JUBA – South Sudan’s main armed opposition Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA-IO) led by First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny has accused the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) of renewed attack against it position in Unity State’s Koch County.
This comes less than two weeks after the group accused the army of attacking its positions in Mirmir of Koch County and an area in Maiwut County of Upper Nile state.
In a statement, sector two military spokesman Major Kerbino Yai Pazale said forces belonging to the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) launched an attack on a SPLA-IO cantonment site in Mirmir, and said the attackers were repulsed.
“Yesterday afternoon at 2:51 PM, government forces repeated such barbarous attack against our forces from their trenches. The SPLA IO is currently in a position of self-defense and repulsed back the attackers,” he said in a statement seen by Sudans Post.
While condemning the attack, the senior South Sudan opposition military officer further called for immediate investigation from peace monitors such as the CTSAMVM, Joint Defense Board and he Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) which mediated the revitalized peace agreement.
“We appeal to the CTSAMM, JDB, and IGAD, to take necessary investigation about the current situation in Koch County,” Maj. Yai said.
“SSPDF, SPLA-IO clash in Unity State – spokesman”
Our lowly informed South Sudanese idiots, be warned fellows. If you think, you thought there was going to be a peaceful South Sudan with the creatures like our Nuers ke Nyantoc, Shilluks and some idiots who have taken up begging foreigners of the UN, their NGOs, the evil white Americans, white English people, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states’ terror exporters and paymasters, then you are delusional. These are facts. All the pieces of shits in the US states’ department from or AIPAC. Criminals like Antony Blinken and the hoard of other evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dog or Zionists, whom some of our lowly informed fools often called their allies or uncles, have ganged up with the Roman Catholic (the society of Jesuits), the devil infested Island England and the gulf Arab states, Mr. Joe Bidden was bidden his time in Washington. Over 40 years in Washington, what do you piece shits think, some who has spend most a adult life in working for the same piece oragniztion was up to.
Mr. Barack Hussein Obama was ‘gaslighted’ by Mr. Joe Bidden, all along, Mr. Joe Bidden is a part of the same Roman sect of (Society of Jesuits). They are evil people.
The US had long since ago taken over by the Society of Jesuits, big Robber Barons of Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, Meyer family, House of Saud family and some of subsidiaries. And these dangerous secret families have devised a very creepy and dangerous initiative. That from Jerusalem to Euphrates rivers, Tigris rivers and right up to our Nilotic plains and valleys, their so-called ‘NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT’ expanse. And that so-called NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, WOULD HERALDED IN BY THEIR SO-CALLED MOST POWERFUL SOVEREIGNS OF *the US, the UK, France and of course, their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog and their gulf Arab states’ terror exporters.
Fellows, South Sudan is the missing link here. They like us; our country and our people. But we don’t like the devils and the evils schemes. And what they stood for. Many countries here in Africa are bunch of rubbishes, they were asked by Turkey to go Turkey and off they went and then go and be lectured about developments yeah and all. A country like Kenya is just a Malaya (prostitute). It again being courted by the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, both in IAPAC and the US states’ department. It is a COLD WAR being fought over the backs of other countries and their people. But these days. It is a HOT WAR. A country like is not going to survive a hostile region that just wants an white American, English people, Bantuses, their Arab, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs heads. Their dirty game and intrigues had since long exposed. The reasons as to why the Germans didn’t WIPED OUT the evil juus (so-called israelis) Vermins/parasites/viruses of out map was up to them. But the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs have gone too far with their dirty scheming and live over the backs other people.
The so-called *Abraham accord* signed between the gulf Arab states of United Arab emirates (the UAE), Bahrain, Qatar, our cloned so-called Arab North Sudan was ‘a ruse’. South Sudan is where evils are going to be destroyed. The oil is deplted in Saudi Arabia and their gulf Arab states countries. But the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and their bunch of secret schemed that the oil here in Upper Nile, Jonglei and others would go and be refined in *Saudi Arabia and their gulf Arab states’ oil infrastructures* And then African idiots would always flock to Medina or Mecca and then go and pay taxes there, and other Christians would also always go to Jerusalem and then go and pay taxes there and Mr. Pope Francis didn’t his left behind Rome, Christian will also go to Rome and then go and taxes there.
This is whole dirty and sinister game. But South Sudan is always used as a benchmark by low lives who are not equals. Secret societies are very dangerous. Anyway is always the beginning and the end. There are lowly some lowly educated South Sudan, some of like Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Majak Agoot, are PhD doctors. They even called Abesh (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, our people. Since when. These are are pieces from Yemen. They have always live over the backs of other people and countries like Kenyans. But there over scrounging over other people. Listen, Antony Blinken is a terrorist, former president of US, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama was a terrorist and a secret lowly educated piece of trash. This David Satterfield is an evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog: https://nation.africa/kenya/news/africa/uhuru-ethiopia-s-peace-vital-for-common-infrastructure-development-3692728
He was posted in Turkey as a diplomat and liaised with this other evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog, Mr. Jeffrey Feltman (what a damn name). I was bullied by lowly pieces of trashes in Canada, some years ago. They call us their energy. We don’t consider a jew anything, a white anything, they are not equals, not in slightest. The evil juus (so-called deperstes for a war that WILL WIPE OUT the WHITE RACE, ONCE and FOR ALL.
