet to be implemented.
According to Article 1.20.5 of the Revitalized Agreement on Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), the National Elections Commission (NEC) shall, 60 days prior to end of the transitional period, organize elections in accordance with provisions of the permanent constitution.
“South Sudan confirms Kiir, Machar invited to Uganda by Museveni”
If South Sudanese were to be run by real South Sudanese people as we know our selves, the president of Uganda should simply be told to shill out a bit, solve Ugandan problems or Democratic republic of Congo (DRC), if he has Bantus magic wand in Uganda Kenyan low lives, should be told the same, to solve own internal problems, Rwandans, Burundians, Tanzanian, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, should be told solve their numerous problems, Somalians, Djiboutians, our cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, to solve their own damn problems, their gulf Arab states’ terrorists’ and financiers, to solve their own damn terrorism with Sunnis and shiites. The evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs to solve their own damn problems with Palestinian and Iran.
The evil white Americans to solve their own myriad racial problems between natives Americans, African Americans and Latinos. The evil English people of the devil infested island of England to solve their own racial tension between their former slaves of African Caribbeans and white people in their country. Their cheap and dirty intrigues that every body else is their fool is not a good idea. White people were not welcomed into the US by the Native Americans, white people where not welcomed into Canada by Native Canadians, they were not welcomed to Mexicans, Caribbean by native Caribbeans, central or South American countries. white people were welcomed into Australia or New Zealand by Native Australians or Maoris.
They just went and stole those people land and countries. And these days, the low lives, think, it is the how the world rotates. The low lives lives in fantasy land. The vermins/parasites/viruses, even think, that South Sudan and the South Sudanese people should live sides by sides, with their Bantuses, our cloned so-called so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians), prostitutes, Eritreans, Nigerians, Rwandans, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, white English people, Dutch, Portuguese, Italians, Irish etc like they live in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia, Lesotho, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, US, Canada or Nonsense Bantuses. Be very careful what you wish for. That is not going to happen on this planet earth
Your damn so-called white evils and terrorists, dirty and sinister intrigue, has been challenged. White people are going to be seen in the museums that they once live on this planet earth. Can a Muonyjieng/jieng/jaang/Jenge/Dinka of the Sudan and Egypt lives side by side with Bantuses, our cloned so-called so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians), Eritreans, Nigerians, Rwandans, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, white English people, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs Dutch, Portuguese, Italians et al like they are in South Afrikaans, Zimbabweans (So-called white Farmers), Angolan, Namibians, Lesothos, Zambians, Malawian, Mozambican, US, Canadian or Nonsense on this planet earth? Not really, that is not going to happen under the sun or even million years. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Next times it is better you play balls with your equals. Not people and countries who consider you anything. Don’t just attach your selves to people who don’t consider you anything like leeches or ticks, you poision Didn’t mother ever tells not to play with fires, you are going to be burn. The Nile is not own by low lives, it owns by us, the Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jiengs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt
The so-called BREXIT, he UK leaving the European Union (the EU) was being negotiated here over South Sudan and the over South Sudanese people, by the vermins/parasites/viruses who have accustomed their evil lifestyles over the backs of other people and their countries. The vermins/parasites/viruses thought, they can run away from mainland Europe and then go ‘to their so-called former colonies of US, Canada, Rhodesia (Cecil Rhode) estate of Southern Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Southern Cameroon (so-called Anglophone), Nigeria, Ghana or Sierra Leone, Somaliland, their gulf Arab states’ terror exporters, evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia or New Zealand, then go and scammed those countries.
The vermins/parasites/virures can try anyway. trying is not a crime. But the vermins/parasites/viruses, are playing with fire. Their greatest charlatan and lowly educated piece of trash, Mr. Boris Johnston is allegedly gone projected to have gone to Ukraine, Eastern to go and do some ‘photo-ops’ for his masters about consequences of war in Ukraine and his devil infested Island and their allies. Russia is not playing photo-ops with vermins/parasites/viruses. Russia federation is not interested COLD WAR-like-cheap and dirty intrigues. The people who can dare challenge us on this planet earth don’t exist. White people who can try to South Sudan and the South Sudanese people are Russians, Chinese, Scandinavian countries, minus Norway. The US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitutes, Kenya, Lightening Raat, us. Suez Canal, will be closed by Me. Move your damned rubbish away from South Africa, Kenya, South Sudan. Get you damn rubbish away from Africa take them to Western Australia. There will be *Christmas Island, Perth, Esparance, Pine gap, Freemantle, Broome, We even asked the Indigenous people of Australia, Indiginouse people of Papua New Guinea and their cousins, Torres Strait Islands, West Papuans, Naruans, East Timoris, Somolom island, to arm your selves with Machetes, in Alice Springs, just be like you always is or always are, never again let the evils poison your billabongs. We are not going to bomb you in Kalgoorlie, If white people are going to survive our bombings, then we will called them god’s children. Take your babies and drink a lot grog.
