![South Sudan information minister and government spokesman Michael Makuei Lueth speaking in an interview with Eye Radio [Photo: screen-grab from interview with Eye Radio]](https://i0.wp.com/www.sudanspost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Michael-Makuei-Lueth-.png?resize=601%2C300&quality=80&ssl=1)
JUBA — South Sudan government has dismissed as “concocted” a United Nations report in which government and opposition forces are accused of killing over 170 civilians in southern Unity state and raping at least 131 women.
The joint human rights report released by the UN mission in South Sudan and the Office of United Nations High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR) says the abuses took place during fighting between government forces and pro-government militias on one side and the SPLA-IO.
“The report, which covers the period between 11 February and 31 May 2022, is based on 32 verification missions conducted by UNMISS in three counties – Koch, Leer, and Mayendit – and neighboring areas,” the report said.
“The hostilities in southern Unity State affected at least 28 villages and settlements — with approximately 173 civilians killed, 12 injured, and 37 women and children abducted.”
But information minister and government spokesman Michael Makuei dismissed the report as “concocted” and said if there were to be human rights violations, Makuei said the world body should consult the government first.
“If there is anything as such, are they supposed to write to whom [they are writing to] or they are supposed to report to the government of South Sudan?” he is quoted as saying by the City Review.
“Why should they be writing all this and then you go and pick them from there and come and ask us and them? Why don’t you ask them? Did you report this to the government? Anybody who is genuine and doing everything in good faith is supposed to report to the government,” he added.
Makuei further claimed that the fighting in Leer was inter-communal and the government intervened to resolve it.
“Yes, there was a fight and if there was a fight, that fight had taken place and the government intervened and it arrested the situation— and you have been following the news by the way—now how can the government be accused of being a human rights violator at the time when it went there to stop and fighting between communities and they have managed to do it and they have collected a lot of arms?”
Why does Makuei Lueth protect killers and rapists?
Where is the empathy for the victims over over sexed men perpetrating nightmare and shocking crimes against people.
Imagine the unbelievable agony of a 9 year old being fangraped to death. Imagine the horror and pain she must have felt.
Makuei by responding in the way he did shows support for such practices.
It is time that Makuei is disposed of as the monster he has turned into.
As soon as possible please