By Abraham Majak Makur
OPINION – First and foremost, I am taking this opportunity to appreciate President Kiir for the decision and to congratulate Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor for the trust bestowed upon him by the president of the Republic.
For Cde. Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor, he doesn’t need to be advised anymore – he has the experiences and drawn-lessons of his previous administrations as Yirol SPLM Secretary (instead of commissioner by then, 2001-2005) before it was spilt into three counties and later appointed as the first Governor of the defunct Eastern Lakes State (2016-2017). All his administrations had been controversial, yet his unique gift of uncompromising security of the citizens always makes him to resurface to the surprise of his political rivals in the political arena.
I believe, given his vast experiences in both civil and military administrations, he needs to draw the lessons and use the experiences to reshape his legacy and bring peace to conflict devastated Lakes State once and for all.
To my surprise and may be people of similar feelings, would agree with me. The state wide shooting by the citizens is posing serious questions: it is not clear whether people were celebrating the exit of Gen. Makur or welcoming the appointment of Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor as Governor of Lakes State?!!!. Both of them are known SPLA veterans, they ihad been commissioners at Yirol county level and equally Governors at their respective times. Their deeds and characters stand uniquely judged – making them to be some of our leaders to count on despite their personal weaknesses as that would be none of my business but to look at the bigger picture. We need them. Following the state wide shooting into the air of bullets, I don’t believe in the act but to describe it as “shameful act and out of ignorant”. The act was aimed at tainting our fraternity as sons and daughters of Atuot and Yirol in particular!
The only answer would be justified by the outcome of Gen. Rin Tueny’s leadership results in Lakes.
As a matter of fact and for “Total Peace” to reign in Lakes State, there is a need for a political and moral will of the national leadership for Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor to succeed and to avoid falling into the trap again. Politics is dynamics, it is not a one man game but a game of inclusionary tactics in order to achieve the desired aspirations of the people.
By doing that, wider consultations and active involvement of the key actors could be of meaningful leverage as to secure support and to pave the way for collective actions and responsibilities and above all, for the purpose of accountable processes. Accountability in legal matters is a prerequisite in the world of now compared to those days. Things are now different as everything is done in camera. It is only visionary and coherent leadership to know that.
It should be underlined and noteworthy that, anybody with the assumption that he is powerful to use power absolutely where it is not legally due would not only be doomed to total failure but to undergo serious human rights and legal challenges given the globalized geopolitics, period!
Yesterday, when I visited the former Governor of Lakes State, Gen. Makur Kulang, to console him as a brother, and being engrossed in the analysis of the situation, I was quoted to have challenged the incoming Governor, but in fact I was in good faith stressing a need for tactful approach but the same elements that always draw him to blackmail misquoted me to have been biased according to them, which I believe would be true, unless, that notion of implanting the presumed enemies in his mind are to stop blackmailing him always forthwith! These elements must give him space now as it is Lakes State with her divergent statuses, not Yirol where policy of local potentates work better!
My assertion in that conversation where former Governor Hon. Makur Kulang”s relieve was the subject of discussion was that, “if Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor comes with the assumption or presumes to be the most feared military and political figure in the region, he would be the worse failed governor in history of Lakes State Government.” I said this and I am here to be challenged by optimistic minds simply because of the complexity of sociopolitical situation in Lakes State. I think time is there to record us, unless a new political strategy is devised to dealing with Lakes State sociopolitical complexities!
Nevertheless, one of the trusted ministers of Gen. Makur within no time traded this statement to the first Lady of the incoming governor who acted furiously. I pleaded for correction of my statement and the rationale of its utterance. She later understood after a long emphasis of the rationale of my statement as quoted above.
When I alluded above that Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor doesn’t need advice, he is now the political leader of Lakes State and hailing from Yirol, it is incumbent upon him to rally the competent ones behind him than to rely on the very elements that had been blackmailing him in subsequent administrations as it is time to draw lessons and use the experience to open new chapters for the bigger picture.
Although he was expected to continue ascending the leadership ladder of SSPDF, it is also good for him to save Lakes State from the wrath of degenerating into tribal anarchy and social anguish. The expectations of the people are very high and requires concerted efforts of all of us regardless of petty political differences!
In conclusion, the relieve and appointment of the Governor is one thing and to act given the complex security situation in Lakes State is another challenge that requires strong and moral will of the national leadership for the Governor of Lakes State to succeed. All Governors have been attempting in good faith to restore peace, but their actions have been marred by political and administrative setbacks both from national and local levels. When they sought support from the national leadership, their efforts are thwarted owing to the deteriorating security situation in Lakes State. The end result is for them to furnish themselves with meagre resources as takeaway leaving the citizens with empty promises and the game continues!
President Kiir and the R-TGONU should initiate with strong sentiments a universal disarmament process in Government controlled regions for peace to reign than each state to conduct partial diisrmament as this would not be enough as arms would continue to proliferate from the armed states. I challenged Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor to pull up his socks and act patriotically by laying down his grudges tools and present himself as our political leader for now and beyond!
I wish Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor a success and peace to reign in Lakes State and South Sudan at large. God bless him and the people of Lakes State as we pray for peace, wisdom and unity to reign among us!
God bless South Sudan!
Abraham Majak Makur was Minister of Physical Infrastructure, Chairman of the State SPLM Executive Caucus (2018 – 2020) and Former Minister of Information, Culture, Youths and Sports (2017 – 2018) of the defunct Eastern Lakes State – Yirol. He can be reached via: or
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