They always do researches on you. There is a University in Victoria, called Monash university. don’t go and study in that university. There are people black skins in Australia and smooth skins with no air in their bodies like Indigenous peopl or white people, they went there as refugees, some of them are too well educated than white people and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, some of them are just piece of rubbishes. We are the ancient Egyptians, we consider white people for convenience only.
Long time ago, there was one of their drunk, Winston Churchill, he was brought here to our Nile valleys and plains. He was a propagandist, lowly educated piece of trash. When he became the prime minister of their devil infested island, he proposed that their *evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs should be resettled in Uganda——their so-called ‘pearl of Africa’ or Madagascar. their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, would have been WIPED OUT long time ago. They are going to be WIPED OUT MAP anyway.
The Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Jiengs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt are back with a lot vengeance. The evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs are not going to reach Poland or New York.
We have asked the vemins/parasites/viruses to look for a place to ‘hide’ they are going to be seen in the museums. we asked them to revisit their Manhattan project 2.0 or 3.0 or gazilion, because they are going to be WIPE OUT OF MAP. This cheap and dirty slogan, “ONE COUNTRY, TWO SYSTEMs” In 1999,’ ONE COUNTRY, TWO SYSTEMS’. Was propagated by our enemies, in Kenya, Machakos, Ukambani district, Kenya. There is a piece trash this days, Mr. Stephen Kolonza Musyoka. He thought his 1994, 1999 and 2005 fortunes will always keep givings.
That South Sudan and North Sudan, can live together, with Bantuses of Kenya, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Rwandans, evil juus (so-called israelis), attack dogs,Tanzanians, Irish, Italians, their gulf Arab states terror exporters, slitty-eyed of Hong Kong, can live side by sides with us them. Yeah?!!, We are ready because we are ready, Y2K. where is Mr. Kalonzo Musyoka, Mr. Uhuru Kenya drunk piece of trash, where Mr. Raila Odinga opprotinist? Where Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, Charlatan? Where is Charity NgIlu? Where is Wangari Mathai? Where is the damned Pope Francis, former scrounger Argentina, where the prostitute, Queen Elizabeth prostitute of the devil infested island of England? where are the evil white Americans, English people, where are their Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, where *black hawk downs, black hawk downs, black hawk downs, black hawks down, where the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and terrorist, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu? where Mr. Paul Kagame of Rwanda? Where is Mr. Jakaya Kikwete (what a name) of Tanzania, Where is Mr. Koffi Anan?
I am scientists, get your damn rubbish away from South Africa, Kenya and South Sudan. in peace. Anything that is connected to an evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs will be destroyed. *kenols and Kobils* are going to be level to ‘abac/nil/naught/nought/zero/zilch. There will be second *Auschwitz and holocaust* The vermins/parasites/viruses are not going to ‘each Poland or New York.
I am the one who is going to bomb these vermins/parasites/viruses OUT OF MAP once and FOR ALL, reason, our HATRED and RACISM.
We don’t consider evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs anything, the low lives don’t know their right places.
There is this piece of trash—–broad band from South Africa, yeah, allegedly being roll out by in the so-called Indians ocean, *that South Africa or Southern African countries (capabilities) or technology know how will help their economies, oh really???!* And countries like Kenya has some technology edge Yah??!!! What damn technology do the Kenya have than South Sudanese? They are behind the curve. Probably M-pesa, has nothing to do with technology. Money (pesa) in Portuguese, in Spain (pesa), Intalian (pesa) or Lira. South America or Latin America, they used in pesa in Mexico, the Conquistadors to pesa to Amercas long time ago. Kenyans, ‘lipa pesa nyinyi’ pay back our money fellows. Omar Hassan El Bashir, let our country and our people used dinar (the biblical Jesus of Nazareth was betrayed by his disciples, Mr. Judas Iscariot for *30 coins of silver, to Romans and Greekis*. 30 coins of silver for today’s 2/2/2022, could be trillion of Silvers.
’30 silver dinarions’ were what the biblical Jesus of Nazareth was betrayed for. The biblical Jesus Nazareth was brought here in our valley and plains, his mother Mary and his father, brought to him to our country. There were rumors that a Jew messiah will be born in Jewish communities. And because, the Jews didn’t to trust the Romans and Greekis any more. They bullied very badly by the Romans and Greekis. Don’t bully women. The Biblical Jesus of Nazareth could be called the first refugee. When went back his own country, today’s so-called israel.
