In a statement extended to Sudans Post this morning, South Sudanese students studying at Suez Canal University are asked to pay tuition fees which the student shouldn’t pay by the virtue of the scholarship agreement.
“With high regard and esteem, we, South Sudanese students at Suez University are releasing this press statement to the ministry of higher education and the entire government of South Sudan to bring this problem to an end,” they said in the statement.
They went on to explain why they decided to protest.
“The problem is a scholarship irregularity which is severely violated beyond its valor by the university.
“In faculty of petroleum and mining engineering, we have six distinct departments [namely] Petroleum engineering, Petroleum Exploration and Production engineering, Refinery and petrochemical engineering, Metallurgy and materials engineering, Mining and surveying engineering, Geology and geophysical engineering.
“The department number 2 in the above is the problem in which students are asked money (tuition fees). The question is why is this department not treated like other departments and which article in the scholarship agreement says it should be treated differently yet it is in the same faculty?
“This is totally a severe violation of specialization according to scholarship agreement and so it should be looked into. The agreement is very clear, any student admitted to the faculty has right to specialize in any department of the faculty. It is the only university which is going contrary against the scholarship agreement.
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“BREAKING | South Sudan embassy in Cairo closed down by students”
These piece of low lives will be always be any piece of shits on this planet earth to further their own sinister projects over South Sudan and the South Sudanese people. If the government of South Sudan doesn’t has money for anything, then how come those there are some low lives in foreign countries on government scholarships.
There are a lot of people here in South Sudan who have been angered by the evils and devils. Whom some of our low lives and lowly informed piece of sewers often called them ‘South Sudan and South Sudanese people’ uncles or allies’
The low lives always want other to heavy lifters. The cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses, the evil white Amercians, English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states terror exporters, their damned UN, NGOs and United Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) of Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Rwandans and Niegerian mercenaries, are our countrty and our people, enemies.
But the low lives don’t listen. But they are going to listen some of these days. They have been thoroughly warned. Let any South Sudanese piece of shit ever ever again try to bring the cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses, the evil white Americans, English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states terror exporters, their damned UN, their sleazy NGOs and United Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) of Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Rwandans and Nigerian mercenaries into our country and over our people, again, in the name of rebuilding South Sudan like in 2005 and that South Sudanese will killed with his/her foreign evils, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
If any piece of shits would want to be funded by the devils and evils, I explained above, then stay in those countries.
The lowly informed are told the facts, the devils and evils they often called their allies or uncles often run around, and then come and lump their devil and evil selves ‘every ten (10) or fifty (50) on to our country and our people——so-called COLD WAR, these days, it a HOT WAR.
This is the nature of dirty and cheap intrigues always fought over our country and over our people by the devils and evils. The US, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arabs terror exporters and financiers’ love country and our people to death, but we don’t consider them anything. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. The vermins/parasites/viruses even swear and pray, that there cannot be their cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, their Tigray or Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes and some vermins/parasites/viruses here in the IGAD and the African Union (the AU), the UN and NGOs who have badly *attached their evil selves* to our country and over our people like leeches or ticks.
The damned so-called AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION, being touted by foreign criminals and secret societies is not going to fly here in South Sudan as we know it. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. South Sudan is not *Democratic republic Congo (Zaire), Central African republic (C.A.R), or West African Bantuses’ countries, where the Bantuses low lives, worship Europeans, Arabs and their evil juus (so-called israelis) sewers or Southern African countries of Bantuses who let the Dutch, English people, Portuguese, Italians, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans or Arabs took over their countries
There is one of their piece of shit, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, who was brought here to South Sudan, by his white masters’ secret societies and his pay masters to come and convince or lecture us to *live sides by sides with our cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses, white people, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans. Oh yeah?!! Like the way the Bantuses live sides by sides with their masters, in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Kenya, In Uganda, the evils are wasting their damn times and our times. Trying is not a crime though.
Or that South Sudan was ‘mid-wife with the US money’. We have asked the devils and evils, to bring the damned bill and get lost.
