By Rev. Karlo Kolong
JUBA, JANUARY 6TH 2023 (OPINION) – Dear Sudanese nations in diaspora and inside the two nations! Teach me your ears and eyes, a wise and conscious person of God cannot keep silent when his people are bleeding daily. Sudanese people are made in the image of God, read Genesis chapter 2 when our first parents Adam and Eve were made. This means, we are the picture of God on earth. Let me first draw a basket of imagination to brainstorm your minds.
- How long will we be refugees?
- How long shall we be called “internally displaced people” (IDPS)
- How long shall we suffer under brutal non visionary leaders within our rich Godly lands without salaries?
- How long shall we live without God our maker/father?
- How long shall we live without regular schools, hospitals, public buses on tarmacs, railways, and mechanized agriculture?
- How long shall our children from the ages of 3 to 35 live without A B C D?
- How long shall we live without modern roads with permanent bridges, flyovers, and national buses connecting states, counties and villages?
- How long shall we stand with foreign crutches like IGAD, AU, UN or UNIMSS and, Arab League?
- How long shall we be spiritually blind, ignorant of God our maker?
- When shall we be free and enjoy our independence in our Godly given lands?
- When will the Sudanese stop killing their Sudanese people?
- How can Sudanese stop Isaiah 18 which says “God will punish the Sudan”?
What are the Sudanese names in history? Cush in Hebrews, read Genesis chapter 10:6 titled “the table of nations.” Ethiopia in Greek, dated back to the time of Alexander the Great who conquered Middle east and north Africa in 320 BC, Sudan in Arabic means black, dated back to 1200 AD when Arabs defeated “Cush Christian kingdom” within their capital of Merowe. It was queen Candace (kandaka) and the Ethiopian Eunuch who started Churches in Mamlakat Makura within Dongola and Alodai around Ingesina areas back in 64 AD, read Acts chapter 8:26-42.
Prophet Moses, the first man to write the Bible, married A Sudanese lady called “Tharbish” read Numbers chapter12, he ruled Cush or Sudan today for 40 years under Egyptian empire/dynasty. Tharbish and Thorbush are Darfur names “Tharbish” for ladies and “Thorbush” for men. This means Moses married a Darfuri lady, that is why Israelis love Darfur people, because their eyes got open slightly in 2004 when they rebelled against Khartoum regime. Israelis support them, even today, it is printed in their blood since 1200 BC.
Sudanese citizens become herbivores or grass eaters’ animals, but they are eaten by carnivores daily because citizens are like buffaloes, giraffes etc. crashed daily by the lions, leopards, bears, crocodiles, hyenas, bears, foxes. When two elephants fight, the grass suffers, which means when dictators fight, the citizens suffer. This is what Jesus said to the women who were crying when he was taken to the Cross. “Dear women! don’t cry about me, cry for yourselves and your children” read Luke 23:27-31. December 23/2022, I saw Congolese rebels M23 chasing hopeless villagers, girls and boys crying without any rescue, the same thing within the Sudanese nations today, I don’t want to explain, you see daily. The messianic prophecies are fulfilled daily. The carnivores/brutal dictators could not allow herbivores/citizens to graze peacefully in their Godly given lands. I see lions climb over buffaloes, and giraffes, warthogs, gazelles’ every day, this is what dictators are doing to Sudanese within the two nations, we cannot benefit from our Godly given minerals like oil, gold, uranium, vegetables wildlife, fishery, maize, poultry, lubia or beans.
We don’t have space for freedom of expression. Predators/dictators overpowered the prey or citizens. God assigned Church leaders, journalists and police in Ezekiel 33 and 34 to watch the national leaders and warn them not to mistreat, marginalize or leave citizens without their salaries for their daily bread, as Jesus said in Matthew 6:6-15, when he taught people how to communicate with God their maker, “people should say “God! forgive us and give us our daily bread,” If God knew that there is no food within the Sudanese lands, he would have not made new babies.
The three group church leaders, journalists and police are the national pillars for the citizens. Sudanese leaders hate these three groups who represent Godly children, they starve the citizens to death. People in both nations cannot protest and gain something, in South Sudan, the brutal leaders say no protest because they don’t have false bullets. This means killing people who have no salaries for 12 months to feed their families and relatives. They must die of hunger. They say, “I don’t care about leadership.”
Dear Sudanese people in diaspora and inside the two nations! wake up and cry in the name of the living God for your rights, God will answer our prayers. Pastor John Haggai quoted one of the past British leaders who said “You cannot negotiate with the lion when your hands are in its mouth” Sudanese citizens have been trying many times to remove these lions for 66 years since the British left the country 1956 to this day January 1/2023. you cannot push military forces away with your light words.
You need to involve God and the international community like UN. All human nations are made in the image of our Biblical God and God can use them to solve national problems, nobody is an island as my book “we are not an island in the Sudan” says. Carnivores will never spare herbivores or powerless citizens. Sudanese leaders in both nations are busy killing their own citizens, such brutal leaders should not be welcome in UN, these nations should not be welcomed in the UN because they are not yet independent. The world leaders said more than 8 million South Sudanese and the same number in Sudan, are food insecure this year 2023.
