The survey which required 1.7 million U.S dollar will be conducted starting in April to May 2021 nationwide by 647 trained enumerators and supervisors.
The effort, led by the National Bureau of Statistics and UNFPA, aims to help the government in planning and development of the country.
Speaking during the launch of population estimation survey (PES) in Juba, Dr. James Wani Igga, Vice President for Economic Cluster said the survey will support in preparation of full census.
“The population estimation survey will provide coordination across government actors, donors, private sectors, universities in collection, processing and utilization of data to support national development efforts,” Wani said.
Isaiah Chol, Chairperson of National Bureau of Statistics said the survey will help the government to plan for forthcoming population and housing census.
“The data to be generated from the PES will allow the government to have a clear and informed way of planning for the forthcoming 2022/2023 Population and Housing Census,” Chol said.
Chol added that the result of PES will assist in development of modeled infrastructure data for water and sanitations, lands, settlements, roads education, health and agriculture.
Alain Noudehou, UN Resident Coordinator said the population estimation survey is expected to come up with an accurate count of the population of South Sudan.
“It is expected to come up with an accurate count of population of South Sudan and generate a wealth of information including their age and sex where they are and what their living conditions are,” said Noudehous in speech delivered by Jamal Arafat, UNHCR representative.
The South Sudan population was obtained from the Sudan population and housing census of 2008.
The information to be obtained from the survey will be vital to guide decisions related to people’s wellbeing, economic investment, policy-making and development planning and improvement of services at community levels.
“South Sudan launches population estimation survey”
South Sudan population is almost 13 million people. But that is my own guess, it could be more and less than 13 million people. But does not has to do with anything? Our Neighbors of North Sudan, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, Kenya and even our best ally Uganda and Rwanda, have huge population, with no resources to support those populations. We have resources here in South Sudan to support our country.
But there are some vermins/parasites who have attached themselves to our country and over our people like *leeches/ticks*. There is what is called *AFRICA UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION* being propagated by foreign leaders and secret societies of *former South African president, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, current Rwandan president, Mr. Paul Kagame, former Tanzania president, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, current Kenyan president of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, his riva, Mr. Raila Odinga, former Abesh (so-called ethiopian) criminal, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn, his successor, Mr. Abiy Ahmed.
Former US president, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, Susan Rice, Susan Paige, former leader of the UNSC, a South Korean pieces of trash, Mr. Ban Ki Moon. They brought their South Korean slit-eyed fools here in Bor, to be peace keepers. They are not here these days.
For those South Sudanese who like to learn things, *Korean war was fought by the UN, Mr. Idda Amin Dada, from our next door, Uganda, on behave of the devil infested Island of England and their US colony*
When Mr. Mr. Idda Amin Dada came back to Africa, he came and kicked out *the English people and their Asian slaves (Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis or Nepalese and others* out of his country. Mr. Mr. Idda Amin Dada was even called “an Ape (a monkey)” by his haters in the US and India.
Monkeys copy (ape) everything. And that is what the Indians and European do. They take or lift other people things without acknowledging where or who they get theirs from. It is called ‘plagiarism’. Acknowledge other people’s work is a good idea.
Just acknowledge other people’s works, put in your own idea, works and get away with it. We are the ‘Ancient Egyptians fools’. Europeans and even Arabs low lives, always use our inventions and everything we do as their own’. But not these days again.
Dr. James Wani Igga
How will you guys conducting the survey? First of all, my estimation about the population of South Sudanese people is 18- 20 million people. Even though the wars and diseases had killed so many millions of people in South Sudan I think the South Sudan’s population is not 12 million people but it could be around 18-20 million people. During the independence in 1956, the whole Sudan’s population was 15 million people and among five million people were Southern Sudanese people and the remaining 10 million people were from all regions in Northern Sudan, Nubia Mountains, Blue Nile, Eastern Sudan and the Darfur Regions. Arabs soldiers were also killing Southern Sudanese people in cold war inside cities a cross the Southern Sudan Regions and even in Northern Sudan too. Yes, our politicians have had decreased Due to those factors and also the South Sudanese people do killed themselves for animals looting and culture of hatred but I don’t think the population is 12 million people .
