On Sunday, General Simon Gatwech, representing the SPLM-IO Kitgwang faction, and General Johnson Olony representing the Agwelek forces, signed a re-commitment to the implementation of the security arrangements providing for the integration of the opposition factions’ forces to the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF).
The parties, especially the SPLM-IO Kitgwang faction led by Gatwech and Olony, have been saying that the peace talks with the government was an initiative of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) which mediated the revitalized peace agreement in 2018.
For its part, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) led by First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny has criticized the agreement between Gatwech and Olony saying the agreement paves way for the SPLM-IO Kitgwang faction to join the SSPDF which the group says means a defection and not a split.
Early on January 9th, James Kalany Mamuon, the press secretary in the office of General Simon Gatwech Dual said the group’s leader had arrived to the Sudanese capital Khartoum “on the invitation of the IGAD (Sudan) to attend face to face meeting with the delegation of Government of South Sudan in Khartoum.”
“The SPLA-IO has been keenly monitoring the agreement and what was signed cannot be called the peace agreement. That is a clear indication of a way of paying Kit-Gwang for joining the SSPDF, which is a defection,” SPLA-IO spokesman and press secretary to the opposition-nominated minister of defense said, according to the City Review.
But in a statement on Thursday, the Sudanese embassy in Juba disowned the Kiir-Gatwech talk saying the government of Sudan is not involved in anyway other than allowing the parties to use Khartoum, the country’s capital, as venue for the talks and said the IGAD is not as well involved.
“The Embassy would like to clarify that the ongoing talks between the delegations of the Government of the Republic of South and the SPLM/A-IO (Magenis Faction) in Khartoum was not an IGAD led process as it was published in some news media. This talk was not initiated by IGAD, and there were no invitations sent from IGAD to any party to attend Khartoum talks between the parties mentioned above,” the Sudanese embassy said in the statement.
“The ongoing talk in Khartoum between the parties mentioned above was initiated by the parties themselves; and they have agreed to conduct their talks in Khartoum as a venue only,” the Sudanese embassy statement extended to Sudans Post and dated January 13, adds.
It said the Sudanese government “supports any effort that could help in the implementation process of the R-ARCSS, and any other efforts that aim to achieve peace in South Sudan. At the same time, the Government of Sudan doesn’t and will not support any direction of reopening the R-ARCSS or any part of it for any negotiations between the parties.”
“The Government of Sudan does not intend to open a new forum of peace talks, or to propose any suggestions or plans to the parties currently in Khartoum regarding their ongoing discussion, and Khartoum is only a venue for their discussions with the facilitation of representatives from the government,” the statement adds.
The statement further reiterated the Sudanese government’s “firm position regarding the peace process in the Republic of South Sudan; that we support the full implementation of the R-ARCSS in word and spirit, and all the parties to the Agreement have to commit to each and every part of it.”
“The Government of Sudan welcomes and supports all the efforts of the Regional and International partners to achieve peace in South Sudan through their support to the Revitalized Peace Agreement and through any other peace Initiatives like Rome Initiative for Peace in South Sudan.
“The Embassy of the Republic of Sudan avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the sisterly Republic of South Sudan (Sudan Affairs Department), and all Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations Accredited in the Republic of South Sudan the assurance of its highest consideration.”
this is a great development.
“Sudan disowns Kiir-Gatwech peace deal”
Yah? It was a Sudans posts made up bullshit. But anyway, propaganda is a part of war machine. Sudans post, Sudan Tribune, Nyamilepedia, Radio Tamazuj, there is a new piece of using Uganda flag—–the Tower post, other online tabloids including the UN and the NGOs have gone full scale propaganda about South Sudan and the South Sudanese people. But they must be very very careful. If they are caught, then they will be killed. We have informed our lowly informed south Sudanese low lives that these propaganda are spewed out 24/7 by the foreign agents of the CIA, MI6, Mosad, our cloned so-called Arab North Sudan and some their rubbishes, who covet our country and our people to death and who always masqueraded themselves with cloaks of the UN, NGOs or journalists trying work with South Sudanese journalists, my arse.