Today January 1/2023, I asked a Sudanese congregation in Denver, Colorado this question I quote “what can happen to you if your driver license expired, Will you still drive the car on public roads? Some say yes but illegally where there are no police or CIDs. You will be caught and arrested and not allowed to appear in public places or show cars that have no number plate in any station. This is what I mean, the Sudanese peace of 2005 expired in 2011, Sudanese nations went back to war, killing themselves every day in both nations, can you welcome criminals to your wedding party or UN meetings?
Many people know that the troika and western nations send billions of dollars for the hungry people in Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan, the donors don’t know that there are two types of fishermen on the way, the space fishermen and ground fishermen. The space fishermen follow these billions of dollars from the west to spots where that billions of dollars fall within the third world nations, then take 70% back to the western secret pockets, the ground fishermen get 25% and their close relatives will take 25% from their ruling class. So, 90% of the marginalized tribes failed to get anything, they will continue looting NGOs and raid cattle.
The oil of South Sudan is refined in Port Sudan, “port Sudan” means “black port” our color. Khartoum take 50% and the rest shipped through Mombasa, Kenya takes 20% and continued through Uganda then Uganda takes 15% only 15% reaches Juba, that is why our people have no salaries, but they have to loot NGOs conduct cattle raids, some form rebel groups, some switch from one faction or party to other faction or party, and back forth and those inside take a lion share of the 15% unfortunately all of these groups are poor, no food, no option, finally people decided to be IDPs and flee to exile as refugees in Kakuma, Uganda Buwyale, Egypt, USA, Europe, Australia etc.
Sudanese become a burden to international communities. What did we do? We killed three million Sudanese in the first civil wars of 17 years, from 1955-1972, we killed 3 million Sudanese in 22 years from 1983-2005. How many more do you want to kill? The idea of saying let us use the port of Djibouti is an illusion. How long can you crack the Ethiopian highlands to reach the port of Djibouti? This will take fifty years and destroy millions of people or manpower, why not use the port of Sudan, since “port Sudan” means we are the blacks? “Little knowledge is a disease” my book says
From 2011 to this day of January 2023, Sudanese leaders from both countries killed one and half million Sudanese in both countries, apart from those who die of hunger, diseases etc. let Nuba, Darfur, Ingesina, Dongola, Beja, South Sudanese people vote in a referendum for UN three years interim period. Those who oppose this idea, means they want to continue killing Sudanese. God will judge them. God chose Moses around 1200 BC with a vision known as “let my people go” to take his people from Egyptian slavery back to their promised land, God chose Rev Martin Luther King Jr with a vision known as “I have a dream” to unify whites and blacks in USA in 1965, and Barack (blessed) Heusen Obama jumped into this dream in 2009 and fulfilled the dream. The same God picked Rev Karlo kolong in Nairobi February 2002, with a vision called “we are not an island in the Sudan” that brought Sudanese peace of 2005.
We need Louis Paul Bermer who ruled Iraq for one year 2002-2003 to rescue our Sudanese nations. What I mean is that, let the UN rule our nations to be, guided by troika for three years as one Sudan to develop the country speedily, the present brutal leaders will never develop our country. This can allow all Sudanese tribes to contribute for equal constitution based on the Ten commandments mentioned in Exodus chapter 20 that says:
- don’t make idol gods
- don’t swear
- don’t worship false gods
- don’t kill
- don’t steal public money
- don’t’ commit adultery
- honor your father and your mother
- don’t lie
- don’t envy somebody’s family or property, and;
- keep sabbat, the day of God holy.
Everybody should be free to choose his or her religion of faith. you don’t force somebody to believe in your God because you don’t make people. Everybody can switch from another religion to his choice, don’t block him, it is like members of the same party switching to another party. You cannot design a baby or force him to die before the day of God. Nobody can determine the sexes of any baby, it is God. Don’t defend your religion or God, let God defend himself, unless your god has no power, then both of you will lose the battle.
Sudanese leaders have been ruling the nation for the last 66 years without a constitution or civil government. They have interim governments and an interim constitution every three years; they can also call it “transitional period” to confuse the citizens. Arab came to Sudan in 1200 AD while Sudanese Africans have been in the land since 2500 BC to this year of 2023. Arabs have 800 years, Africans have 5000 years, Arabs became blacks without their knowledge, they need to be told. They are Africans now and have a full right to live with us, just like the white minority in South Africa, when Mandela won the election in 1994, they live together.
Sudanese African even jalaba Africans can vote in this referendum. How many want UN interim rule for three years to expedite quick and equal development in all the marginalized communities within this short period.? We want to benefit from our Godly minerals.
The three years period will allow all the Sudanese tribes or communities to shape their equal constitution for o all, and rotational leadership within the former British nine provinces, with four years of presidential and parliamentary election, the big bullying tribes in South Sudan will not have power to manipulate the government because Darfur, Nuba, Dongola, beja, Ingesina people can help us silent these imaginary bulls. The new capital city has to be built in Kosti, the center of Sudan, all dictators will be forgiven, no ICC, if they resist, then kamikaze, the wind of God, will remove them when we pray for God to take action.
Why should our leaders send our army to the Middle East and DR Congo? This is a bartering business for individual benefits, not for public interest. how can you remove stone from the eye of your brother while you have fifty kilos of stone in your own eyes? Read Mathew 7:3 you cannot go and clean somebody’s house while your house has not been cleaned for the last 66 years.
The author is the founder of Evangelical Free Churches of Sudanese nations, architect of Sudanese peace of 2005. He can be reached via:
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