He started his teaching in his Jews’ villages, there were young boys/girls of Mathew, Mark, Luke, his own mother, Mary, Mary Magdalen, Martha and others, very powerful women and boys. and girls. Mr. Jesus of Nazareth. his Jews. The the so-called parabols are indirect ways of telling the facts or truth proverbs/asides.
Here in Nile valleys and plains, we use ‘pound’ using pound doesn’t mean anything or that we were colonized by devil infested island of England* not in slightest. Our Egypt, Syria (we respect people of Syria), Suuk (Aleppo market, we are going build it and give it to the owners, Syrian people, there will no damned evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs in Middle East once and for all, what ‘bab (gate yaa ya to yaa jamaa, the damned (gate), the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack going are going to pass through No gate (bab fellows). Just follow the Muonyjiengs/Jienges/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas and you are wasting your damn times and our times, Pure HATRED and RACISM lurk here.
Our cloned so-called Arab North Sudan, our Egypt. Lebanon, use pound. It doesn’t doesn’t mean we are devil infested island colony or slaves. They Dinar in Libya. Using dollar. doesn’t mean anything. No country is going to US dollars. One front militarily, second front financially and third front HATRED and RACISM. We informed before we bomb them. The Nile, white RACE will be no MORE. We are going Chinese Yuans, Japanese Yen, Kenyans shillings, but there will first of all. White people in central Kenya towns of Nanyuki, Laikipia all the evil British mercenaries allegedly training for battle in tropics will all be killed, all the Bantus, Nyauhuru, Nyeri, Muthaiga,united nations environmental program (UNEP) will be destroyed. Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta international aiport will be parking lot, Wilson airport will be parking lot, Embakasi airport will be a parking lot, Moi international in Mombasa, will be parking lot. Bole international airport in Adis Ababa, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitute will be a parking lot, King Farhad international airport in Mecca and Medina will be parking lots, Dubai International airport, will be a parking lot. Eastern Jerusalem, will be parking lot. Ben-Guron international airport in Tel Aviv, will b parking lot. some of other of rubbishes of JFK international in New York will be parking lot, Heathrow airport in the devil infested island will be a parking lot.
Move your rubbish away from South Africa, take it to West Australia. South Australia, Darwin, pine gap, Mascot international airport in New South Wales, but not badger Creek, in Western Sydney. Not in Alice springs, Darwin airport. Avolan airport, Victoria, use it. But you have been informed. They always. Join the Australian if you piece of trashes/shits think. you are anything.
There is a suburb called Sunshine, not very far away from footscray not very far away from downtown, there is a superior woman, she has some relation with South Sudanese. She went Australia a refugee, she is not refugees these days, but she where came from. She is well educated than Victoria premiere, Mr. Daniel Andrew. Those are the Australian politicians. That university Monash university, destroy and their certificates and go back to to island of England.
There is one of South Sudanese Mr. Taban Loliyong, from Eastern Equatoria during his time, used to criticizes his students from the university of Nairobi, Kenya. That they are not well educated, that is precisely true. He wanted young boys and girls to contribute.
Mr. Taban Loliyong they went to US and the Americas. They went and found American Americans are being treated very poorly, while their kins are even well educated white people. That then raise, the why white people think, they are superior than Africans. the question rest here in South Sudan, our cloned so-called arabs North Sudan. It is always about South Sudan and the South Sudanese people.
The Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt are back with a lot vengeance. Mr. Taban Loliyong went be posted Papua New Guinea (PNG), in Pacific. Listen low lives, My mother tongue Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt, is my first language, Arabic is my second (not Juba or Kriol-like-arabic), Kis-swahili (is just an offshoot Arabic, Bantuses and Nilotes; mostly Bantuses, English is my forth languages, German is my firth languages, Germans don’t allow even European babies who have a commend in German to go to colleges and universities—–undergraduates. Because they teach their babies German. With postgraduate students, they teach their babies in German and other foreign languages. French is my sixth language.
Why do I need all these foreign languages, than to concentrate on my mother tongue? I don’t know. Probably though, we have been brought up next to other people, speaking other people is a good idea. To be honest, that is very true. The US, the UK, Italian, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dog, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses, French, Indians, Pakistanis, Iranian (they use farsi or Pashto, they are not any from Arabic same letter, difference nuances.
The evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs often lie their dirty teeth, that Africa that here in South Sudan we use Latins/Romans words, letters, numbers, because were colonized by the Romans, Italians, Arabs, Bantuses English people, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their damned so-called US Oh really?!!! Follow the Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangsd/Jienges/Jengrs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt. I will be damned if there white people on this planet earth>>>>