The camp high committee chairperson, Tang Dok Tuong said the aborted babies could have been dumped by unidentified women during night hours.
He said the bodies were discovered by cleaners doing their routine work on Friday.
“Unidentified women threw babies inside the latrines after delivery and this happened in Bentiu IDP camp, Sector 1, Sector 2 and Sector 4. The babies died due to the conditions of the latrines. They would have been found alive has it not been due to the bad conditions of latrines in the IDP camp,” he said.
He decried the unlawful practice of dumping babies in latrines after delivery.
“As a community leader, I strongly condemn this act. The joint forces of the polices and community watch groups are searching block by block to bring those wrong doers to face the law,” added Tuong.
The community leader attributed the practice to women who are impregnated by irresponsible men or school girls fearing to face their parents after conceiving.
He said the joint polices department of criminal investigation is tirelessly working with community leaders to identify and culprits and ensure they face the law.
“These women who dumped the babies into the latrines are actually those who cheated their husbands. They are being impregnated by other men in the absence of their husbands and schoolgirls fearing their parents,” stressed Tuong.
Mary Liah, 48, blamed the incident on the economic hardships within the camps.
At least 11 cases of babies dumped in latrines have been reported in Unity State since January.