General Kimo said in a statement yesterday that he was defecting to the Dr. Riek Machar-led opposition group because of an attempt by Dr. Lam Akol’s forces in northern Upper Nile state to detain him.
“Agwelek group media published on Monday a statement on behalf of Kimo Obwony dated 23 May 2021, who was cashiered from the National Democratic Movement forces on April 27, 2021. The statement tries to justify what he did, a coup d’état, and falsely claiming that the Northern Front of the NDM had joined the Agwelek group under his leadership,” the statement extended to Sudans Post reads in part.
“The statement is full of false allegations and desperate attempts to falsify facts to mislead public opinion,” the strong-worded statement signed by the group’s spokesman Brigadier General Fawzi Gabrial Oywac reads in part.
The statement went on to explain what had transpired.
“What happened on April 24, 2012 was that Agwelek’s leadership in Megenis had persuaded Kimo Obwony on narrow sectional grounds to join their ranks and split the NDM and promised him money and a high military rank if he succeeded in implementing their plan.
“Indeed, they provided him with vehicles, soldiers and military equipment which he took and moved to Al-Hamra, where the NDM’s rear stores were. When he arrived the camp , the force received him there as their commander unaware of his sinister plan.
“While the force was briefing him on their condition, the force that he brought with him heavily armed cordoned them, disarmed them, and went to the warehouses and seized all the weapons and ammunition there. From there he returned to Megenis to report to the conspirators. If this was not betrayal and a coup, then what would be the definition of a coup?
“Al-Hamra camp is the only one with a force estimated at about a company strong of the NDM. The bulk of force is in the assembly and training centres as required by the Revitalized Peace Agreement. For the Northern Front these centers are: Thwor Gwang, Alel, Tawfigiya, Tonga and Yomding.
“The other forces remaining in the area are HQs of units, not more than a Squad each divided between Megenis, Obud and Tonga, as well as officers who did not meet the requirements for joining the assembly and training centres.”