I had posted these links a number of times: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2005/10/mill-o06.html
Facts are, the US, the UK and their evil juus (so-called irsael) attack dog are the most dangerous spreaders of disinformation or fake news around the world. while at the same times, are the ones who always turn around and point fingers at other countries. They are hypocrite countries on this planet. Yet they don’t know hypocrisy is the most dangerous virtue, it creates deadly violent and wars. The Nazi spoken man, Mr. Josef Goebbels, was bellow far on using propaganda than US, the UK and evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs on that time and today’s standard
Hear hear hear lowly informed South Sudanese idiots, 80% of both prints, TVs and Radios in the US, the UK and some of their lackeys in the so-called Western countries are owned by multinational cartels and big corporations. In the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand (so-called FIVE EYES) and their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dogs, their gulf Arab terror exporters, financiers and secret societies’ families which have already brain washed the citizens of those countries. The citizens of those countries have no damn say in what goes on behind the scenes. They are told by the propagandists that their countries are ‘progressive, liberal, democratic as oppose to authoritarian regimes’. And the citizens of those countries buy the damned absolute lie. Their bigger attack dog, the US of ole A is not a democracy, ‘but a republican’. the devil infested island is not/has never been democracy, ‘but monarchy’, their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog, is not a damn country, if at all it were to be country, were is their damn king or queen? Yah, using King fantasies of the so-called King David? The evils have step on wrong people us, the Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt, are back with a lot vengeance. Their gulf so-called Arabs states’ terrorists or so-called Kings are going to be shown their right places, hell and jails. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
When we tell our Nuers ke nyantoc low lives, their love affair of foreign things and free things is not a very good idea, they are always used by our enemies to further their evil objects, cheap and dirty intrigues. They don’t listen. Their cheap and dirty game dirty is always to behave like babies, that ‘käm da wɔ jääŋ, ciala malec (that between Nuers with Jaangs/muonyjaangs/Jiengs/Jenges/Dinkas, no sorry), and when their children-like behavior or lifestyles is later confronted head-on, the then roll over and cry babies, that they are targeted by the Muonyjaangs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas government simply because, they are Nuers. They are always used by foreign criminals as their proxies. But there are some limits. They have been thoroughly warned. Let any rubbish ever ever again dare try to bring the cloned so-called *Arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses, white Americans, English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Italians, Irish, their gulf terror exporters, Rwandans, Nigerians, Ghanians, the UN, the sleazy NGOs, United Nations mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and other piece of rubbish on the disguise of the UN AGENDA 21, SHIFTED TO AGENDA UN AGENDA 30, UN AGENDA 50, UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENTS WITHOUT BORDERS, UN GOVERNMENT RUN BY DONATIONS, PEACEKEEPERS TO DISTRIBUTE FREE FOOD, HUMANITARIAN AID and HUMAN RIGHTS. And that we can live sides by sides, with our cloned so-called of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses of Kenya,. Uganda, Rwanda or South Africa, Nigerians, Ghanians, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arabs states’ terrorists, white Americans, English people, Portuguese, Italians, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese or Sri Linkans like they do in the South Africa, Zimbabwe (our best Bantus ally country), Namibia, just like us here in South Sudan, Angola or Mozambique, that is not going to happen under the sun or even in million years. South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana. Zambia, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda or Democratic republic of Congo (DRC), Central Africa Republic (C.A.R). Here in nilotic plains and valleys, we consider Bantuses anything, we don’t even marry them, they are not our equals. We don’t marry evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, they are not equals. We don’t marry indians, they are not our equals. There are so-called African-Carribbean who were to Upper Nile from devil infested island of England to be ‘resettled here in South Sudan’ go and look for them in Southern Cameroon, so-called ‘Anglophone country’.
And bring them to South Sudan. There is a Nuer piece lowly educated piece of shit, Mr. Riek Machar, he went and studied magic in the devil infested island of England, the University of Bradford. No one recognizes their certificates here in South Sudan, in case, there are South Sudanese who went and studied there. South Sudanese who went and studied in the devil infested island of England considers the University of Bradford, as ‘curry house university, no research is done there’. Mr. Riek Machar came and married an English NGO worker, Emma Mcune’, we killed her on ‘Ngong Road, Nairobi Kenya, in 1994’. Reasons pure HATRED and RACISM. Look for a place to hide.
Where is gat Machar, we killed him. The Nile is own by the owners of the Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt. COLD WAR is always fought over our back people’s back and our country—–war of attrition in other words. These days, the evils have been challenged. WW1 & WW2, were fought in our noses. WW3 is going to start here in South Sudan. People who can challenge us on this planet earth don’t exist.
