This comes just two days after the United Nations Security Council voted narrowly to renew the arms embargo and sanctions imposed on South Sudan several years ago for another more year as recommended by a team of UN experts.
Since the signing of the revitalized peace agreement in 2018, political violence has reduced, according to peace monitors, but sub-national or intercommunal violence continued to escalate with areas that were previously peaceful beginning to experience violence.
Makuei who is also the minister of information in the revitalized unity government said the international community does not want the successful implementation of the revitalized peace agreement because it is to it benefit that the war should continue.
“This is what they want, they do not want the implementation of peace, they want things to move as they are now so that they continue to benefit,” furious Makuei is quoted by the Juba Echo as saying.
“It is not going to affect the peace process, and it will not affect the security arrangements, we will continue with implementation of the revitalized peace agreement,” the senior government official added.
Makuei who is on United States sanctions further said that the transitional government will go ahead “to graduate the forces with sticks, the preparations are underway now.”
“They continue to benefit’ from our war, Makuei slams international community over sanctions”
Sudans Post,
Mr. Michael Makuei and South Sudanese in the Know are your naive like the US usual puppets/stooges and traitors of Mr. Riek Machar and Co. Yes, there are people who benefit from wars in the they are called ‘military industrial complex (MICs)——-military supplier companies’ and they are link to politicians in Washington. The latest example of such duplicity in war profit was when the US congress approved 40 billion dollars worth of weapons to Ukraine. Does anyone with a brain thinks, Ukraine is going to repay back 40 billion weapons loan? Not really. Ukraine is being handcuffed into US debt and would be blackmailed or coerced to be US ally or client states’ problem solve. That is how the US mafia government works if at all it were to be called a government!
For some South Sudanese in know, who who know the US is, ‘US of America is a mafia country, the multinationals, big corporations and banking cartels are the ones which own the US, the US army, CIA, FBI, special Ops and just enforcers of mafia rules in and outside the US. NATO is just an offshoot of US mafia project across the Atlantic to Northern Europe.
The US citizenry have long since been brainwashed by their massive media own by those same the multinationals, big corporations and banking cartels, their US is a democracy and an exceptional country on earth. Well, an exceptional mafioso country on earth I guess.
Again, there people benefiting from South Sudan problem the UN, and NGOs workers and UNMISS mercenaries are benefiting from war. South Sudanese in these filthy so-called UN protection sites, are even held hostage by the UN and the NGOs, as their means to mean to in South Sudan and over South Sudanese people indefinitely, until they become a big nuisances and be bombed out of South Sudan by force. Some us were completely against the UN and the NGOs in our country, but we were sternly rebuked that were just bunch of young boys with some bad attitudes towards white people.
And of course are white people uncles have now becomes and usual existential threats. And this is why some of our fake PhD doctors, foreign puppets/stooges, thieves and traitors who sold themselves ad their souls are going to pay a heavy very price.
These fake PhD doctors, foreign puppets/stooges, thieves and traitors and some lowly informed South Sudan have been thoroughly warned to never ever again, dare try to *bring anything that is connected our cloned so-called arab North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitute, Bantuses, white Americans, English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states’ terrorists, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their United nations mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) mercenaries of India, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Nigerians, Ghania, Rwanda, Abeshas (ethiopian) criminals of UNISFA, Dutch (so-called Afrikaans), Portuguese, Italians, Irish, gays, lesbians or LGBTQs into our country on pretext of rebuilding South Sudan like in 2005, and piece of rubbish would again dare try will be killed these vermins/parasites/viruses and pests, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM*
We sick of these vermins/parasites/viruses/pests love affair with our country and our people.
South Sudan refugees in Kakuma, South Sudanese refugees in our Gambella, South Sudanese in Northern Uganda are held there hostage as blackmails and bargaining chips, by the US, the UK, their UN, sleazy NGOs and their lackeys here in the region (IGAD) and the African Union (the AU) as their geopolitical leverage imposed their so-called *AFRICA UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION*
And that precisely why the evil in the US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack and their gulf Arab states terrorists and their low lives here in the regions and the African Union (the AU) called ‘our country and our people their countries energy, and their countries national security interests and foreign policy.
The level HATRED and RACISM, these vermins/parasites/viruses/pests have created in our country and among our people has gone pretty very deep into our bloodstream. They always used use our country and our people as their geopolitical chess and football, every 10, 50, 80,100. That we can live sides by sides with our cloned so-called Arab of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes, Bantuses, white Americans, English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, gulf Arab states terrorists, Dutch (so-called Afrikaans), Portuguese, Italians, Irish, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans like in Southern Africa, Kenya, Rwanda or US, Canada or Caribbean. My arse, that is not going to happen, under the sun, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
South Sudan is not a damned ANGLO-AMERICAN empire, never has and will never ever damn will. And South Sudanese people and part of the damned ANGLO-AMERICAN empire subjects or slaves. South Sudan is not part of damned so-called COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES, never has and will never ever will under the sun or even in million years. South Sudanese people are parts of damned so-called COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES subjects or slaves.
The vermins/parasites/viruses/pests have embedded themselves to country and our people like ‘leeches or ticks’, little do the evils know, leeches or ticks are poison of the host bodies.
Pure HATRED and RACISM lurk here.>>>>>
Keep blaming Jews for your problems, it works great…