JUBA – A senior South Sudan rebel commander allied to the country’s former army chief General Paul Malong Awan Anei has resigned citing family and health concerns.
Major General Makuac Lual who was an operation coordinator for South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A) led by Malong said he is returning to the country due to factors he said are out of reach for the rebel movement.
“Permit me to register my sincere thanks and gratitude for the opportunity you rendered to me to serve under your able chaimanship for the last few years in the movement,” General Makuac said in a resignation later addressed to Malong.
“Through this opportunity, I was able to interact and work with pcople of different charncters and cultures which helped me in building up and furthering my lendership abilities.
“Cde Chairman, it is with a heay heart that I regret to inform vou about my intention to resign from the movement SSUF/A. I have immensely enjoyed every bit of time under different capacities in the party and it was an oppottunity worth taking. “Unfortunately I take this highly regrettable decision based on factors outside the circumference of the movement.
“Cde Chairman, allow me to point out the reasons for tendering my resignation from the movement and these are majorly personal ranging from family to health issues and these reasons are;
“My family is going through rough time and the prevailing conditions does not permit me to try and make provisions for them. friends have persuaded me to reconsider my decision of staying outside the country and come home as a peaceful citizen of South Sudan like anybody else.
“Another concern is my health condition and this has been of great concern and worry to my family, therefore I felt I will not be able to execute my duties normally as required by the chairman of the movement.
“immediate family members, elose relatives and my parents both mother and father are having health related challenges and hence my presence is needed to take care of them since am the only capable person in the family.
“After thorough deliberations and consultations with my family, relatives and close friends, I heeded to their suggestions and regretfully took the decisian to officially resign from the party and cease to be a member as of today.
“This painful decision has nothing to do with the personality of the chairman or the party itself but rather personal and family reasons which I have elaborated above.
“I feel privileged to have served under your leadership and guidance for numerous years for which I have worked with you.
“I wish you good luck as you continue with the struggle.”