By Brigadier-General Jal Nger Gai
OPINION – The political ethnocentric and economic concentration in the hands of individuals is what keep elites group of SPLM and NCP political orphans in power. All human being are born free with equal rights and dignity but the hunger men of SPLM and NCP brokers are the one denying political freedom and economic rights of the citizens of South Sudan.
The SPLM elites group and NCP Political orphans, they are using tribes against tribes and clans against clans in order for them to remain in power and die in power which is reckless and nightmare to them, Why is South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A) is the only hope for Change? The guiding star principle of South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A) under H.E General Stephen Buay Rolnyang, is to Change the basics structures of South Sudanese citizens where every citizen will lives in political freedom and economic free will.
I/we want this country to be free from dictatorial where by democracy should be second nature, where corrupted government officials must be accountable and responsive to citizens and where the great Mass of People could take advantages of economic opportunities. Why is the Unity of the people of Southern Sudan is most important than division? Fellow compatriots both at home and outside of country, let us eliminate ideology of tribalism and united together as one people having one common objective.
Let us fight Juba regime so we change the bad governance policy in the country, we want universal freedom to be applied so that we put an end the corruption which has taken this Country over for more than 15 years, however, the government of the Republic of South Sudan is not a government which represents All of us, it’s a government of self-services which Care only for the well-being of SPLM and NCP elites group with their families member.
Therefore SPLM/NCP elites group they are mentally foreigners but physically they are South Sudanese, SPLM/NCP Political brokers are denying economic rights of the people of Southern Sudan while their families members are enjoying luxuries Life in the foreign countries, they SPLM and NCP elites group own a big houses and more companies operating outside Country and their families members are ranking as first Class citizens, the question is this! Did SPLM and NCP orphans plus their families fought for Liberation of this Country? My answer is big NO.
South Sudanese 2nd and 3rd class Citizens must far cry from elites group of SPLM/NCP who control the power with Zero objectives rather than self-services government. We want Country where there should be no concentration of economic powers in the hands of few individuals who distributes the wealth of Nation into their own pockets for their own benefits. let us fight for regime changes so there should be no sections of the people become over-affluent so to misuse Nation’s Resources and economic powers or any sections starves on account of not reaching even up to the margin of sufficiency.
The author is the Deputy Chairperson of National Committee for Political Affairs of the South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SPM/SSPA HQs). Reach him via:
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