In East and Central Europe. They are upping their usual bullshits, against Russia Federation. What are they going to do, just scream and scream, and what else. No one like wars, except criminals who have never smelt the stench of gun powder, can sabre rattle others. Russians are European Europeans, but they are nationalists, they don’t like bullies.
Here is another fact, there is a tiny natural gas, from a gulf Arab state of Qatar. That Tiny natural gas from Qatar, where the US has its army base was supposed to be pipeline to Europe via Syria and possibly Turkey (a NATO), because the current president of Syria from an Islamic of Allawites (or God is one), but the gulf Arab states emirs and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and their secret societies criminals in the US, the UK and France whom they alliance with, don’t want the current president of Syria. He is considered an ally of Hezbollah (the de facto army) of Lebanon by the way, and Houthis rebels in Yemen and Iran country.
Germany and European countries, which buy Russia natural gas, are being blackmails and coerce to stop Russia using gas as a weapon to against Ukraine and European countries, Oh really? So evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and the US know better than Europeans, that is the usual evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and their hawks in Wall Street who have never ever smelt the stench of gun powder all their, but they are armchair war analysts.
People of Crimea, they just did their referendum in 2014 and ran to mother Russia. People of Russia don’t want Ukraine, but the NATO, broke the agreement they with Russian in Warsaw right of the fall USSR empire.
Here in South Sudan, our Abyei Ngok muonyjiengs/Jiengs/Jenges/Jaangs/Dinkas, did their referendum in 27/10/2013, and came back to South Sudan, there referendum result was ‘tacitly accept by their South Sudanese brothers and sisters’. Our cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, some creeps here in the IGAD, the African Union (the AU), the US, the UK, the UN and the NGOs and some other leeches and ticks in between, they cannot recognized Abyei referendum. Who gives a damn about the evils recognition?
And this is why hypocrisy is very dangerous. The US, the UK and so on are ‘democracies, says who?’ Ask the Indigenous Americans, Palestinians, Indigenous Canadians, indigenous Central and South (Latin) Americans, Caribbeans, Indigenous Australians or New Zealand, whether their countries are real democracies. Here in South Sudan, we are 100% democrats and egalitarians, we know the ‘reasons why’.
We are the Ancient Egyptians, There are evils on this planet earth, who just like to attach themselves over other people and their countries. In my mother tongue ‘luäŋ ëkë cï rɔt cuat në miökic/mökic, kuɛ̈nybei, ku jal nyai yii luäŋ a nyiɛ̈i rɔt, which ruffly translates in English, the people hate to death, ‘a fly has just dipped itself into the oil/ghee, a fly is is wasting it times and Jiɛ̈ŋ of the Sudan and Egypt times’ It will be crushed to nothing. Fellows, pure HATRED and RACISM lurks here. What do the evils really smoke? The Nile is not controlled by lives, it is controlled by the owners, us.
They follow us 24/7. for assassinations (the Assassins), read the so-called Da Vinci Code by Mr. Dan Brown: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/968.The_Da_Vinci_Code
It is just a novel, but it has a dirty and shifty truth in it. I don’t think many South Sudan have luxuries to read those these fancy books, but some daring South Sudanese can read anything if they so wish to, so long, as they don’t get themselves be ensnared into devil and evils worlds of intrigues and fantasies. I had posted a number of times, that the so-called Brexit British leaving the European Union (the EU) is being negotiated here over South Sudan and the South Sudanese people.
That our country is part of UK and that South Sudanese are British subjects, my good God. we have part of the so-called evil English monarchies whom we don’t consider any damn anything.
We cannot live side by side with our cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Rwandans, Nigerians, Ghanians, Italians, Greekis, their gulf Arab states’ terror exporters, white people, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, not today, not yesterday or in million years, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
South Sudan is not a part of damned so-called ANGLO-AMERICA AMERICA empire, or Juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs & terrorists, never has and will never ever will under the sun. The vermins/parasites/viruses have step on the wrong people——-us.
Once again,
El Qada, ISIS/L, Jesh El Nustra, Jesh El Isam, Muslim Brotherhood, Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), FARC in Columbia, CIA, MI6, Mosad in West Africa, our own so-called SPLM/A-IO of Mr. Riek Machar here in South Sudan, we have crushed it. But the evils who have attached themselves to our country and over our people. Have no choice. Their only tail had been cut off and, even went and nudged their TPLF in Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, to attach their evil selves again to South Sudan and South Sudanese people, Good luck fellows.
AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION. When are the evils bring their into south Sudan and get away with it if you vermins/parasites/viruses think, you are anything to South Sudan and the South Sudanese people.>>>>