“I was at the Crown Hotel in the evening when the fire caught one of the upper floors but it didn’t last for. I fled to the other side of the road that is leading to Juba International Airport and after that I left and don’t know what happened after,” the source said.
For his part, Captain Michael Machar, a police officer working for the Fire Brigade said they were called to the scene but the fire had ended when they arrived at Crown Hotel and they only had to return back and left investigators asking the hotel managers.
“Yes I can confirm that fire broke out on Tuesday and when we were called by the people working there, we when to the place but the fire had ended when we arrived. It was a minor,” he said.
The Juba Crown Hotel is at the epicenter of the SPLM-IO split in 2016. It is where then SPLM-IO nominated minister of mining Taban Deng Gai declared the ouster of the First Vice President Taban Deng following the infamous J1 fighting in which forces belonging to President Salva Kiir clashed with a handful bodyguards of FVP Machar.
Taban would become the First Vice President following the attempt to remove Dr. Riek Machar as the SPLM-IO, prolonging the deadly conflict for another three years ending with the signing of the revitalized peace agreement in 2018.
“Juba’s Crown Hotel where Machar was ousted by VP Taban in 2016 catches fire”
That is an absolute ‘a big lie, but who really wants to have anything to do with monarchies or crowns?’ Our ancestors got rid of Pharaohs eons ago and go away with it. But there some South Sudanese low who don’t the excesses of monarchies. Here in our Nilotic plains and valleys, young babies in cattle camps/villages, have never forgotten their own roots, young babies always try to copycat their ancestors, by ‘just carry one of their selves and sing this song’ “E bɛny në kɔc nhial, duɔ kë bɛny ca jak piny, e bɛny në kɔcdïït, duɔ kë bɛny ca jak piny’ In European language (A leader of powerful people Egyptian people, don’t let the leader touch the ground. a leader Muɔnyjiɛŋ, don’t let the leader touch the ground).
We have informed our low lives, to let us bomb the evils white Americans, English people, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians prostitutes, some of their cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, their gulf Arab states financiers, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, some of their Bantuses out of Kenya out of Central Kanya towns of Nanyuki, Laikipia, Nyahururu, Neyeri, Nairobi and Mombasa and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs businesses of *Kenols and kobils* and be done with them.
Who would to side by side these vermins/parasites/viruses? No South Sudanese. South Sudan is not their Somalia. Lokichogio, Kakuma right up to Kapenguria, would be take back by owners, South Sudan army, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. Our Lake Victoria, that we live side by side with these low lives.
*Black hawk downs, black hawks down, black hawk downs, your evil mighty US and their allies had gown down long time ago*. Guru Nanak, of Indians are going to be destroyed once and for all, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. I studied at your own Nakuru high school. Maasais were not allowed to study at their own schools by the Indians, they used bullied the Massais who at Nakuru high school. The Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans; were called *indented slaves*. Watch out fools.
*There is a so-called Internet* to be brought to South Sudan by *Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis* through, *Tanzania,, Kenya or Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi* and hope AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTERROGATION, Go and ask your mother, you are going to be bombed to *kingdom come*, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. you are not our are equals, not even in the slightest, reasons pure HATRED and RACISM. Where Mr. Pope Francis, queen Elizabeth, former president of South Africa, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Mr. Jacob Zuma, former president Tanzania, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, current president of Rwanda, a piece of low life. Where is the current president Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta and his arch rival, Mr. Raila Odinga? Where is Abesh (so-called ethiopian) piece of trash, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn and his successor Mr. Abiy Ahmed?. AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION. We are the Ethiopians and very very racists. Follow the Dinkas/Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jiengs/Jenges and get away with crimes these times, and will God’s children if you can damn survive our bombings. There vermins/parasites/viruses in our Gambella region, Tigray/Tigrinya, our Blue Nile, Kiirtoum (Khartoum), Djibouti, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, our cloned so-called so-called Arab North Sudan.
There will be no white people in Africa. Tɔŋ (war—-very bad war is here). Let their low lives bring them into our country and over our lives through their so-called *UN, NEW WORLD ORDER, GOVERNMENTS WITHOUT BORDER, AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION* Ever ever again, and that piece of trash would be as good as dead.
Venezuela (in South America) was projected to be made, a so-called *UN, NEW WORLD ORDER, GOVERNMENTS WITHOUT BORDER, SOUTH AMERICA UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION, but Mr. Hugo Chavez, successor, Mr. Nicolás Maduro and Venezuelan people have other ideas. Their government cannot be changed by low lives in foreign countries. Venezuela was our/is our ally, Cuba, Brazil and some Caribbean countries including the US. But these days, game is over. Venezuela went and be *named by the conquistadors after their Venice of Italy*——‘Read the merchants of Venice’ by Mr. William Shakespeare’.
We are the Ancient Egyptian fools
English people are not our equals. Venezuela is almost in swamp. There is ‘a nyiel-like’ snake (Anaconda)’ in Valenzuela, it kills little animals and big animals if they want to.
Libya, Tunisia, Elgeria (our best ally with Libya) and Morocco; were once colonized by the *Romans*. The Roman used to bring their evil long noses into our valley of Kings—–Upper Egypt or Upper Nile, they were always bloody nosed all the times, there were no gunpowder then, it was only ‘bows, arrows, spears, machetes (thefs/sefs) or lec/bat’. To history short for you, people who can challenge us and our country, are Russians, Germans, Chinese, Scandinavian countries, minus Norway. US is not our equal
ANGLO-AMERICAN evil empire is not our equal. Irish potatoes,?!!!. We have told our low lives to be very careful Romans Catholics, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, English people, their Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some of their Bantuses, their Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangaleshis, Sri Lankans, Bantuses, Arabs. But they don’t want listen, but they are listen after their creeps WIPED OUT OF MAP.>>>