JUBA – The Vice Chancellor of the University of Juba Professor John Akec has accused state-own South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) of censoring views that are opposing government initiative to dredging Nile River tributaries of weeds to enable water flow.
Akec is leading a section of citizens opposing the conduct of river dredging without the necessary feasibility study that he and his followers say should precede the plan of the government to dredge rivers of weed.
In a statement, Akec said SSBC has refused to stream or disseminate the public consultation that he organized at the University of Juba this week and also said that the state television failed to broadcast the halt by President Kiir of the initiative.
“South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation is a pro-dredging [and] has blocked advertising [of] the public consultation organized by [University of Juba] and has the freezing of the dredging by the President never made it into its news bulletin,” he said.
He said that the state television channel “Went off air when Prof. Taj Khazin was speaking at Freedom Hall.”
‘South Sudan state media censoring ‘anti-dredging’ views, says Prof. John Akec’
Yaa Sudans Post propagandist pieces of creeps, be careful fellows. Trolling the websites or internet for South Sudanese sounding names and write your craps about South Sudan is not a good idea of low lives,
Sudans Post, you can post damn posts your piece of propaganda rubbish about South Sudan and the South Sudanese all you want, but you are wasting your damn times and South Sudanese people’s times. There is no way under the sun, we will ever again welcome anything that is connected to:
The devil worshipers, bloodsucking vampires, secret coteries, vermin/parasites/viruses/pests in our cloned so-called Arabs North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes, Bantuses, white Americans, English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, your gulf Arab states terrorist & financiers, gays, lesbians or LGBTQs, Italians, Irish, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans on the disguised or covert bullshits of Cabal AGENDA 21, now shifted to AGENDA 30, AGENDA 50, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, GOVERNMENT RUN BY THE UN, NGOs, HUMANITARIAN AID WORKERS, MERCENARIES (dressed up with UN attires) ALLEGEDLY TO PROMOTE DEMOCRACY, TO PROMOTE SO-CALLED RULE OF LAWS OR RULE BASED LAWS (what are they?), TO PROTECT SOUTH SUDAN CIVILIANS (from who?), TO PROTECT SOUTH SUDANESE HUMAN RIGHTS, WOMEN RIGHTS, GIRLS’ RIGHTS (from who?), GOVERNMENT RUN BY DONATIONS FROM FACELESS DONORS——–of multinationals, big corporations, big banking cartels, their subsidiaries and their massive mass media propaganda Machines (Sudans post included); who have stashed away their loots in tax havens or in shady countries of Kenya, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, South Africa, Botswana, Rwanda, Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana and Morocco here in Africa; Tel Aviv (evil juus so-called israel) attack dog, the UAE and Turkey in Middle East.
Mumbai, India; Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao, China, Bali, Indonesia, Sydney, Australia and Asia and pacific, pivot to pacific’ anyone—–says Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, a secret cabal and lowly educated criminal and his bunch of cabal’ in the US states’ department.
That rising costs of living pressure, interest rate rises, lack of sunflower (cooking oil), grains (maize/corn/wheat), Sorghum or cattle, sheep, goats and lack of petroleum fuel/energy/gas, because of war in Ukraine, is affecting the most vulnerable countries around the world; mostly mostly the Sub-Saharan Africa, countries and especially South Sudan—-the so-called World newest nation, the world youngest country, the world poorest country, says who?
We are the Ancient Egyptians, we don’t like these cheap phrases *first Africans, first African Americans, first black so-so; in Europe, Asia, fellows, South or Latin Americas & Caribbean first so-so. We are too well ahead of pieces of nonsense. If your so-called Western civilization is going to survive our bombings, then we will give all the keys and we will be their slaves, once and for all. But for all I care, white race, will be wiped you out of map, once and for all, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM*
White people who can dare challenge us don’t exist. However, Russians, Germans, Chinese, Scandinavian countries, minus Norway, can try their luck to challenge us, but they are wasting time.
This is not NOT COLD WAR—-IT IS A HOT WAR. South Sudan and South Sudanese people have taken sides, on behave Russia federations and China. The NATO tribe is not going to exist again. Take it or leave it.
‘All of our African countries are pieces of shits, Bantuses, don’t have lives, they worship Europeans, Americans, Arabs, evil juus (so-called isrealis) attack dogs, Indians, the UN, and the NGOs’
Our lowly informed South Sudanese, no one like a bad neigbour (s). Abesh (so-called ethiopia), our cloned so-called arab North Sudan, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, Kenya, Rwanda, Djibouti, evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog and their gulf Arab Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait are not our allies or our equals, They are enemies and they are walkover and pee.
There is damn oil left in Saudi Arabi and gulf Arab states—-only here in Upper Nile. The evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs are not going to reach or New York, there will second Auschwitz and Holocaust, we have informed the low lives, to look for Manhattan project 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
The devil worshipers, bloodsucking vampires, secret cabals, vermins/parasites/viruses/pests always Aus used a region, countries against countries, people against people——the end justifies the means——war of attrition on a selected country and people.
The devil worshipers, bloodsucking vampires, secret cabals, vermins/parasites/viruses/pests pick as their cheap targets to expand, their devil woeshiping, bloodsucking vampirism, secret cabalism, verminism/parasitism/virusism/pestism and intriguism.
