Below is the full-text statement by the TPLF.
For Immediate Release
Response to the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Judicious Allegations.
For the once-venerated Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), trafficking in outright lies, distortions, and half-truths has become its most distinguishing institutional characteristic. Rather than articulating the country’s national interests and tending to those interests, the MFA spends the lion’s share of its time on divisive, partisan assignments, doing the bidding of the criminal Abiy regime. The MFA, having enjoyed little or no diplomatic success on the international stage lately, has become a full-time propaganda outlet for the Abiy regime, as it wages a relentless genocidal war on the people of Tigray. Consequently, being inundated with a litany of lies by the MFA is no longer surprising.
The MFA’s statement on January 13, 2022 is consistent with the aforementioned institutional characteristic. The MFA accused the Government of Tigray of blocking aid to the people of Tigray by commandeering and preventing aid trucks from departing Mekelle. Such a ludicrous statement would be funny if such a sick joke did not come at the expense of millions of Tigrayans, who have been subjected to a cruel, inhumane and morally repugnant blockade for the past 6 months. The Abiy regime, having laid siege to the people of Tigray, is using starvation as a weapon of war. Only a regime bereft of the capacity for shame would make a baseless claim about an outcome for which it is solely responsible and incontrovertible evidence for that responsibility abounds.
The Abiy regime has suspended banking services, bombed the main hydroelectric dam, plunging the entire Tigray into darkness, imposed a total communications blackout, and halted ground and air transport to and from Tigray. Only the criminal regime and its genocidal collaborators take these actions as anything but part of a genocidal blueprint to exterminate the people of Tigray.
In fact, since mid-October 2021, the criminal regime has carried out indiscriminate bombings and drone-strikes against civilians and civilian infrastructure in Tigray, killing hundreds and wounding thousands of civilians. In the latest orgy of aerial violence, on January 8, the criminal regime unleased a devastating drone strike on a camp for internally displaced people in Dedebit, North- Western Tigray, murdering 56 people, and wounding more than 128 people. The number of fatalities is expected to rise, as victims continue to succumb to an otherwise non-life-threatening injury due to the lack of medications across Tigray. Having escaped from the clutch of a marauding gang of genocidal forces in Western Tigray, these innocent Tigrayans were murdered while asleep on Christmas night.
It is this same genocidal regime that feels it has the moral standing to accuse the Government of Tigray of engineering the starvation of its own citizens. Everyone except for the genocidal regime is convinced that the Ethiopian govemment is deliberately starving its own citizens. Rather than addressing its inhumane policy towards Tigray that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent Tigrayans, the MFA has issued a statement replete with outright lies.
The linchpin of the regime’s genocidal strategy is the aggressive obstruction of humanitarian aid delivery. Humanitarian agencies have been adamant about the Abiy regime’s willful obstruction of humanitarian aid operations. Indeed, senior Ethiopian officials, including Abiy Ahmed have publicly mused that the only way to sever what they view as the strong bond between the Tigrayan people and the Government of Tigray is by laying siege to Tigray in the hope that the people of Tigray would blame their own government for their suffering. Furthermore, it is to be recalled that on September 30 the MFA declared seven high-level UN officials engaged in humanitarian work persona non grata on bogus charges of pro-Tigray bias, as though feeding hungry children and tending to the needy were grounds for losing one’s professional assignment. But such is the tragic reality of Ethiopia under the criminal Abiy regime.
Humanitarian aid agencies had initially estimated that 100 trucks carrying food, non-food items and fuel must enter Tigray to meet needs on the ground. Yet, on account of persistent obstruction by the criminal regime, this initial estimate was revised upwards to 282 to make up for lost ground while meeting current needs. Even so, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), only less than 15 percent of aid trucks have been allowed through since July 2021. From July through January, a minimum of 19, 800 trucks of aid should have arrived in Tigray. In reality, fewer than 3000 trucks have arrived during this period. No humanitarian aid has arrived in Tigray since mid-December.
The criminal regime, seeking to counter the widespread international consensus that it is deliberately starving its own citizens comes up with outlandish accusations that do not pass a smell test. The latest accusation is no different. Indeed, as the Government of Tigray made clear in September in response to an erroneous and hasty statement from UN Ethiopia, to the extent that few hundred trucks have been stranded in Mekelle, the explanation lies in the various security and bureaucratic bottlenecks the criminal Abiy regime has erected to make humanitarian cargo movements virtually impossible. It is a public knowledge that many UN aid truck drivers are still imprisoned at Afar region.
