“In exercise of the powers conferred upon me under Article 101 (c) of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, 2011 (as amended), I, Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, Commander-in-Chief of the SSPDF and the Supreme Commander of all the other Regular Forces, do hereby issue this Republican Order for the Prohibition of All Active Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOS) in the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) and all the Other Regular Forces from Participating in Politics, Leadership of Respective Communities, Youth or Women Organizations, the Promotion of Propaganda and Hate Speeches on Social Media Platforms,” Kiir said in the decree.
The decree posted on the presidency Facebook page said “All Active Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOS) in the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) and all the Other Regular Forces, involved in Politics, Leadership of Respective Communities, Youth or Women Organizations, the Promotion of Propaganda and Hate Speeches on Social Media Platforms are hereby ordered to cease from such acts and rather concentrate on their Constitutional mandate.”
The president said “The Commands of the Army and that of all the Other Regular Forces including the National Security Service are hereby ordered to enforce this Order by ensuring that any Officer or Non-Commissioned Officer (NCOS) involved in the aforementioned unlawful activities refrain with immediate effect.”
Kiir warned that “Any Officer or Non-Commissioned Officer who fails to adhere to the enforcement of this Order, shall be investigated by the relevant Authority and punished in accordance with the law.”
“Kiir bans active military personnel from participating in politics, leading community organizations”
Yaa Sudans post, what do you propagandists smoke? You better call Mr. Salva Kiir, the president of South Sudan. Not just Kiir. However, many South Sudanese are angry with him. But he is respected, he took arms when tiny boy in ‘Anya nya one and our mighty SPLM/A, in 1983. If were not because our Nuers ke lawlessness, our mighty would have marched Kiirtoum (Khartoum) and and beyond. We are going back Kiirtoum (Kahrtoum) anyway. a country where everyone armed is baying white blood. In Muonyjiengs/JIengs/Jenges/Jongkoths/Dinkas community, we know know game, we the owners of land. Go and talk losers, low lives who are always used by our enemies at very turn or cycle. They were welcomed back to South Sudan in 2006 after they went serve cloned so-called Arabs masters of North Sudan when their Ngundeng Buong’s re-incarnate Mr. Riek Machar staged coup against the SPLM/A his in 1991 on directives of US, the UK, North Sudan, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and their creeps in between.
I don’t know what the criminals behind the so-called *Sudans post, Sudan Tribune, Nyamilepedia, The Tower using Uganda flag, Kenya daily nation, some European tabloids, most the devil infested Island of England, most of American tabloids, including occasionally, their Europeans and American considered worthy of journalism, their so-called New York Time. Oh really? It is own by the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs. Most wars Middle East and Africa, are endorsed by the so-called *NEW YORK TIMES*. Be very careful fellows. You are going be bombed to ‘abac/nil/nought/nothing/zero’. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. Who says evil juus (so-called israelis) are Irsaelis, who really say. The vermins.parasites/viruses are *are not to reach Poland and New York* They are going to be *WIPED OF MAP* once and for all, Reasons, HATRED and RACISM. Let them called them call their *Einstein and Manhattan project 2.0* to help them.
Or let vermins/parasites/parasites go to Uganda to revisit their *Entebbe rescue*. The armies are suppose to keep their distant from civilians politics. But that is not the case in the real world. The army job to civilians and country, police man or woman has power army boy or girl. Here in South Sudan the armies and the police are same, but institutions. Yeah. in the US, the so-called most country on earth. One of their own warned warned the American people, about the so-called their so-called *military industrial complex (MIC)* There are piece of shits who have never smelt the ‘stench of gunpowder all their lives’. In the old world, a king or prime minister has to fight in battle fields. Some of them were killed like everybody else. But these, the US, Presidents, so-called israel attack dogs can just ask their low lives to and defenseless Palestinians or Mullahs or Sheiks of gulf Arabs states, because, kings or queens, Oh really? Or just and Vietnam and Laos and used their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Mr, Henry Kissinger, he is going to the Vietnamese arses. Just just bomb Korea, Korean war was a UN war on Korean people, this American general, Mr. Douglas MacArthur. He even proposed, when the Chinese went to Korean war, should be bombed with nuclear weapon, just like vermins/parsites, just did next door in Japan in ‘Hiroshima and Nagasaki’ 8 years’ earlier. Japan is part of the so-called trilateral commission (TC) of *the US, Western Europe and Japan* It was created by a create society criminal. Rockefeller secrete society family. his family was the one which ‘donate the land, UN (UNSC) Building in New York current is. Probably the Indigenous people of New York, should have been the giving their UN, it they had weapons and bombs.
That is way way the secret and devil works. People of Japan are very honest, they didn;t want to WWII, they even told the US and her allies that everybody else is the same. And Ambassadress helped the evil juus (so-called) attack dogs to Japan. That is why countries which have existent the beginnings always always have diplomats in other countries, promote their own and cultures and help their citizens when they lost passports or when they are trouble.
But these days, The US, the UK or their so-called israelis is everything, the so-called masters of the world, Oh yeah? The ones who control ocean waves or the world oxygen. Let remove their oxygen other noses, if evils think, everyone on earth breath because of *the US, the UK, Canada, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf terrorists, Australia and India* No one country will them and their oxygen. The vermns/parasites.viruses and shown where vermins/parasites/viruses belong—poison, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM>>>
Mr idiotic president kiir, if Joseph Lagu and John Garang were like you, do you think that you can become a president, Where is our right of politics as south Sudanese? Please stop this baning and your unnecessary degrees. Mind you! A wise leader follows his people not the people to follow you.