By Eng. Chuar Juet Jock
OPINION – While I disagree with Dr. Machar in some administrative and leadership issues, we still share a country and a community fate and destiny and only fools should think that the Nuer community, (not the one bribed by Kiir and his political criminals in disguise) will not defend Machar to the last drop.
The campaign of pulling the carpet beneath Riek Machar, bribing all his men with promises and positions and in effort to isolate him and then implement the last stage of the conspiracy on his life will fail miserably. Rational minded South Sudanese and the true Nuer sons will defend and avenge any conspiracy aimed at his life.
Make no mistake about it. Not because Riek is right or politically correct at this stage of his long leadership but he is a fundamental historical political figure not only for the Nuer community but at South Sudan, Sudan and Africa at large. Second, what will be the gain of those if the peace has failed like that of 2016? Or by abruptly and violently ending Machar political career or isolating him as a peace partner? Well, if such a scenario unfolds, they will only find a new inventions of excuses and enemies placed on Machar’s replacement. Endless game.
The truth is, Kiir and company need no one true to the objectives of reforms and change but a stooge that would just say yes for everything, a “Yes Man” not a one that challenges their one-sided narrative or dictatorial rule.
Even though it is within their rights, those who have defected from IO to Kiir have also proven that they have no objectives whatsoever except to be used as tools for the conspiracy implementation. If they were of any objectives, then their defection won’t be to the same man they have been fighting against for the last 7 years.
They could simply take over the fight that Mr. Machar haven’t led to the expected victory and lead an IO or a different movement that’s completely different from the one Machar, according to them, has crippled. At the same token, if Kiir is a responsible partner in the peace agreement, he won’t accept such spoiling of the very peace he signed to happen at his very watch.
As president he also have the powers to prevent such a childish game that is threatening the nation and country national security and could take us back to the bloody square one. His silence on what the Peace spoilers are planning indicates that either he is the mastermind of what is happening and that he is not keen enough to see his country at peace.
As for what is between Machar and his Nuer political opponents in Juba , while there still confusion on who of who is winning the heart of Kiir, we understand that the Nuer politicians in Juba are behaving like women competing to win a heart of a wealthy man and everyone of them is ready to give the precious dignity off just to win a position and wealth. That’s a no way to attain power and at the end of it, each one of you will be the next loser and victim.
I am not a tribalist, but politics is all about power houses and the realities that are shaping the destiny of the nation. Peace is all about keeping balance of such political forces or social entities. The conflict within the Nuer community is a threat to national security of South Sudan and instead of exploiting it, President Kiir and other national figures should mediate and help in resolving it.
This is how smart constructive politicians works and those who have good intents for their people and country. While this peace is imperfect and Machar might be deadly wrong at some issues, I do believe this isn’t the end of South Sudan or the world. As South Sudanese we should all work to pass the transitional period successfully. Kiir and Machar won’t stay there forever. The most important objective to us all is a stable country where the next generations will have better life and future. Let us learn patience and resolve, there is no way we all can be ministers and VPs.
This country belongs to us all and the Nuer have paid so dearly in the struggle for its independence and it is sad that our political prostitutes are selling these sacrifices cheap just to be rewarded with empty bones.
A keen reader to the political developments will see that peace is being gradually abrogated. The conspiracy is moving in many fronts, while cornering Mr. Machar, the murderer Yau Yau is set to engage Lou Nuer front, the nearest stronghold to defend Machar who also are being persuaded to give up on Mr. Machar given the same negligence policies of Mr. Machar to his popular bases. Yau Yau duty and part of the deal here is to keep the Lou Nuer engaged and busy while the conspiracy is unfolding and it is likely that other warlords will also be doing the same in other regions considered still have Machar support.
Mr. Kiir should clearly know that Dr. Machar won’t be left alone even though he might have done the miserable politically which Mr. Kiir himself isn’t better. Attaining Peace in South Sudan should be above individuals’ wrongdoings, interests and ambitions. Why would the whole country be a victim, held hostage and suffer for just few wrongs of few individuals? There is a time when Mr. Machar will retire peacefully and we should not plunge the country into another endless bloodshed just because of positions. I do believe Mr. Kiir have the powers to put South Sudan in order instead of chaos.
The author is a concerned South Sudan citizen who lives in Nebraska, United States.
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