For the last week, social media users from South Sudan have been expressing anger and frustrations on Adut for leaving the thousands of men in the country only to look for a foreigner.
Speaking to Sudans Post from Abuja on Saturday afternoon, Adut Akech said she felt sorry for what she has witnessed on social media and said she will sue those behind the damage to his image.
“I am really sorry. South Sudanese men are always like that. They did it to many of my friends who got married to white men in Australia but they were not told anything,” the visibly Adut Akech said.
“I am going to sue some of them when I return to Australia. Most of the commentators on my private life are in Australia and when I return, they will see its redness,” she promised.
Dear All
Its very unfortunate that our own junubin brothers are insulting u,what is the crime in marrying a man u heart desires,how many of our junubin men have left women suffering here,they cant even give basic neccesities or a certain quality of life to their wives,children..they spend they time in dumuna,alchol etc alot of our sisters are dating,marrying foreigners because we as men have failed to be serious in managing relationships,we are voilent ,lazy etc .they very few good junubin men who support,love they wives,children.the world has challenged alot,our brothers have failed to accept that the world has changed,women can make choices of whom they want to be with…every one wants his/her daughter to be happy in marriage,she is treated many men have contributed to success of this young woman who has made a name for her self in Modelling,so let us reflect on ourselves as junubin men,why are our girls marrying foreigners now they must be something we are not doing right as men..