But the devil worshipers, bloodsucking vampires, secret cabals, vermins/parasites/viruses/pests and their cheap and dirty inrrigues is not going to fly over South Sudan and the South Sudanese people, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
AFRICA UNITY & REGIONAL INTEGRATION, so-called East Africa community (EAC), will be destroyed. Who would want to live sides by sides with Bantuses, white Americans, English couple, our cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes, gulf Arab terrorists, Dutches (so-called Afrikaans), Portuguese, Italians, Irish, gays, lesbians or LGBTQs, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans in South Sudan?
It is not a bad idea to be good neighbours, but honestly we are sick to being used by pieces of shits which are not damn equals and whom we can walkover in a matter of a week and pee, as their geopolitical chess games or football, every ten (10) years, their banking cartel are about to bust. And that is precisely why it is always a good idea, not to just sign things and join shifty club with questionable characters behind them.
Here is example, Mr. Paul Kagame and his Rwanda is not part of IGAD——-Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) countries, he (Mr. Paul Kagame and his Rwanda) is part of East Africa Community (EAC), Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union (the AU), NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT (or one world government), GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, GOVERNMENT OF RUN BY DONATIONS FROM FACELESS DONORS OR MERCENARIES.
Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, who is mafia family has amassed a lot money from Kenyans, and he has stashed a lot money in London and the US, Dubai, South Africa—–he was exposed on deeply his family is deep in the next of corruption in Kenya last years. But (he, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta and his family shrugged it off—-nothing to see there). His Arch rival Mr. Raila Odinga, now ally, is another secret cabal, Mr. Raila Odinga and his Luo community have some relationship with South Sudanese people, here in our Nilotic plains and valleys, corruption is frown upon.
We are 100% egalitarian people, our ancestors got rid of Pharaohs eons ago, and we know the reasons, why. Here in our Nilotic plains and Valleys, you can own over 3000 herd of cattle, but you still have to share a table with someone with nothing or someone with 20 herd of cattle—-it is the way. Former Abesh (so-called ethiopian) prostitute, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn a lowly educated piece of trash, he thought, he can pull his former boss, Mr. Meles Zenawi piece prank, his successor. Mr. Abiy Ahmed lowly life—–let his secret cabal handlers, give him another so-called Nobel peace prize. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, Young Africa leadership initiative (Yali).
Africa countries can join China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa (with no Dutch and English people) so-called BRIC countries, Asian countries, South America, and Caribbean countries and will give ‘Mortar and be motley countries’ But here in Africa, No one trust African counties—–Bantus countries.
Here in East Africa, Mr. Kagame, a lowly educated piece of shit, a terrorist (he was behind the 1994 genocide in Rwanda), a European and American, secret cabal and an attention seeker, he took his Rwanda to so-called Commonwealth of nations, however his country has nothing to do with England, Belgium Congo, that bullied them should have been the one to take his country to if he really honest to himself and Rwandan people. But the secret cabal was just desperate for White King /queen to be his master. Good luck to Rwanda & Mr. Paul Kagame, with house Windsor. All the Rwanda mercenaries here in Upper Nile,
will be killed and thrown into the Nile, they are piece shits. Former South African president Mr. Thabo Mbeki, a piece of lowlife, he was brought here to South Sudan by his cabal and handlers to come and convince our people to live sides by sides with Bantus, our cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes, white Americans, English people, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Dutch, Portuguese, Italians, Irish, gays, lesbians or LGBTQs, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese or Sri Lanka like they lives sides by sides in South Africa——Bantustan or Rhodestan/Rhodeesia?
Former Tanzania president, Mr. Jakay Kikwete (what damn name?), former president of Kenya, Mr. Mwai Kibaki, current president of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, his former arch rival turn ally, Mr Raila Odinga, former Nigerian president, Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo (we want a report from him, and this India criminal, Mr, Mahmood Mamdani——that the Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas killed the Nuers in Juba on the 15/12/2013, simply because they were Nuers),
Former Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn, his successor, Mr. Abiy Ahmed, late Meles Zenawi, Mr Soyoum Mesfin, former evil juus (so-called israel) Zionist piece of low life, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, former US President, Mr Barack H. Obama—-his former secretary of sates, Ms. Hillary Clinton, his former foreign policy advisor, Ms. Susan Rice, his former Ambassadress to South Sudan, Ms. Susan Paige, she was deep in neck in 15/12/2013 foiled coup attempt in Juba, South Sudan. Former United general Assembly or the UNSC, Mr. Ban Ki Moon.
Those pieces of low lives above, members of secret cabal and the agents of the so-called ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Our low lives of Mr. Riek Machar, Aduok Nyabe, their new recruits of Mr. Pagan Amum, Mr. Majak Agoot, Mr. Madut Biar, Uyai Deng Ajak, Tomas Cirillo and others are members of secret cabals; they have sold themselves.
That South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana and Morocco in West Africa, would be made manufacturing hubs/centres), and that the Resources in South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Democratic republic Congo (DRC), would be used as collateral to prop up or secure loans for those so-called would be made manufacturing hubs/centres and that is to stem or stop Bantuses from West Africa from crossing Mediterranean sea to Spain, Sicily, Lampedusa, Malta to Mainland Europe and go and caused problem there.
Fellows look for a place to hide. Regional Integration.
Sorry UN, US, and EU Countries: The Expulsion of Toby Lanzer is Irreversible
Fellows, there will be no damn US or so-called Western civilization, again. There will be NATO countries. We are going these sewers who is who on this planet earth. The Nile is control by owners. The Nile delta, is taken over by owners. Suez Canal will be closed by me>>>>