Suzanne Jambo who is also the leader of the exiled South Sudan Steps Towards Peace and Democracy made the appeal in an open letter to Booth who is in Juba to meet members of the coalition government over the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.
The political activist and lawyer stressed the need to help out the people of South Sudan from the ongoing famine and lack of security which she said is a result of power hunger between President Kiir and his first deputy Dr. Riek Machar Teny, both of whom have been in a power war since 2013.
“President Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar’s government must simply exit; it has been over 6 years of their senseless wars of which our people pay the ultimate price! We wish to end this unnecessary suffering, and that regional /African nations to be part of such a continental effort to restore sanity in our young nation,” she said in the open letter she extended to Sudans Post.
The activist demanded a complete United States scrutiny of the security bodies being used by the regime in Juba to suppress its citizens, most specifically vocal activists and journalists who have been detained when they disagree with they disagree government.
“We demand a scrutiny unto President Kiir’s torturous tools to intimidate the population and vocal activists,” she said. “These are 2 folds; the National Security infamous Blue House bossed by ruthless Gen. Akol Koor who arbitrarily detains and kills President Kiir’s opponents … and most recently; it is reported that Akol Koor is joined by President Kiir’s top security advisor Mr. Tutkew in the formation of a Janjaweed-like Rapid Response Militia, RRM.”
“Grave concerns abound around commonalities and unique features of South Sudan’s NSS since 2014 and recent RRM formation, with Sudan’s historical national security intelligence; ‘ghosts houses’ and Janjaweed by former dictator President Bashir’s National Congress Party, NCP.
“Indeed a notorious ‘continuation and multiplication’ two factors of Bashir in Sudan appears to be Mr. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo aka Hemedti and in South Sudan is Mr. Tutkew. A man mysteriously planted into the centre of South Sudan’s top politics by the NCP around the December 2013 war break out. It is worthy to note that General Akol Koor is also a trained NCP cadre,” Jambo added.
“The sooner South Sudan restores genuine peace, peaceful transfer and transition of power, and democracy, the sooner security will be tackled to avert any further chaos and suffering in South Sudan and the region. President Kiir/Riek Machar’s time is up and must pave way for a patriotic South Sudanese transitional government which shall cooperate with all national peace actors and with the region.”
Suzanne Jambo,
This woman should just go and look at her damn bleached skin, before she open her damn mouth about her US special envoy piece of trash. This Donald Booth, Antony Blinken, Susan Rice, Barack Hussein Obama, Susan Paige and other bunch of *secret societies of :
And other creeps in between have attached themselves to our country and over our people like ‘leeches or ticks’.
Because there are some South Sudanese fools who have sold themselves and their souls to these vermins and parasites. And they also think, they can also sell our country and our people secret societies.
There are other very dangerous secret societies, which have WARNED bunch of OUR LOWLY INFORMED South Sudanese to be very careful to never ever DARE TOUCH THEM with EVEN 200 Feet Pole. They are:
2. The Trilateral Commission (TC), the US, the Western European countries and Japan.
3. The Freemasons
4. The Illuminati
5. Skull and Bones (Yale University) I doubt if our Francis Mading Deng and other South Sudanese Law School graduates, have never been inducted into that dirty secret society.
6. The Bilderberg Group (the Who is Who technological worlds)
7. The Committee of 300 (the who is who of former presidents or prime ministers around the world: Former South Africa president, Mr. Nelson Mandela, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, former Botswana president, Mr. Festus Mogae, Current president of Rwanda, Mr. Paul Kagame, former president of Tanzania, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, current president of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, Mr. Raila Odinga; he even brags that he is the only CIA operative in Africa.
Former Abesh (so-called ethiopian) prime minister, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn, his successor; Mr. Abiye Ahmed. their *puppets/stooges here in South Sudan of Mr. Riek Machar, Mr. Lam Akol, Mr. Pagan Amuom, Rebecca Nyandeng, her ugly son, Mr. Majak Agoot, Mr. Malik Agaar, Mr. Yasir Arman and Mr. Thomas Cirillo.
Mr. Salva Kiir was not part of these *secret societies low lives*. But Mr. Pope Francis, a former Argentina scrounger criminal thought. South Sudan would be his another *Roman Catholic conquistador nonsense like in Latin America, since Mr. Salvatore Kiir Mayardit is an ardent Catholics and his Riek Machar rival allegedly Presbyterian, were invited to Rome, and Mr. Pope Francis went and knelt down on them*
We are Ancient Egyptians fools. Catholicism is not a relation, Anglican is not a religion, Islam is not a religion, Judaism is not a religion et al. The Romans occupied *Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco* The Romans used to try to bring their long noses into our *present day North Sudan, our valley of Kings (Upper Egypt) and Lower Egypt, today’s Iqzanderia (Alexandria) at the Estuary (end) of the Nile, the Greekis from present day Greek >>>