Countries, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, our cloned so-called Arab North Sudan and their shifty allies are going to be blitz to Kingdom come, reasons pure HATRED and RACISM. Frankly speaking, there will be no Kenya, white rubbish in Southern Africa, gulf Arab states, evil so-called israelis) attack dogs, I am one of the boys who is again going to help bomb the evils out of our Kiirtoum (Khartoum), Eastern Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the evil juus (so-called israelis) are not going to reach Poland and New York, they will be WIPED OUT of MAP, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
All the Kenols and Kobils or every piece rubbish that is connected to these vermins/paraistes/viruses will be WIPED OUT in Kenya, United Nations environmental programs (UNEP) in Muthaiga Suburb of Nairobi, will be destroyed. Jomo Kenyatta international airport, will be parking lot, Wilson airport will parking lot, Embakasi airport will be a parking lot, Moi International airport in Mombasa, will be parking lot. Bole international in the Adis Ababa airport will be a parking lot. King Farhad international airport in Mecca & Mecca will be parking lots, Ben-Guron airport in Tel Aviv will be parking lot, Dubai international airport, in Abu Dhabi will be parking lot. Ukraine, had low low lives, ever heard of the so-called ‘pay to play’ in Nairobi (Nairobarry), Kenya during the so-called COLD WAR. Were Mr. Daniel T. Arab Moi was nudged by the US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, to play games with Somalians in North East—–during the so-called *shifta war*. And Mzee Daniel T. Arap Moi was promised by his foreign masters, funding to Kenya, so long as he make Kenya a conduits for criminals in the so-called *western countries, their cheap & dirty intrigues* And where the so-called *pay to play* come from. Eastern and central European countries, are always *cajoled by their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, every 10 (ten) years, did you piece of trashes, ever heard Orange revolution, in Ukraine Eastern Europe, Mr. Raila Odinga, then so-called *Orange democratic movement (ODM). in Kenya. Where is it?
Mzee Daniel T. Arap Moi was just what the Bantuses have been doing with our enemies. And that he would follow foot steps (Nyao), Mzee Muigai Kenyatta. Good luck fellows. The Turkanas, Pokots, Marakuets, Samburus, Nandis, Masaais, Luos and others are just the same with Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt. There is a general Lazarus Sumbeiywo, who was appointed by president Daniel T. Arap Moi and then Kenyan foreign minister of Kenya, Mr. Kolonzo Musyoka, Ukambani district, Machakos. South Sudan and cloned so-called Arab of North Sudan was signed in 2005, in Naivasha, rift valley, Kenya.
We are not your equals. look for a place to hide. The Nile is not controlled by low lives, but by the owners. What do you evils smoke?>>>>
“Sudan disowns Kiir-Gatwech peace deal”
There exists nothing called *GatWech in Sudan, South Sudan and our Gambella region*. There will be nothing people of these piece of trashes on this planet earth. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. Mr. Salva Kiir has let our country and our people be bullied by the vermins/parasites/viruses our cloned s-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas prostitutes, some of their Bantuses, of Rwandans, Djiboutians, Irish, Italians, Somalians, Nigerians, white Americans, English people, Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Presbyterians. Get you rubbish away from South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Zimbabea, Namibia, Lesotho, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Democratic republic of Congo (D.R.C), Tanzania and Kenya, South Sudan if you piece of shits really think, you are anything to our country and over our people, then take it in piece to Western Australia.
You are are going TO BE WIPED OUT MAP, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. If you are going to survive our bombings, then we will call god’s children, but for I care, you are going to be seen in the *museums* that white people once live on this planet earth.
There will be no *Perth, Esperance, Kalgoorlie (indigenous of Australia), we are not going to kill them, *Free mantle City*, we are going to kill some of them. Alice Springs, in the middle of Australia, we are not going to kill them. Their billabongs are not going to be poisoned these days, their Darwin city; at the top end, Kathrine and Broome and Geraldton in Western Australia are not going to be bomb for now. But they are going to *kingdom come*, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. Has any piece of trash ever heard, the Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the ‘the Sudan and Egypt’ ever ever marry *a Bantus, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Nigerians, the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, white Americans, English people, their gulf Arab states’ terrorists) exporters, Indians, Italians, gays, lesbians, disabilities of shits, the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, not really, not today, not yesterdays, not again and not in future. the ugliests. Irish potatoes. Our Nile valleys and plains, I will be damned if there will be white people on this planet earth again. reasons, pure HARED and RACISM*
Where are the evils Pope Francis, former Argentinian piece of scrounger (armies)r? He is already dead. Romans were charlatans, English people were charlatans, Arab Arab states’ terror exporters and their financiers were charlatans. There is no damn oil left in *Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain* Oil is here in South Sudan, Upper Nile and Jonglei states. Yah Yah Yah?!!!!
Democratic republic of Congo (DRC), former Zaire. What do you low lives smoke? Long time ago, there is one of Congolese best boy, Mr. Patrice Lumumba. This is their song, they are the same with the Muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges of the Sudan and Egypt, listen to this song low lives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7JNUkU29YQ
Those links above are Congolese and South Sudanese songs, don’t bully women. Mr. Patrice Lumumba was killed by *the Belgians low piece of shits* Mr. Patrice Lumumba, even asked ‘the UN’ to help his government, when we kicked out *Mr. Mobuto Seseko and a Bantus piece of trash out of Democratic republic of Congo (D.R.C)* In 2002, *there was a cheap and a dirty intrigues*
We know you thorough and thorough, We are not equals with you, not in the slightest. We are the ancient Egyptians>>>>>