JUBA – South Sudan’s Minister of Investment, Dhieu Mathok Diing, has announced his ministry is planning to build a new complex office to be named as “Investment Tower” in Juba.
The tower is meant to provide accommodation to investors and host the Ministry of Investment.
Mathok told reporters at press conference yesterday that the building will have a capacity of one-thousand-person conference hall.
Mathok said the project that will be funded by African Development Bank, government, and other developmental partners will cost an estimated twenty-eight million U.S dollars.
“The cost for this project is around 28 million U.S dollars which equivalent to 9 billion South Sudanese Pounds for the next three years,” Mathok told journalists on Monday in Juba.
“We have already identified some of the partners who are willing to help or support this budget,” he added.
The senior government official disclosed that the construction work is expected to be completed within three years.
“We thought of constructing this investment tower as a face for investment in our country and people will take us seriously if we have that tower or environment that is conducive,” he explained.
He said the building will create a conducive working environment and open more foreign investment opportunities in the country.
“Investment tower is a building which is going to accommodate the Ministry of Investment and investment-related activities including conferences,” he said.
“Most import thing is creating a conducive environment for investors coming to the country. You can’t invite someone from Europe in an environment where the situation is favorable for investors,” he added.
This is the first time that i have come across an interesting news. there are allot of avenues for rapid development in this country, however; the focal people have been hiding and looting public funds behind the curtains. Mathok; I don’t know who influenced you to take such a giant step, but you don’t need to get stack on it alone, look forward to setting more plans. am Behind you
‘Government to build giant investment tower in Juba’
‘Mathok. is a boy, Muonyjjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka boys who tell the truth. We have have asked boys from Malual Giernyang, Jurchol (Luos), Abyei of Ngok (Muonyjjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka) take a little bit of a rest, your boys are here. Worry less fellows. . you have fought very hard for our country and our people, let the boys from Upper Nile bombed the evils out of our country and over our people listen to this song, Koryom (grasshopper/Locust) Battalion: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwihlv_AqO3yAhUXT30KHZ60D2cQtwJ6BAgGEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dq2RS913Nd9E&usg=AOvVaw37IJGNcnTCNBC7g-AMdOBw
Our nuers ke nyantoc with their masters will always want to come Upper, here in Upper Nile, their then god (Ngundeng Buong) will come and help them. Gat Machar (Mr. Riek Machar), queen Elizabeth, Pope Francis (a former scrounger in Argentina). Their Romans have never ever ever colonized ‘the(Muonyjjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka’. But tell those low low lives, the truth, then they would just roll over and claim to be anyone. In our Gambella region, our Nuers , they think they own it. Our Anyuaks and us, are ones, who own our Gambella region. Itang and Bilpam and Tharpam are the ‘our Nuers ke countries’.
Zink, Panyudo. Gilo, Dimmo, Raat l and Raat ll, are South Sudanese people countries, Dr. John Garang was the who one aid come back to South Sudan. We would had walked to Adis Ababa bomb the vermins/parasites/viruses. Dimadola, Jimma, are other little villages were over ran by by the our mighty SPLA. Mr. Mengistu Haile Mariam is respect here South Sudan. Fellows you can scream all you want, but you are going to be destroyed. He was the one told Dr. John Garang not to march ahead. .
He is a leader. Mr. Mengistu Haile Mariam, did helped the SPLA and even SPLM to some small extent, But with arms and munitions, he did hleped South Sudan. These days. South Sudan have better bombs, than the US of America, our Abesh (so-called ethiopia), Tigray, Yeah, In Zimbabwe, Mr. Robert Mugabe welcome Mr. Mengistu Haile Mariam and Dr. John Garang.
Robert Mugabe was even knighted by the Europeans, he did the right thing. Robert Mugabe knighthood was removed by his criminals who knighted him in the first place. Mr. Robert Mugabe didn’t go and die in *Singapore* not really. Mr. Robert Mugabe sometimes went used to go to *Hong Kong*.
*Singapore & Hong Kong* are not countries. Do you losers Know what the great the great Zimbabwe is? Zimbabwe is the only Bantus, we respect in Southern Africa. white farmers must go home back their devil interested Island of England, white people are in South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania *Indian ocean* being Indian ocean doesn’t mean it is own by the Indians: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiVg_mfwu3yAhWwgUsFHQ7aAVsQFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.modernghana.com%2Fnews%2F636610%2Ftroika-and-igad-the-unholy-alliance-working-to.html&usg=AOvVaw0ChtvHr8UJOwknZf_D6zCb
We we don’t white people, evil juus
Sudan Post why do you allow such nonsense by bol in this website freeze his account his is semi literate.