The MFA claims that the Ethiopian government had announced blanket amnesty to all truck drivers. Why truck drivers needed to be granted amnesty in the first place is as baffling as it is preposterous. But perhaps this decision is intelligible in the context of the Abiy regime’s criminalization of being Tigrayan. It also claims that the “federal government left” 14 million liters of fuel upon its departure from Mekelle in disarray. The MFA has institutionalized routine lying about matters small and big. As noted above, believing the claims of a regime that has deliberately laid siege to the people of Tigray, cutting them off from the outside world, suspending banking services, and imposing a total telecommunications blackout that it “left” this much fuel in Mekelle requires the willful suspension of disbelief. Perhaps, the criminal regime thinks that sealing Tigray off from the outside world would prevent the truth from coming out.
Insofar as some trucks have not left Mekelle, as we explained in a September statement, the responsibility must be laid at the feet of the criminal Abiy regime. First, contrary to the MFA’s howling noise, there is a severe shortage of fuel in Tigray, as no fuel tankers have been allowed into Tigray since the end of July 2021. Truck drivers are provided with fuel enough to last the duration of their one-way trip to Tigray. They are not provided reserve fuel that is customary on such trips. Second, harassing truck drivers going into and out of Tigray has become second nature to federal security and military institutions as well as their local affiliates. In fact, Afar Special Police forces routinely cross into Tigrayan territory to continue their obstruction of any traffic, thereby impeding the possibility of further humanitarian cargo movements. Consequently, truck drivers complain of violent inspections at every checkpoint manned by the military and local security officials outside Tigray so much so that they cannot countenance another encounter with these entities. Absent security guarantees such guarantees are hard to come by, given the source of insecurity are the very institutions entrusted with providing security in the first place-it is understandable that truck drivers are unwilling to leave Tigray. In particular, armed local and federal forces are known to engage in ethnic profiling against Tigrayans, subjecting them to inhumane treatment.
Third, truckers experience unexplained delays in Afar, often lasting weeks. At times, drivers are detained for no reason other than their ethnicity. Finally, the suspension of banking services throughout Tigray along with the resulting cash shortage means that truck drivers must move with little to no cash. Understandably, these long-haul truckers are reluctant to return to their origins without money.
The above set of facts have been ascertained by relevant UN agencies and that those agencies have made various declarations to that effect. The criminal Abiy regime, rather than trying to find a solution in good faith, is busy manufacturing fictitious narratives to evade accountability for using hunger as a tool of war-a war crime under international law-by engineering an artificial humanitarian catastrophe in Tigray. The international community must insist on unfettered humanitarian access by deploying a robust package of punitive actions or the credible threat of such actions. It must not allow itself to be snookered by the genocidal regime’s fable. The international community must make it clear that bombing and starving one’s citizens into submission and/or out of existence are not acceptable state conducts in the 21s century. The government of Tigray renews its commitment to collaborating with the international community in addressing the dire humanitarian situation.
“TPLF fires back at Ethiopian gov’t over ‘outfight lies”
These vermins/Parasites/viruses, thought, this usual dirty games or attaching themselves over South Sudanese and South Sudanese people, That evils are Ethiopians says who? Our Gambella had already been taken back South Sudan. Base for these creatures is Yemen. Even some of South Sudanese low lives, even vermins/parasites/viruses our people, these prostitutes have no future in Africa. During the times they enslaved by the Italians, we helped them. There lowly educated piece of trashes who always peddled their lies that Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute and Liberia in west Africa were the only countries, in Africa which were ‘colonized by the European’
And this piece of is taught in Africa as fact. Fellows, South Sudan is the only country that has never been colonized by any rubbish on this planet earth. We know the game than even white people. Fellows, follow the Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jiengs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt. Liberia in West was just name after former slaves from Americas, who didn’t to lives to live by sides with their former masters, and wanted to come back to Africa. They were dumped in present day Liberia, West Africa and called it ‘Liberia—–liberated people, their town named, Monrovia, after US president, Mr. James Monroe’. Just next door to Liberia, is Serra Leone (Mountian lion) a small lion-like in the Americas, in Latin America, they called it ‘Puma’. When the former slaves didn’t want to live sides by sides with their masters, they were shipped back hosed down in Serra Leone, west Africa, and named their town, ‘Freetown’ to means former slaves were eventually freed.
