By Beny Gideon Mabor
OPINION — The Republic of South Sudan was borne out of protracted political violence for nearly four decades. As a result of such deadly and generational wars, the culture of violence and conflict has caused damage to South Sudanese socio-economics, political and cultural fabric for far too long.
When South Sudan proclaimed independence on 9 July 2011, there were high hopes for a prosperous, peaceful, and united South Sudan where wars, death, diseases, destruction of properties, and displacements of citizens would become things of the past.
Two years down the line in Mid-December 2013, such positive aspirations were turned into a nightmare when political violence broke out within the Presidential (Guard) Tiger Division and subsequently flared up in many parts of the country into full-blown civil war. Without fear of contradiction, it is evidenced that South Sudanese political leaders missed or had squandered opportunities for state and nation-building.
With the help of the international community, the civil war was brought to an end through the 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). The R-ARCSS reconstituted the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) as one of the organs of the government with its oversight and legislative functions as incorporated into the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011 as amended. However, these parliamentary oversight roles are limited by the provisions of the R-ARCSS as an agreed supreme law of the land over the Transitional Constitution.
In many instances, such supremacy of the R-ARCSS has been ignored by many stakeholders in the implementation of the R-ARCSS, and in this case, some sections of parliamentarians in a particular party to the R-ARCSS have done it in the supposed adoption of the Political Parties Act 2012 as amended. The core premise of this policy brief is that the TNLA has seen a boycott of parliamentary sessions for the last few days. The walkout was staged by parliamentarians representing the Sudan people’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO), and other opposition parties due to disagreement over the passage of the Political Parties Act 2012 (Amendment) Bill 2022.
In particular, the dissenting opinions by the opposition groups accused the incumbent TGoNU ( of the R-ARCSS) of unilaterally and illegally passing the Political Parties Act 2012 (Amendment) Bill 2022 in its ordinary sitting No: 09/2022 dated 30 May 2022 by tempering with the form and content of the said law in contravention of the R-ARCSS and the Conduct of Business Regulations
Accordingly, Article 1.20.1 of the R-ARCSS provides that, “within six (6) months of the signing of the Agreement, the reconstituted National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) shall review the Political Parties Act 2012, and ensure that the Act complies with international best practices for the free and democratic registration of political parties in South Sudan, and shall present a draft Bill to the National Legislative Assembly for ADOPTION through the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. The Act shall permit the open registration of parties.”
As enshrined by such express provisions of the R-ARCSS and considering the supremacy of the R-ARCSS over the Transitional Constitution, in accordance with article 8.2 of the R-ARCSS, the TNLA has indeed exceeded its mandate to temper with the form and contents of the Political Parties Act 2012 amendment Bill 2022 contrary to the provisions of article 1.20.1 of the R-ARCSS.
On the contrary, the opposition groups on the other hand got it wrong that all the six security-related legislation or Bills reviewed by the NCAC are to be only adopted by the TNLA. Such narrative is not supported by the R-ARCSS or Conduct of Business Regulations. Instead, article of the R-ARCSS mandated the NCAC “to review and complete amendments to relevant national security legislation to bring their provisions into conformity with the R-ARCSS.” In other words, the other security-related legislation reviewed by the NCAC and submitted to the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs should undergo normal parliamentary proceedings including introducing amendments, if any, to such legislation.
The interpretation of the two provisions of the R-ARCSS is clear, one on the Political Parties Act 2012 (Amendment) Bill 2022 which has specifically mandated the TNLA under 1.20.1 of the R-ARCSS to adopt it as a whole while article1.18.1.2 mandated the TNLA to review and complete amendments to relevant national security legislations.
In light of these clear findings, I am of the opinion in agreement with provisions of the R-ARCSS that His Excellency the President returns the Political Parties Bill 2022 to the TNLA for incorporation of the previous text inserted by the NCAC. At the same time, the SPLM-IO and other opposition groups should drop their demands for the adoption of the six security-related legislation and allow normal parliamentary proceedings and passage of such legislation.
Beny Gideon Mabor is a commissioner at the South Sudan Human Rights Commission and can be reached via
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‘Who is to blame for South Sudan’s parliamentary crisis?’
Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor
There is no one else to blame but our South Sudanese usual foreign puppets/stooges and traitors in the so-called SPLM-IO and their foreign masters in the US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israel), their gulf Arab states, financiers, their UN, their sleazy NGOs and their lackeys here in the IGAD and the African Union (the AU). These creeps have realized that their only hope to stay relevant in South Sudan and over South Sudanese people is to always use their puppets/stooge, traitors and the South Sudanese people who have sold themselves, their souls and themselves to foreign interest groups and secret secret societies and cabals, Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor, a gutter or shoddy lawyer who even consider to ‘make international community piece of rubbish, everything or anything over South Sudan and the South Sudanese people, when in fact, the damn so-called international community is the one behind the current mess in our country and over our people. Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor, piece of low life.
Yes, South Sudan is part of the international community, but the international laws are just damn ‘treaties” piece low educated piece of shit. Your damn international community and doesn’t make laws for any damn country on this planet earth.
