Speaking to Sudans Post today, Lakes State Police Spokesman Major Elijah Mabor Makuac, said the incident occurred when a group of notorious criminals from Cueibet County clashed over the distribution of the stolen cattle.
“These cattle belong to Major General Dut Makoi Kuok, and during their clashes, one was killed among them and again they clashed at 5:00 PM and another one person was shot wounded, and later at 9:00 PM at night he also succumbed and died,” he said.
“So, the criminals are still at large with the cattle and the security forces are pursuing them also. The herd of cattle were not recovered because these are cattle they clashed over them,” he added.
He said the dispute arose over the distribution of the stolen cattle, particularly a prized bull.
“So, until later they have resulted into the fighting whereby one person was shot and killed his colleagues and tension remain high,” he said.
“Again at around 5:00 PM they still clashed with other remaining group until the person who killed the first person was shot and wounded in his stomach but unfortunately he died yesterday at 9:00 PM and the cattle are still with them,” he added.
Makuac said the incident occurred in a remote area, making it difficult for security forces to intervene.
“Because, they have moved to a far place known as Kebbi area, and this area is far away and it is at the side of Agangrial village,” he said.
“It’s a very far area and they have moved there, and the cattle owners cannot move there. It is within the territory of Cueibet county. There is no way to go up to that location,” he added.
He described the group as notorious criminals with a history of violent crimes, including murder and cattle raiding.
“According to information from reliable sources, we were told they are more than 11 people,” he said.
Angelina Adhel, a civil society activist, condemned the incident and called for an end to the cycle of violence.
“I am against the rampant killings that is happening across Lakes State, and other places. I am also condemning the issue of cattle being looted or raided. These are triggers of conflicts all these years,” he said.
Adhel urged the Lakes State government to intervene and bring the perpetrators to justice.
“Let the culprits be brought to book, let them be traced from every they are because I am sure they are from the community that’s known, they are coming from the community where the leaders are also there,” she said.
She emphasized the importance of upholding the law and promoting peace and stability within the community.
“It is very important for all of us to connect together and abide by law and respect whatever the law says because we work under the law and we work hand in hand with government and this is the other thing that we need to respect as the community,” she said.