The devils and evils have taken our country and our people hostage. The devils and evils don’t know how far we are way way too well ahead of them, The US was given the first priority to come and invest in South Sudan 2011. *The US and her Robber Barons, in Wall Street, turned down the offer* ‘Citing lack infrastructure in South Sudan for US investors to come and invest in them’.
That was 100% true and still is the case today. But when South Sudan came and asked China to come and invest in South Sudan, and the Chinese agreed. The US criminals and Robber Barons, went berserk and that is what caused the 15/12/2013, 07/07/2016. The US and her allies have step on wrong people’s feet—–us, the Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jenges/Jaangs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt. People who can challenge us on this planet earth, don’t exist. Russians, Germans and the Nordic countries, minus Norway. may. But the UK and the US, Norway are piece of rubbishes, they even called themselves *Troika [three] countries—-iGAD-PLUS* What do evils really think, they are to South Sudan and the South Sudanese people?
That South Sudan is part of the damned so-called ANGLO-AMERICAN devil and evil empire, Oh really?! That South Sudanese people so-called ANGLO-AMERICAN empire subjects or slaves, Oh really?!! That South Sudan is part of the damned so-called “COMMON WEALTH OF NATIONS COUNTRY, Or South Sudanese are the devil and evil damned so-called COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS’ SUBJECTS or SLAVES” who do the low lives think, they are are? May gods of white people help them.
All the Southern African countries, aside from Mozambique, Angola, Namibia were ‘Cecil Rhode estate’ We respect the Bantuses of Zimbabwe,
Mr. Robert Mugabe, did the right thing. Kicked out the so-called white farmers out of his country. They have not gone anywhere. Mr. Robert Mugabe was put in jail by Ian Smith, an English piece of sewer, when Mr. Robbert Mugabe came of out of Jail, he forgave Mr. Ian Smith, but Mr. Ian Smith, knows, he cannot share Zimbabwe with Mr. Robert Mugabe. Mr. Ian Smith rolled over and ran to Australia, South Australia.
Mr. Robert Mugabe was even given the devil infested island token called ‘knight hood’ He was called Sir Robert Mugabe. But when Mr. Robert Mugabe saw many of his people lives in slum areas of Harare and Bulawayo, he called for land reformed, ‘the so-called white farmers, protested, that they cannot give their lands to black people’
Mr. Robert Mugabe had other ideas, he told the white devils and evils, ‘pack up their luggage and go home’.
Zimbabwe was sanctioned by the so-called ‘Western Counties’. Yeah?!! What about sanctions, The so-called Western civilization has been challenged with it damned NATO countries. Whichare wasting their times and other countries’ times. The US and their so-called NATO countries, are going to be destroyed once and for all. ‘One front, military, second front financially and third front pure HATRED and RACISM’.
We are going to use Chinese Yuans, Japanese Yen, Kenyan shillings (but first of all, no white rubbishes, Bantuses, Indians, Pakistanis, Napalese, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Arabs, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes , in central Kenyan towns of Laikipia, Nanyuki, Nyaururu, Nairobi and Mombasa, all the Kobils and Kenols, all the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs in Kenya, will be destroyed. Pure HATRED and RACISM.
We use pound here in South Sudan, it don’t mean anything. No one is going ‘Rand——have you low lives ever heard of the so-called *Rand corporation* Is just the same with the Dutch East India or British East Indian corporation. The Dutch went and colonized Indonesia and East Timor. In Asia and Pacific. The Dutch were following the Portuguese from Angola, Mozambique, Port Jesus at Kenyan Coast of Mombasa, right up to India and Macau island of China, the biggest Hub after Las Vegas——the so-called sin city in the US.
The British followed the Dutch and fought themselves over with the Dutch (Boer war or the so-called Afrikaans) in Southern Africa over Africans—they went Colonized India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh {they are just Indians pieces of shits), Myanmar (Burma), Malaysia (Singapore is not a country), Hong Kong (Opium war), Australia and New Zealand, in Asia and Pacific.
South Sudanese piece of lowly informed. Once again,*the US, the UK, their cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses, the evil white Americans, English people, their gulf Arab states terror exporters and financiers, the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their UNMISS of Indians, Nigerians and Rwandans,; Roman Catholics (society of Jesuits), Voodoos, Anglican, Presbyterian, Hindus, Sharman, Lutheran, Islam, Judaism are not wanted in our country and over our ever again.
