By James Gatdet Dak
Defections are not new and they never solve the challenges our nation faces! It simply complicates the challenges further, particularly when it has the potential of creating more instability in any part of the country.
Implementing the R-ARCSS fully, including its security arrangements is the best, healthy way forward.
After all, all these forces or armies are supposed to be “unified” under the 2018 peace agreement as one in their respective organized forces.
In the 2015 peace deal, having two separate armies was seen as a challenge, then why not unify them now as provided for in the revitalized 2018 peace deal? Peace partners should also help solve any logistical challenges, be it non-lethal.
There is a saying that it is better late than never!
Of course, the delays are frustrating. It is worse when one doesn’t see its difficulties. Some people may think the cook in the kitchen is not willing to prepare food on time, while maybe it is because he or she could not get the necessary ingredients needed to complete the cooking of the meal. These ingredients are many!
Well, we last week took another giant step by swearing in the reconstituted bicameral transitional national legislature. A step taken is a step appreciated and solved.
It shows that the agreement is not frozen, but alive and moving forward at this snail’s pace which tests every patience a human can be able to maintain.
So what do we do? It is not a free ride in a smooth highway where one drives and decides which direction to go at the same time. It needs perseverance to build trust and move together.
Hopefully it helps to build trust among the leaders or politicians or regional and international peace partners, and all in the near future maybe willing to speed up its implementation for the benefit of our citizens.
We badly need stability to reign in our nascent nation. We should stop the suffering of our people.
Destructive games do not help at all, but only perpetuate the suffering of our people in their muddy, grassthatched huts, where they are daily beaten by hunger and diseases in millions across the country, coupled with deadly inter-sectional violence —unfortunately. Other millions are refugees in the region and hundreds of thousands are IDPs in their own nation.
So disappointing to still see that we are busy playing unnecessary games of moving X or Y from this camp to that camp, with the potential of causing yet another problem, when we should rather be unifying the camps into one camp, called national army, or into parliaments, executives, judiciary and civil service, one people, etc.
And imagine some of us are congratulating themselves and cheering on these unnecessary destructive games at the expense of our suffering people across the country!
When will we find stability in all its political, security, economic and social aspects so that we can be able to provide services to our people?
When will we find rest????
When will we find time to cultivate and feed them, provide clean drinking water, electricity, health care, education, build roads, descent housing, employment, etc, etc?
It is heartbreaking!
The author is the press secretary in the office of the First Vice President. Follow him on Facebook HERE!
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“JAMES GATDET DAK | The heartbreaking defection from camp to camp at citizen’s expense”
When facts are plainly told that our Nuer community is a big problem to South Sudan’s progress. Then you are accused of insulting the entire community. Yes, there many in Nuer community who love South Sudan and the South Sudanese to move ahead and be competitive in the region, Africa and at the world stage.
But there also some in the Nuer community who have closed their minds and they just want to be a center of every scandal after scandals. The worse part of all these is, they are the elders who should know better. Where are the elders of Mr. William Nyuon Beny caliber or Marial Benjamin, James Hoth Mai or John Kong Nyuon when are desperately needed. I am 100% sure, elders like Mr. Marial Benjamin, James Hoth Mai or John Kong Nyuon are working the scenes to help resolve this nonsense.
But they can only do much, if others [especially the runaway general and Mr. Riek Machar] look at themselves in mirror and say, well, we are not babies, but adults. South Sudanese people put up with Mr. Riek Machar and his allies excesses for over 30 years. But they just seem not read the South Sudanese people’s lips. That there are limits ‘to your personal ambitions’.
Yes, secret societies’ members ‘are sworn to solemn secrets with dangerous oaths’. And if they break that oaths, then their superior will them. A dagger-like swords just hung over their necks. Mr. Riek Machar and some of our lowly informed generals ‘consciously or unconsciously’ sold themselves and their souls to foreign masters and secret societies’ criminals. And now their foreign masters and secret societies’ criminals have taken them hostage.
