![South Sudan President Salva Kiir speaking to reporters at the state-house J1 in 2012 [Photo credit: Reuters]](https://i0.wp.com/www.sudanspost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/58efaba77fae6.jpeg?resize=850%2C340&quality=89&ssl=1)
JUBA — South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardit has reconstituted state parliaments of the country’s Central Equatoria and Lakes states, just immediately after reconstituting Western Equatoria state parliament.
In a Republican decree read out on the state-owned South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC), the South Sudan head of state appointed Peter Wani Elia of the SPLM-IO as the speaker of Central Equatoria parliament.
He also appointed Salam Al Haj Babala of the ruling SPLM-IG party as deputy speaker of CES parliament.
The South Sudanese head of state also appointed tens of politicians representing various stakeholders of the revitalized peace agreement as members of Central Equatoria state parliament.
In a separate decree, Kiir reconstitutes the Lakes state parliament, but only appointed Amel Adior of the SPLM-IG as the deputy speaker snubbing yo appoint the speaker. He also appointed several politicians as members of the parliament.
“Kiir reconstitutes Lakes, Central Equatoria state parliaments”
Keep swapping these lowly informed like you are swapping your underwears, but let them read the South Sudanese people lips. These lowly informed including you empty-headed elders just don’t get it and you have a lot answer South Sudanese people. The evils in the US, the UK, their cloned so-called North Sudan, Abesh (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some of their Bantuses, their gulf Arab states financiers, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their UN and their sleazy NGOs have again *attached themselves to out country and over our people like leeches/ticks*
The cheap and sinister project is force us to *live side by side with our cloned so-called so-called of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some Bantuses low lives, evil white Americans, English people, their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states terrorists, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Rwandans, Nigerians, Somalians or Asians* Just like there are *Dutch, English people, Portuguese, s, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Rwandans, Nigerians, Somalians or Asians in South Africa*
And that was why a Bantu low life, former South African president, Mr. Thabo Mbeki was brought here to South Sudan by his *secret societies and handlers European handlers* to come and convince us to live side by side with Bantuses, Dutch, white English people, Portuguese, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Rwandans, Nigerians, Somalians or Asians in South Africa, Arabs just like in South America.
Where the white people and their former slaves live in exclusives and their Bantueses are consigned to *Bantustans or Soweto*
I have been openly against anything to do with these vermins/parasites/viruses in our country. I am an insider of these cheap and dirty intrigues. I am one the boy who before South Sudan independence, who advised you fellows, to never dare try to ‘renew the mandate of then United nations mission in Sudan (UNMIS) to current United nations missions in South Sudan (UNMISS), because there was no need for it and becasue these agencies are used by secret societies’ criminals to occupy other people’s other peoples’ countries’ on the disguise.
And the most glaring example is Democratic republic of Congo (DRC) or former Zaire. But we were simply sternly rebuked that “you are just bunch young boys with some very bad attitudes towards people.”
No one born with ‘HATRED and RACISM’. You just earn them. When I went and studied in Maltreatment, in Canada. I was approached by ‘secret society criminals to join their club. I politely turned down their offer. They nevertheless bullied me, but I ignored them. They went and approached me again at the university of NSW, Sydney, Australia, to join their club. I again turned down the evil offer. They came and approached here in my state of Jonglei, that I don’t earn a lot of money and that I should work for them instead. I killed them, the two them reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
I don’t owe the ‘secret societies’ criminals a dime. They have have been stalking me, my family, my friends 24/7. And this is why people who are way too well ahead of the evil white Americans, English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs as considered threats.
These is South Sudanese on this earth who doesn’t has a file on his/her name, unless that South Sudanese is ‘a bollocks or piece of shit’ or that South Sudanese is working of CIA, MI6, Mosad or their so-called humanitarian or NGOs.
Most universities in the US and Canada, The Rockefeller and the Rothchild families and foundation [secret societies criminals] recruit students and researchers from those universities, and handcuffed them into their ‘dark secret societies’ antics. And when those students and researchers later found out, that they had been hoodwinked and tried to wriggle their cuffs, then it is too late.
The UN building in New York was given to UN free of charge by Rockefeller family, right the WWII from then league of nations, in San Francisco.
Do you fellows, think, those scroungers give things for free? Of course not. The US, the UK and France are playing with fire, they don’t their game up. But all habits die hard, but they be reminded, They are going to be there right place, jail or ocean.