Pope Francis, former Argentina scrounger is dead. queen Elizabeth of the devil infested island is dead ages. queen Victoria, No Irish. Potatoes. The Nile, is not controlled by low lives, but by the owners—us.
We don’t like white people, Bantuses, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, gay people, lesbians, Arabs follow the Muonyjiengs/jiengs/Jenges/Jaangs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt.
Let any ever ever again try bring these vermins/parasites/viruses into our country and over our people, on the disguise of the so-called *UN AGENDA 21, NOW SHIFTED TO UN AGENDA 30, UN AGENDA 50, UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENTS WITHOUT BORDERS, GOVERNMENT OF DONATIONS, GOVERNMENTS RUN BY THE UN, GOVERNMENT OF HUMANITARIANS AIDS, PEACEKEEPERS, HUMAN RIGHTS*
You better look for a place to hide. White people have no life, let alone human rights. I worked for white people, they are lowly educated piece of shits. They even followed me 24/7. However they don’t know how they are not our equals, not in slightest.
Put pressure, put pressure, put pressure, put pressure, put pressure on South Sudan and the South Sudanese people, oh yeah, and then South Sudanese people will buckled and; and yeah, the AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION. ‘touted by foreign criminals and secret societies’ of *former South African president, Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma (not Xuma of Bantustan of course), former president of Tanzania, Jakaya Kiwete (what a name)? Current president of Rwanda, Mr. Paul Kagame, a lowly educated and a terrorist piece of shit, current president of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, a Bantus criminal piece of shit, his arch rival, Mr. Raila Odinga, an opportunist who even brags that he a CIA operative in Africa, former Nigerian president, Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, formerAbesh (so-called ethiopian) low life, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn, his successor Abiy Ahmed, Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Rebecca Nyandeng, Majak Agoot, Pagan Amum, Uyai Deng Ajak, Malik Agaar, Yarsir Arman, former president Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, Susan Rice, Susan Paige, former UNSC South Korean slitty-eyed piece of sewer, Mr. Ban Ki Moon. former Dutch prostitute and head United nations mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Ms. Hilde Johnson.
Fellow, we are the ancient Egyptians, very 100% racists and than white people.
If it is very hard for us, then we will just *yellow caked you and pee* Look for Manhattan project 2.0 or 3.0 if you are anything. ‘Didn’t your mother ever tells you not to play with fire, you will get burn’.
The devils and evils, empire had caught with their pants down. There will be no damned so-called ‘WESTERN CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW iT’ ROLLS BOMBS TO SO-CALLED TIGRAY, ABESH (SO-CALLED ETHIOPIAN) PROSTITUTES, Kenya, Djibouti (the US army, French legions in Djibouti and Djiboutians will be bombed back to Yemen), with the land vermins/parasites/viruses are currently on), reasons, HATRED and RACISM. Port Sudan in Red, will be destroyed, by me, Suez Canal, will be bomb to nothing, by me and other South Sudanese. I am one of the boys who is again going helps BOMB BANTUSES of our Kiirtoum (Khartoum), Bantuses of Nigerians (palatais—-fulanis) are not going to live sides by sides with us in the Sudan. We want a report from Mr, Olusegun Obasanjo.
Have you ever heard of the so-called *Biafra war* It was fought by the US, the UK, gulf Arab states, their evil juus so-called israelis) attack dogs* on behave of Norther Nigeria——Boko Haram, Islamic state (IS) Greb (Magreb)—–in Greb in Arabic is West, Libya, Tunisia. Algeria, Morocco and West African countries——subs-Saharan African countries are just West Africans. But the Europeans, think they have ideas, *Middle and North Africans* Middle, white people, the Arabs and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs,
The Subs-Saharan Africa, that our Pyramids came and be built *by built by the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Roman catholis, Greekis or Arabs, since when?*
At the Nile Delta, Estuary of the Nile, Iqzanderia (Alexandria), owners the Muonyjiengs/jiengs/jenges/Jaangs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt country.
Look for a place to hide. Ask your gods to help you.