Akobo County Commissioner Puok Nyang told Sudans Post in a phone call today that the attack occurred on Sunday evening on the outskirts of Akobo town after a peace meeting concluded.
“The criminals are still doing their activities here, yesterday (Sunday) they killed two people, a male and a female in Akobo County when we just concluded a meeting,” Nyang said.
“We heard the sound of guns outside the town, and we immediately received the news that two people were killed, a woman and a man and two children were abducted,” he added.
The local government official called on authorities in neighboring Greater Pibor Administrative Area to stop the violence.
“These are the things we always tell our brothers from Greater Pibor Administrative Area to stop so that the mass mobilization from Greater Jonglei and Pibor Administrative Area should stop,” he said.
The attack came as a week-long peace conference in Akobo concluded with calls to punish those responsible for child abductions and cattle raiding.
The meeting involved traditional leaders, government officials, and representatives from both Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.
Jonglei State has suffered from ongoing communal violence that includes cattle raiding, revenge killings, and child abduction.
Authorities have blamed the violence on armed youth from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.