In a ministerial order issued on Monday, the Finance and Economic Planning Minister, Bak Barnaba Chol directed the customs revenue division to implement the introduction of the system for all imports and exports destined from and to the East African nation.
“This shall be cited as ministerial order No. 09/2024 for operationalization of mandatory Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) to be implemented by South Sudan Revenue Authority,” partly reads the order.
The electronic cargo tracking note, the ministerial order stated, will be mandatory for all goods destined to South Sudan and all goods leaving the country with immediate effect.
“The sole purpose of the ECTN is to help the government of the Republic of South Sudan to maximize its revenue collection by remedying the challenges of underestimation, undervaluation, diversion of cargo and above all round-tripping,” it further noted.
A service charge of $350 will be levied on all commercial goods destined for South Sudan.
“All importers and exporters with no exception must comply and pay the agents service charges of 350 USD as required by Memorandum of Understanding for the smooth facilitation of all goods without delays and without hurdles caused by cross border bureaucracies,” it stressed.
The customs division, the directive said, will implement the order to ensure compliance.