JUBA – The Chair of UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan Yasmin Sooka has said that political elites in the world’s youngest country are responsible for the ongoing deadly ethnic conflict in Tambura County of Western Equatoria State.
Sooka said nine of the 10 states in the country are engulfed in violence – with recent violence between the Azande and the Balanda communities in Tambura resulting in the massacre of more than 100 civilians.
Women and children were said to have been raped and sexually assaulted, before being killed. At least 80,000 civilians are displaced. Hundreds of children became separated from their parents.
“Nine out of the ten States in South Sudan is engulfed in violence. Recently, the deadly ethnic clashes between the Azande and Balanda communities in Tambura, in Western Equatoria resulted in the massacre of more than 100 civilians, with women and children raped and sexually violated, before being killed,” Yasmin Sooka, chair of the UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan, told the UN’s Human Rights Council in Geneva on September 23.
“A further 80 000 and 125,000 civilians are said to be displaced. Hundreds of children became separated from parents. The South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/In Opposition (SPLA/IO have) are responsible for arming the Azande and Balanda communities. South Sudan’s leaders and political elites are active participants and enablers of this violence,” she added.
The top UN rights chief in the country said “South Sudan’s leaders and political elites are active participants and enablers of this violence.”
Sooka further said the delay in the establishment of the unified army and failure by the government in Juba to deliver services to the citizens has contributed to the escalation of sub-national violence across the country.
“The failure to establish a joint army and command structure has heightened tensions in the country. The lack of basic services has led to the widespread desertions, which have affected all sides with armed elements preying on vulnerable communities,” she said.
“The proliferation of armed groups outside of the peace process and the fragmentation of the SPLM/IO have led to violent clashes including in the Upper Nile region, and the massive displacement of civilians. The disintegration and fragmentation in the security sector owes its origins to the current political process which rewards military actors with political power in an elite accommodation,” she added.
The SSPDF and the SPLA-IO have not commented on the UN report.
The South African human rights lawyer said the failure to establish a joint army command structure had heightened tensions in the country.
The Azande and the Balanda communities have been living peacefully together in the Tambura area for centuries. Intermarriage was common as a result of the religious and ethnic tolerance.
But in July this year Alfred Futuyo Karaba, the governor of the south-western state, accused four prominent politicians residing in the capital, Juba, of fermenting the violence in Tambura – an allegation they denied.
“JUBA – The Chair of UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan Yasmin Sooka”
Yeah, These Indians prostitutes are the ones who have been all along to play ball South Sudan, who is this prostitute, called *Yasmin Sooka*?
Yeah, South Sudan is just another Democratic republic of Congo (D.R.C), former zairë, of Mr. Mobuto Seseko? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiR-bTekKDzAhWBc30KHdB8BToQFnoECA4QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ohchr.org%2FEN%2FNewsEvents%2FPages%2FDisplayNews.aspx%3FNewsID%3D21028%26LangID%3DE&usg=AOvVaw2qEyQHPYDUgRuVZwsBoyRk
Lowly informed South Sudanese losers, what does this Indian prostitute, thinks, she is in our country and over our people? Not this Indian prostitute only, Ms. Priti Patel, whom her parents came and be kicked out of Uganda long times ago by Mr. Idda Amin Dada, after he went and fight in Korean war as a British mercenary.
Mr. Idda Amin Dada, went and be called ‘ape in New York, UNGA (UNSC) building. Lowly informed South Sudanese fools, in Singapore, Mr. Milton Obote of Uganda, was ‘toopled while during the so-called commonwealth general anual meeting in Singapore, after he told the white evils people, to get the hell out of South Africa. Mr. Milton Obote was removed from power and later learned during break times. After English piece told Mr. Milton Obote on ‘aside’ that there are *some prime ministers and presidents’ here in this meeting, who are against British people and vehemently talking against British people and the British achievements and they don’t know where they are going to go back to*
Mr. Jules Nyerer of Tanzania, told Mr. Milton Obote, not to worry. Mr. Jules Nyerere of Tanzania, came back to Tanzania. He was humiliated by the evil British criminals. Singapore is not a country, Tanzania is not of the so-called ANGLO-AMERICAN EMPIRE, Rwanda is not, Burundi is not, Mozambique & Angola are not, Namibia, is not, South Sudan, our North Sudan and our Egypt are not the so-called ANGLO-AMERICA EMPIRE, never have will never ever will under the sun or even mullion years, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Where are the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Bantuses, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Nigerians (Boko Haram), Pope Francis (former Argentinian piece trash), queen Elizabeth of the devil infested island England, El Qada, El Nustra, ISIS/L, Jesh El Islam, El Shabab (young people), here in South Sudan, where is their so-called SPLM/A-IO or Mr. Riek Machar? We killed them, Tigray (of the Abiy Ahmed), so-called ethiopia, where are they? We destroyed them. Djibouti, Port Sudan. They low lives went and dance, there.
To live side by side with vermins/parasites/viruses is what our enemies have been playing with our country and over our people.
Fellows, watch this space, we are not your equals. not even in slightest. There is nothing, we have never told you. The Nile, is not by lives, it is control by the ‘owners—–the Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan’. We are the anent Egyptians. But there are evils who attach themselves to country and over our people. The are going their right place, once and for all, oceans and hell, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Bias reports better keep quite instead of writing unfolding reports which baseless . To be clear she is supposed to to meaning names of politicians who are accused of supporting such ongoing atrocities in the country instead of faults accusation against SSPDF and SPLMIO .
Sooka proved herself to be Human Wrong commission instead of being Human Right commission in the South Sudan