Why using vaciine of covid 19 if you have enough vaccine even though the 15 years Old will not be giving a vaccinate because of fear age reaction according to experts Doctors but the parents will be able to tell how many children they have and the Doctors will records down like that.
Mr. Aduol Liet,
The vermins/parasites take their survey on refugees in Uganda, Kenya, our Gambella region (so-called Abesh), our Nuer ke nyantoc in Juba, here in Bor, Malakal, Anasir, Bentiu and Wau Acholdit.
South Sudan was to be an experiment of the so-called UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT. Respect our army boys and girls. Our Nuers ke nyantoc, Shilluks (Chollos) and some creeps in central Equatoria and masters in the US, the UK, the UN, the sleazy NGOs and some of their creeps here in the IGAD and the African Union (the AU) are our enemies chap.
Most them are the ones post fake news all the times on bad the South Sudan is online. They are lowly educated anyway. There is a bird here in South Sudan, not in South Sudan only. But up to our Egypt, the bird is ‘aluet luet—–that if l were here, then this cow or that cow could not be leashed here’
Our cousins from central Equatoria always play ‘aluet luet’ bird song with our country. Our arch enemies have joined the dance. Remember chap, the then so-called Equatoria defense force (EDF), That was headed by Mr. Alfred Lado Gore, while Mr. Riek Machar, Wal Duany and other bunch of our Nuer ke nyantoc, Our Shilluks (Chollos) were working for bring for where the Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Dinkas/Jenges would bring next meal from (find out the so-called Fashoda relief agency—under then South Sudan Relief Agency (SSRA).
Mr. Aduol Liet, I can write the whole bible in a day, but facts. many of our lowly educated don’t want know have to be told. Lord Liberation army (LRA) in Northern Uganda also played games with people here South Sudan. Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Aduok Nyabe and Joseph Oduho stabbed our mighty SPLM/A at back marched to Khartoum.
Mr. Joseph Oduho, was unfortunately killed ‘Kongor, central Bor, Jonglei state’ in 1992. Mr. Riek Machar and his Lou Nuers were bombed right up to their’ filthy villages’. To cut the history short, their Riek Machar went and studied at the university of Bradford, their certificates are not recognize here in South Sudan, the devil infested Island of England. He came and married an NGO worker, Emma, we killed her on Ngong Road in Kenya in 1997.
Secret societies covet our country and our people to death chap. Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Pagan Amuom, et al. When I was in Canada some years ago, the low lives wanted me to join one of their secret socities,’ club. I turned down the low lives offer down. The evils bullied anyway. but ignored them. When I went to Australia, they went and bullied me again. I ignored the evils again. They came and bullied me here in my home state of Jonglei, that I don’t earn much money and that I should be working for them, to get more money. I killed two of them. South Sudan is not for sale.
Our lowly informed South Sudanese. Our Nile River and our land is what the vermins/parasites are after. Our country has been projected to be like their *Democratic of Congo (C.A.R), Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbawe (our ally), Botswana, (did you read a lowly Botswana piece trash who told South Sudanese to use pens and not weapons), Lesotho and Africa. Or their central Africa republic (C.A.R) or their West Africans who worship them.
To make ‘South Sudan and the Sudanese people poor as much as possible, the end game is the so-called *AFRICA UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION* being propagated by the same secret societies who claim to be our country and our people’s allies* South Sudan is not part of the damned so-called *ANGLO-AMERCA or Commonwealth country, never has and will never ever will under the sun or even in million years, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Rwanda and Mozambique, have joined the damned so-called *ANGLO-AMERICA and Commonwealth countries*. For all I care, the low lives are wasting their times and other people’s times. There will not be any piece of rubbish here in South Sudan, from the so-called ANGLO-AMERICAN or their so-called commonwealth countries, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
China, Russia, all the Nordic countries minus Norway. These creeps even think, we are their equal. I am a Norwegian scholar (NPA). They not are equal with us. They called themselves three countries of (the US, The UK and Norway (TROIKA). The vermins/parasites even think, the Nordics or Vikings came and built our ‘Pyramids’, Oh really!?.
Have you ever heard of Mr. Dan of Mr. Dr. John Garang? He was a Nordic boy from Norway. We are not equal with them fools. Watch out.