By, Cde Meen Gabriel Chol Kuac
Dear, South Sudanese Communities especially social media users I Condemn only those crooks people who talks negatively against the feeling of my Sister Supermodel Adut Akech for her decision.
There is No Boundaries Completely in love and married to Nigeria Man isn’t crime or sin in this universal like the way many of you understood it, I Condemn you my crooks people of South Sudan and whoever is talking Negatively against her Choice in the Global.
Where is humanity here if we don’t respect the Physiology need of our sister and her Bills of Right which is granted to her by our Constitution of South Sudan, United Nations treaty or you wanted to show to the World that we are Above the Fools?
Love has no Geography once more, our Country South Sudan and Nigeria have a good international Relationship including intermarriage is the part and partial of our policy amongst two sisterly countries, what’s so especially for her Decision now if we aren’t Expert in mixing up the issues?
Nigerian people married a lot of our ladies before the independent of south Sudan, some of them are grandmothers to some Nigerians Now in Nigeria and many of you keep quite without even posting a single article on your timeline, ladies and Gentlemen who wake many of you up to make noisy on social media and questions too much on her genuine decision of my Sister Adut Akech?
For me is Normal for our Supermodel Girl Adut Akech to be married by Nigeria singer and some of us can go Normally and marriage there in Nigeria since their marriage isn’t costly like Complicating and Expensive marriage of Dinka and Nuer here in South Sudan.
For your information fellow Citizens, Adut Akech must be respected like other ladies in South Sudan here, if she is Supermodel girl that doesn’t qualify anyone Randomly to talk negatively against her Right at local understanding, she Adut is our Educated girl and marriage of Nowadays is base with choice we must to respect her feeling, she isn’t like the kind of local girl in Juba and other villages here we endorsed forced marriage to old men and some ugly husbands because of Cows, Goats, Sheep,Money and even chickens.
My Sister Adut Akech is totally different from all your nonsense you think about her. Her thinking Capacity is different from all your nonsense which are lacking good units of Analysis in international Partnership within the same Continent and the world at large.
Our daughter Adut Akech isn’t a local girl like your ladies and gentlemen of the jealousy and hatred team. Let us wish her new life with her husband and demand the dowry immediately from Nigeria singer Runtown because our sister is supermodel at the International standards considering that it is not even easy for some Nigerian ladies to reach that level Adut Akech.
In Conclusion, I am appealing to whoever talked Nonsense against our Supermodel Adut Akech to Apologized on his or her timeline in good faith only to show respect to our Sister Adut Akech and her Husband.
Please my Sister Adut Akech I apologized on behalf of Your innocent people of South Sudan who are still behind the World in the advance and wait for more apology from their innocent timeline too and thank you.
Congratulations to you my sister Supermodel Adut Akech and blessing be with you and your husband, ignore those nonsenses.
In SPLM, we believe in Social Justice.
The author is a senior SPLM Political Activist. He can be reached via:
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