And they are using as their ‘blackmails and their bargaining chips’ to crawl themselves back into South Sudan and over South Sudanese people or they would be killed by their their foreign masters and their secret societies overloads.
It is this simple. They want install Mr. Riek Machar and his allies into power in South Sudan and then they can go and micro-manage them in *Nairobi, Adis Ababa, Johannesburg, Khartoum, Duba or UAE, Hong Kong, Wall Street, Washington, London, Cayman Island, Panama et* But the vermins/parasites/viruses, their foreign masters and their secret societies are wasting their damn times and the South Sudanese people’s times.
I know all cheap and dirty intrigues, becasues, I was one approached by these evil and secret societies’ criminals in Montreal, Canada. I politely turned down their dirty invitation, they however bullied me, but Ignored the evils, they went and bullied again Sydney, Australia. I again ignored them. They came and bullied again here in South Sudan that I don’t earn a lot of money and that I should work for them to get more money. May their evil gods rest them in piece and eternal hell.
South Sudan is not for sale. When the South Sudanese people are told the facts, that there are some evils on this planet earth. And that these evils whom smile with us during the day and scheme for our destruction during the nights, and whom some of our lowly informed even call our allies or friends, but they won’t listen.
Yeah, we are the God’s people and that the Nuers are the ‘Israel fighting the whole of Africa’?!! Our Nuers ke nyantoc cannot defeat ‘ a single ‘Muonyjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka’ section of over 25 sections. When these low lowly informed idiots are told the truth, that Catholicism, Anglicanism, Presbyterianism, Islamism, Voodooism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Judaism, yakuzaism, Toaism, Jesuit-ism, and hoard of others, are not religions. But secret societies. CIA, FBI, UNSC (3+2) et al.
But our Nuers ke nyantoc with their love affairs with foreign and their child-like- life-styles of all creating problem and then cry babies when child-like-lifestyle is later on taken head-on. The low lives, think, they are going to spared some of these days, with their evil white Americans, English people, their cloned so-called Arabs North Sudan, their Abeshas (so-called ethiopians), some of their Bantuses, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their gulf Arabs of North Sudan, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their UN of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and some of their rubbish in between who have attached themselves to our country and over our people and our people.
Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth and their rubbish are going to be *WIPED OUT OF THIS PLANET EARTH* Once and for all, reason, pure HATRED and RACISM.
We are not equal with us, never has and will never ever will under the sun or even in million years, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Romans have never ever colonize our country and our people. Libya, Tunisia, Elgeria, Morocco were once colonized by these vermins/parasites/viruses. But they have never ever ever ever colonized our colonized our country and our people. Saudi Arabia, Abesh (so-called ethiopia), Djibouti, Suez Canal, Irish Potato, Central Africa republic (C.A.R), Democratic republic of Congo (D.R.C) Rwanda.
Upper Nile, Fashoda incidence, here in Upper Nile??? Tong (war is here). I am one of the boys who is going to bomb these vermins/parasites/viruses out of this planet earth, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM>>>>
James Gatdet Dak
Let us be honest in telling the truth. The majority of your own Nuers people don’t see another way of life, they are addicted to the use of violence, ranking officers and leadership. They don’t know about business, they don’t know the government is not answer for individuals, they don’t know development are the citizens within the country.
What is missing from our people in South Sudan is the culture adjustments and good leaders that will change the Mindset, it will not be done overnight but they have to do everything they can in order to make sure the next generations will not be left in such a terrible situation we have been facing throughout centuries. Who will change the Mindset of South Sudanese people? The late Chairman Dr.John Garang was too close to change the Mindset and this is why South Sudan is a nation Today.
NUERS are the best and ever the best in the world simply because the didnot accepted the defeat, they are good at betraying themself, the didn’t feel ashame of theirs deeds especially destruction , the nuers believe themselves as brave fighters, according to Ngun-deng the believe going to hell as innocient is guilty the aims of every strong man is either to killed or to be killed by an other man, the nuers united themselves for a period of last than one month because every single nuer want to be a leader.