We don’t marry Bantuses, they are not our equals. We share the continent of Africa with them. But we don’t consider them anything. They worship white people, Arabs, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Americans and Indians. They always go to European countries of Spain, Catalana, Sicily or Italy, Lampadusa and other European countries. And when they go and find out how evils their white people are, then they quickly cry lie babies about white people RACISM. A lot of them always lie through their teeth that they are South Sudanese running away from violent and they need protection. We invested all of them. They are nothing to do with South Sudan and the South Sudanese people. The dirty and sinister projected project is *AFRICA UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION BEING PROPAGATED by foreign criminals and secret societies of *former South African president, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, former Tanzanian president, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete (what a damned name), current president of Rwanda, Mr. Paul Kagame, piece of terrorist, current of piece drunk, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, his arch, Mr. Raila, a criminal who even brags that he is the only operative in Africa. former Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute piece rubbish, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn, his successor, Mr. Abiy Ahmed lowly educated piece of shit, former Nigerian president, Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo , an Indian lowly educated piece of charlatan, Mr. Mahmood Mamdani, Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Majak Agoot, Rebecca Nyandeng, so-called professor Remember Me from Zambia, Thomas Cirillo, Yasir Arman, Malik Agar, former US president, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, his then foreign affair advisor, Ms. Susan Rice, a globalist and secret society prostitute, who even married an evil English, white evils we hate to death, Susan Paige, former US ambassador to South Sudan, who was deep in the next in the 15/12/2013. Then United Mission South Sudan (UNMISS), prostitute, Ms. Hilde Johnson, then head of the UN and UNSC, a South Korean slitty-eyed piece of rubbish, Mr, Ban Ki Moon, former evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dog prime minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, former Argentina, Mr. Pope Francis, queen Elizabeth of devil infested island England.
The vermins/parasites/viruses have attached themselves to country and over our people like leeches or ticks. Where do the evils think, their gulf Arab states’ our cloned so-called so-called of North Sudan, West African, Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitutes, Eritreans or Somalians get their damn food from in dry bone countries? Kenyans, Ugandans (our allies), Rwandans, Burundian, Democratic of Congo (DRC) or central Africa republic (C.A.R)?
Yeah and the South Sudanese people are good God’s people, while at the same times are the ones coveted by the evils. fellows, be very careful. The US and their allies want South Sudan to be as much as poor as possible and then South Sudan will carve in, and then South Sudan will be used agricultural farm to feed the vermins/parasites/viruses who breed like pigs/rabbits and then we can live sides by sides with our enemies. That is not going happen, not today, not yesterday, not tomorrow and not in future. reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
A country like Haiti in the Caribbean was by the Clintons and the corporate America. They just to be supplying people of Haiti with ‘genetically grown ‘anyuol/abew/corn/maize/beans/rice/chicken and beef grown pretty badly in the US’.
Here in East Africa, they do dirty cheap and intrigues in Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwnada, Abeha (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, North Sudan, gulf Arab states terror exporter, Nigeria, Ghana and other piece of trashes. The US and her allies come and these badly grown commodities at discounted prices to well connected Kenyan low lives, and then their agents go and resale them ‘on their flour mills’ in those countries l mentioned above and others’
They called Kenya a middle income country, Oh really? The vermins/parasites/viruses are going to be shown their right place.
Do you pieces of trashes know what is *Monsanto*? Agriculture is always and always will be. All multinationals, banking of the so-called World bank, the IMF, other cartels being micro-managed by the secret societies and criminals or Robber Barons of Rothchild family, Rockefellers, The Koch brothers, their new ally of *house of saud* terrorist, Bank of Malta, Bank of Italy (society of jesuit), Bank England, Bank Scotland and own these societies and terrorists. So-called Reserve Bank of US is not own by the American people, it owns by the Rothchilds and their subsidiaries like Bank of New York, Bank of Chicago and next door, Central Bank of Canada is own these cartels.
Th vermins/parssites/viruses only thing, they think have not taken around the world is oxygen, agriculture and the sun and the South Sudan and the South Sudanese people, And this is why they follow South Sudanese 24/7. When I was studying in Canada long time ago in Montreal, I was bullied by lowly educated piece trashes to join their secret society club, I politely told them, no. they didn’t want to a no for an answer. they used to steal mail mails, broke into my unit, when I were in lectures or other activities. When I asked my neighbors if anyone had seen some one broke into my unit or mailbox, two of them, including one of the boy who was part of the group which approached at their university club, just became very angry for no apparent reasons. And when I later set up a camera. Then I caught them, they were the ones who used to steal my letters in the mailbox and break into my unit without my permission. I showed the all the recordings to my best colleagues.
Look for a place to hide. The low lives have been living over the backs of other people and countries, and they just accustom themselves, that is a new normal, Nanyuki, Laikipia, Nyahuru, Nyeri all the Bantuses in Central Kenya and their British evils allegedly training for battle in tropics will be blitz to nothing, all Kobil, Kenol and anything that is connected to evil white Americans, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans will be bombed to nothing, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. jomo Kenyatta international airport (JKIA) will be parking lot, Wilson Airport, will be parking lot, Embakasi airport will be a parking lot, Moi international airport in Mombasa, will be a parking lot. Bole international airport Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, will be parking lot reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. Follow, the muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt again, if you really can damn can>>>>