JUBA – Members of South Sudan’s National Security Service (NSS) disrupted on Saturday a discussion set for South Sudan’s constitutional history in the capital Juba, according to activist Wani Michael.
“Officers from National Security Service shutdown our panel discussion on South Sudan Constitutional history,” activist Wani wrote on Twitter. “This is happening at the time when the President officially launched the Permanent Constitution making process.”
Discussion of South Sudan’s constitutional history is important especially as the country prepare to write its permanent constitution as provided for in the revitalized peace agreement signed in 2018.
“We’ll never be intimidated and threatened!” Michael who is the Executive Director of Okay Africa added.
Even our mighty SPLA boys/girls used not to crammed themselves into ‘a car like that, our cloned so-called Arab of North Sudan would had destroyed our people and got away with it’.
We have better bombs than our enemies. But it is always about South Sudan and the South Sudanese people’. Good luck fellows, you are going to bombed to near ‘oblivion/extinction’.
Germans are the ones who can challenges us, *But Italians, Dutch (so-called Afrikaans)), Bantuses, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, mighty US, the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Hong Kong low lives, Irish criminals, read James Joyce Uylssses and understand it :https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjtv6qBkOzxAhWZwzgGHYy7CXQQFjAQegQIThAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fbooks%2Fbooksblog%2F2016%2Fjan%2F13%2Fis-james-joyce-ulysses-the-hardest-novel-to-finish&usg=AOvVaw2OUsrhpRVXuSGa4jtaLssX
It is one of the most difficiult book to read by boys/girls of none ‘English speakers as their mother tongues’. The Reason it is a bit difficult read is because ‘James Joyce uses first language to tell his history to the other people around the world’.
‘Irish Potatoes here in South Sudan, fish and chip or French fries in Canada. Are the same. Irish people were almost wiped by ‘the so-called *kings and queens of the devil infested island of England*. And that was why there is to day’s Irish Potatoes, Northern Island and the republic of island are the same, they can just move away from the devil infested island of England and *re-unite if they can, We are going to bomb the evils England to nothing/zero/zilch/naught if they really can, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM, they can also go to Scotland or Wales and get away away with it*>>>>
Have you fellows ever heard the so-called
“South Sudan security operatives shut down discussion on constitution”
There has been a constitution since 2005, otherwise South Sudan don’t exist. Oh really the *Dr. Google constitution experts are now out of the ‘woods trying to lecture’ South Sudanese about lawyering and rule of law’*
South Sudanese with brains have been telling some of our lowly educated fools. That ‘If we allow the so-called AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION’, then our people would come and say, their country is being taken over by foreigners The reasons as to why i always ‘opposed the AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL and REGIONAL INTEGRATION is because ‘I am insider’ and our people would again come and bomb the people, some of our fools call them their allies.
Mr. Pope Francis was an evil man take or leave it. Queen Elizabeth was an evil woman, take it or leave it. Uganda is our ally, Kenya is our ally, Mr. Riek Machar,Pagan Amuuom, Lam Akol, Pope Francis and some of their piece of rubbishes who have attached themselves to our country and over our people, however they are not considered anything’
What is beyond of your disturbing by the security?