Speaking to Sudans Post on Thursday, Torit Mayor Mustafa Albino Zackariah said an ambulance from Magwi County was among the vehicles targeted.
Survivors reported being robbed of laptops, smartphones, and money.
“In the report we received is that, there were some people coming from Magwi at around 11 pm in the evening coming with their motorbikes. They have been abducted and they even robbed them, they took their keys of the motorbike leaving the motors and they robbed their properties mainly laptops, smartphones and some money that they were carrying in their pockets,” Mayor Albino said.
“They also say that an ambulance returning from Torit State Hospital going back to Magwi County also fell into the hand of the robbers after taking a sick mother to Torit. They robbed them at Fotur Mafi junction where some bodaboda riders are forced to lay down by the robbers. These robbers are said to be nine in numbers all well armed,” he added.
The nine armed robbers reportedly blocked the road until midnight, targeting multiple travelers. Victims were robbed of their belongings and some were physically assaulted.
A reporter for Voice of Eastern Equatoria State, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the robbers stripped victims naked and seized their valuables.
“We fell into an ambush of nine armed robbers. They took all our belongings and stripped us naked. We came barefooted with short clothes. All the valuables are gone including our motorbike keys. The good thing is that they left our bikes,” the reporter said.
The reporter also stated that some individuals in the ambulance were struck with gun butts after resisting the robbers. Those who remained calm were eventually released after their belongings were taken.