JUBA, MARCH 13, 2023 (SUDANS POST) – South Sudan’s only independent fact-checking platform, the 211 Check, has been admitted into the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) after becoming a verified signatory to the body’s Code of Principles.
IFCN comprises global fact-checking organizations similar to 211 Check.
Its “Code of Principles” is a series of commitments that member organizations abide by to promote excellence in the fact checking industry.
211 Check announced the news in a statement extended to Sudans Post this afternoon and hailed the admission into the global network as recognition of its hard work in combating dis/misinformation.
“211 Check is excited to announce that it has been accepted as a Verified Signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network’s (IFCN) Code of Principles,” it said this afternoon.
“This recognition comes from our team’s hard work and dedication towards countering dis/misinformation in South Sudan since establishment in March 2020,” it added.
It thanked Africa Check and PesaCheck as their “support has been invaluable in enabling us to improve our fact-checking skills and enhance the quality of the information we provide to our audience.”
211 Check says the admission into the global network will now “help us connect globally with other Verified Signatories and further elevate the field of fact-checking” and expressed commitment to upholding “highest standards of fact-checking.”
The platform – South Sudan’s first fact-checking initiative – was launched in 2020 to primarily combat disinformation linked to the outbreak and spread of the coronavirus pandemic and has since expanded its scope of work to counter hate and falsehood on social media in the war-torn country.
Prominent members of the initiative include Nelson Kwaje, the Chief Editor, Marina Modi, Managing Editor, Emmanuel Bida, Project Coordinator, Jibi Moses, Associate Editor, and Beatrice Amude, Media Monitor.