But South Sudan was picked out by ‘the devil worshipers, bloodsucking vampires, secret cabals, vermins/parasites/viruses/pests in the US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog, their gulf paymasters, their UN, their NGOs and their lackeys in the IGAD and the African Union (the AU), to be used as ‘experiment for the so-called UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, GOVERNMENT OF HUMANITARIAN AID (and you, Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor, you are just a fifth rate so-called lawyer, scrounging on handouts from foreign NGOs); GOVERNMENT RUN BY MERCENARIES (cloaked on peacekeeping uniforms when in fact, they are the agents of the so-called world government and occupying forces), HUMAN RIGHTS, WOMEN RIGHTS, GAY RIGHTS, LESBIANS RIGHTS OR LGBTQs RIGHTS (disguised so-called world government agents & creeps to crawl their evil selves into our people’s and over our people). and THE GOVERNMENT RUN BY DONATIONS FROM FACELESS DONORS, ‘big multinationals, big corporations or their big mass media mouthpieces or propaganda machines—in other words’.
Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor, our so-called SPLM-IO, doesn’t’ exist chap, we destroyed in 2016 on the 07/07/2016 Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor good old lawyer. The gulf Arab states are the ones who donate ‘the meager rations’ to our South Sudanese low lives in these filthy so-called protection of civilian sites POCs in ‘Wau Acholdit, Bentiu, Mayendit, Guolyar Atong (Ming Kaman), Juba, here in Bor, Malakal, Aburoc, AKoba, our Gambella region, Kakuma and Arua in Northern Uganda’—–it called *protection money, lowly educated piece of shit, the UN, humanitarian aid and NGOs are just veneers or covers, the racketeers or mafia used to further the US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog, their gulf paymasters, their UN, their NGOs and their lackeys in the IGAD and the African Union (the AU), so-called UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, GOVERNMENT OF HUMANITARIAN AID, AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION, being propagated the devil the US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israel) attack dog, their gulf paymasters, their UN, their NGOs and their lackeys in the IGAD and the African Union (the AU), to be used as ‘experiment for the so-called UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, GOVERNMENT OF HUMANITARIAN AID
Pieceof shit, the united nations missions in South Sudan, UNMISS, mercenaries or so-called peacekeepers, humanitarian aid or NGOs workers are financed by the racketeers, the UN operation in New York and Geneva, Switzerland and New York are financed, by the gulf Arab states (the house of Saud) terrorists, Germany and Japan. Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor piece of shit, all the politicians in the so-called western countries and even here here in Africa in ‘pockets of gulf Arab states, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs—–AICPAC lobbying group in Washington,, robber barons, secret cabals of Rothschild banking family cartel, Rockefeller family (the UN building land in New York was donated by Rockefeller family cartel, who says robber barons give free things to anyone, the US and the UK, even bugged or taped all the UN diplomat offices, in that damned UN building against international established protocols or laws if you piece of shit thing, you are a lawyer), Meyers, Koch Brothers, Henry Kissinger family (an evil juus (so-called israel) piece of sewer, he was used to play games with the people of Vietnam during Vietnam war by the US, Military industrial complex (MICs). he was even awarded a damn so-called Nobel peace prize, jointly (paired) with a Vietnamese general by his low lives, in Norway. ‘The Vietnamese, general turned down, the evils and devils so-called Nobel peace prize’, because the Vietnamese had principles. The house of Malta, Roman catholic sect (the society of Jesuits sect), the house of Windsor family of devil infested island of England of so-called queen Victoria, queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill a drunk and a lowly educated piece of shit (who was even brought here to our Nilotic valleys and plains as a propagandist, by his secret cabals) They went and installed him into power in their devil infested island of England their as their prime minister & stoked up their WWII, rounded their evil juus (so-called israelis) pieces of shits, and proposed that their evil juus (so-called israelis) would resettled in Uganda (their so-called pearl of Africa) or Madagascar, their evil juus (so-called israelis) would have been WIPED OUT. They (THE the evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dog, their gulf Arab states , white Americans, our cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes, Bantuses, Dutches, Portuguese, Italians, Irish, gays, lesbians or LGBTQs, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, out of our country and over people once and for all, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor, in Southern Africa, have you ever heard, Cecil Rhode or the so-called Rhode scholars?
‘Rhodesia or Nyasaland in Southern Bantuses of South Africa, Zimbabwe (our Bantus best ally) Lesotho, Eswani (Swaziland), Botswana, Angola, Zambia and Malawi, were Mr. Cecil Rhode from the infested island England, estates’. Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor.
The same Cecil Rhode proposed that ‘British railway from Capetown, through Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi through Kenya, South Sudan right up to our Egypt, and that from our Egypt though our kiirtoum (Khartoum) to our Wau Acholdit*, Mr Beny Gideon Mabor, that is not going to happen under the sun or even million years, reason, pure HATRED and RACISM.
Mr. Beny Gideon Mabor, have you heard a South Sudanese or a Jaang/Jieng/Jenge/Jongkoth/Muonyjieng of the Sudan and Egypt ever go and studied in the devil infested island of England through their so-called Rhode scholarship? Not Really. We know the reasons, Rhode scholarship, was what the secret cabals in the devil infested used ‘to spruce up’ their so-called Anglo-Saxons cheap and dirty intrigue empire around the World.
The only country that is given that those so-called scholarships is the US, 100 Cecil Rhode scholars every year from the US, 2 for every state in the US. It was precisely to KICK UPSTAIRS, the so-called ANGLO-AMERICAN, in Southern Africa, a few Bantuses, are taken to Oxford university to be ‘brain washed about the devil infested cheap and evil intrigues and how they scammed, the whole world, a few of them from India sub continent (their British East India corporation), Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand in Asia and Pacific. Canada and Caribbean islands’. Compare Rand corporation—-the Dutch in Southern Africa right up to Indonesia.>>>>>