South Sudan is where the WW3 is going to start and we are going to bomb the vermins/parasites/viruses out map. Reason, pure HATRED and RACISM. fASHODA Incidence. This is what is evil juus (so-called israel) attack dogs say, that from *Jerusalem to Tigris Rivers, to Tigris rivers right up to our Nilotic plains and Valleys, their so-called evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs empire would expanse to*
Oh really?!! And their so-called empire would be HERALDED IN, by their so-called *MOST POWERFUL SOVEREIGN of the US, the UK and FRANCE*
I don’t know what world the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs are living on? Probably in their so-called *Hollywood or Wall Street*. But the vermins/parasites/Viruses are going to BE WIPED OFF THE MAP ONCE and FOR ALL, Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
The evils juus (so-called israelis) called South Sudanese people their ENERGY. The evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, have nothing to the biblical Jews, they are just Eastern European low lives. The Reasons as why the Germans didn’t WIPED THEM OUT OF MAP was up them. But the vermins/parasites/viruses are not going to our RAGE.
There was English drunk, Mr. Winston Churchill, who was a propagandist here in our Nile valleys and Plains, who once *projected that their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, were to be settled in Uganda (their so-called pearl of Africa) or Madagascar, the vermins/parasites/viruses would have been wiped out long time ago. Reaosn, pure HATRED and RACISM.
The secret societies and families, I thoroughly explained above are very very dangerous secret societies. The Rothchilds is an evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dog thief, their family stole the reserve bank of the US, they own their former queen Lizabeth England underwear, they Bank own Bank of England, Bank of Scotland, Reserve bank of Canada, European central Bank, Reserve Bank of Italy (Rome), South Africa reserve Bank, Reserve Bank of Nigeria, Bank Ki Kuu ya Kenya, Reserve of Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, the only reserve bank and resources, this vermins/parasites and viruses don’t in Africa, is South Sudan. Reserve banks and resources of Iran, reserve bank North Korea, reserve bank of China in Shanghai and Beijing, Reserve bank Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua and other small countries, I failed to mentioned above.
And this is precisely why the vermins/parasites.viruses have ‘attached themselves South Sudan and the South Sudanese people.
Fellows, we are the masters of longshot warefares. We are the ancient Egyptians, The white people live in fantasy land. The Nile is not controlled by low lives, it is controlled by the owners, the Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt.
Our detractors, will always, try project their cheap and dirty project that South Sudan and South Sudanese were *colonized by Romans, English people or Arabs or evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs. Or our that their Vikings came and built our Pyramids. Fellows, you have step the wrong people feet, us—–the muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas.
Read this link, where is your damn Pope Francis, former argent scrounger? Read this links: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiksM70xoL0AhVSaCsKHZb9DXsQFnoECBcQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.moor4igws.org%2Fuploads%2F3%2F4%2F4%2F2%2F34429976%2F1533_jesuit_oath.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1siVoOYksBOCABtaBUW7qU
Low lives, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria [our best ally in Maghreb) and Morocco were once colonized by the ‘Romans’. The low lives used to bring their long noses in our Upper Egypt and president day North Sudan. They used be bloody nosed, there were no damned gunpowder then, but ‘spears, bows & arrows, machetes and locs’. At the end of the Nile (Nile delta) or the estuary of the Nile, There was a Greeky {Macedonian) boy, who was very daring to invade our Egypt, our ancestors just run here from Upper Egypt to lower Egypt and went and kicked evils out of our country.
The Arab also tried to use the same tactic, but they were destroyed to European countries of present Italian *island of LampAdusa, Sicily, the whole Malta was colonized Arabs, some of parts Spain* But our Egypt they came through intrigues (Iqzandaria) Alexandria (at our Nile delta).
The conquistadors are not our equals, they went and colonized South American or Latin Americans countries, and went and used named, because they were colonized by the Arabs, and that is why *El dorado, El Salvador, El Faso and so on*
Here in South Sudan a lot of us speak superior Arab than Arabs themselves, and we know the reasons, why. My mother tongue is a Muonyjieng/Jaangs/Jenge/Dinka of the Sudan and Egypt, my second language is Arabic, just next door to us, Saudi Arabia, third language is kis-swahili [is an offshoot Bantuses, Nilotes and Arabs], English and Germans.
Here in South Sudan. There are trolls who just follow us and lives over us and think, we are on par with them. This is *solemn warning, let any South Sudanese piece trash ever dare bring the cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some of their Bantuses, their evil white Americans, white English people, some of their Bantuses, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states financiers, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans into our country and over our people in name rebuilding South Sudan ever ever again. And that South Sudanese would be good as dead. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM..
Uganda, Mr. Idda Amin Dada, came and kicked vermins/parasites/viruses went he went and fought in Korean war. On behave British, When Mr. Idda Amin came back from Korean war, he came kinked the Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankan and their white masters prostitutes out of Uganda.
The current secretary in the devil infested Island England, Ms. Priti Patel, parents were kicked by Mr. Idda Dada out of Uganda. They are not our equals, never have and will never will under the sun or even in million years.>>>>
I am not interested in Gol Bol posts, why hatred always.